Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме “Travelling around the world”. 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме “Travelling around the world”.
Основной метод: проектная технология
Тип урока: Обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме «Путешествие».
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков с помощью проектной технологии.
Обучающие: развитие коммуникативных умений
Воспитательные: воспитание и уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, умению работать в команде.
Развивающие: развитие логического мышления, воображения, памяти,формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Образовательные: тренировка в аудировании, говорении, совершенствование техники чтения, активизация употребления страноведческой лексики. Практика в оформлении мини проекта с использованием компьютерной технологии.
Ход занятия
Оргмомент. Look at the pictures and say. What will we speak about?
| Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учеников | Используемые электронные образовательные ресурсы | УУД, формируемые у ученика |
1. Орг момент. | Good morning. Look at the pictures. What we’ll we speak about? | About travelling and famous travelers and their discoveries. |
| Умение понимать в целом речь учителя, распознавать на слух и понимать связное высказывание учителя и одноклассников, построенное на знакомом материале. |
II. Развитие фонетич умений. Речевая разминка | Tell us please. What do you think about travelling? 1. Do you like to travel? 2. Is it your hobby? 3. Is travelling expensive? 4. Where did you go? 5. How did you get there? 6. Did you like your journey? | They answer the questions. |
| Умение строить предложение, связь с жизненным опытом. |
III. Активизация лексики по теме | To speak about travelling we should know key words: What other words can you make? Voyage, journey, trip-путешествие discover- explore- exploration reseach to roam through- Norway- reach to- accompany- expedition- destination- travers- return- crew- coast, coastline- island- begin- began He is known as- Was named in his honour Strait Ocean Northwest Passage- северо-западный проход
Remember: in the south- to the south in the north- to the north in the east- in the west-
| Translate into English |
| Расштрение словарного запаса. |
IV.Развитие коммуникатив умений в области аудирования. | Listen to the story about a famous traveler and make notes about what happened during the following dates or periods. Book page 68 Ex.24 Unit 2
| Listen and do the task. | Аудиоприложение к УМК, Unit 2 | Развитие умения работать с аудиотекстом. |
V. Работа в группах. | Now let's speak more about explorers and their discoveries. Explorers have helped expand the horizons of mankind in more ways than one - they are the people who have gone to places as yet undiscovered and unexplored. They have made these new places physically open to new voyagers and by bringing back stories of these new places, they have opened the minds of people to new adventures and excitement. Can you name the famous explorers? Ex.26 p.68 Devide into 4groups and choose the tasks you like. Read the instruction and be ready present your work. | Work in groups. (Берут карточки)
1. Famous travellers and their discoveries. R.Amundsen, V.Bering 2. 1. Famous travellers and their discoveries.H.Hudson, Christopher Columbus 3. Advantages and disadvantages of different means of travelling. 4. Discoveries of M.Polo, J.Cook. | Слайд ы Фотографии путешественников. | Развитие умения работать в группе, слушать друг друга.
VI. Представление проектов. | Now your time is out. It's time present your works. | (Представляют работы) |
| Умение презентовать собственную деятельность, умение работать перед аудиторией. |
VII. Подведение итогов рефлексия | Выставление отметок. Рефлексия. |
Group 1. Read the text and tell about a famous traveller.
When did he live? What did he discover?
Group 2. Read the text and tell about a famous traveller.
When did he live? What did he discover?
Group 3. Now we can get to any point / destination in the world.
Discuss the following means of transport. What is the best way of travelling?
Tell advantages and disadvantages of different transport?
Group4. Where go to travel? What are the most famous places worth visiting? Why?
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Предварительный просмотр:
Occupation: English Explorer
Born: 1560s or 70s somewhere in England
Died: 1611 or 1612 Hudson Bay, North America
Best known for: Mapping the Hudson River and the North Atlantic
Where did Henry Hudson grow up?
Historians know very little of Henry Hudson's youth. He was probably born in or near the city of London sometime between 1560 and 1570. It is likely that his family was wealthy and that his grandfather founded a trading company called the Muscovy Company.
At some point in his life Henry married a woman named Katherine. They had at least three children including three sons named John, Oliver, and Richard. Henry grew up near the end of the Age of Exploration. Much of America was still uncharted.
Northern Passage
Many countries and trading companies at the time were searching for a new route to India. Spices from India were worth a lot of money in Europe, but were very expensive to transport. Ships had to sail all the way around Africa. Many ships and their cargo were sunk or captured by pirates. If someone could find a better trade route, they would be rich.
Henry Hudson wanted to find a northern passage to India. He thought that, since the sun shined most of the summer on the North Pole, the ice there would melt in the summer. Perhaps he could sail right over the top of the world to India. Starting in 1607, Henry headed up four different expeditions searching for the elusive northern passage.
First Expedition
Henry set sail on his first expedition in May of 1607. His boat was called the Hopewell and his crew included his sixteen year-old son John. He sailed north up the coast of Greenland and to an island called Spitsbergen. At Spitsbergen he discovered a bay full of whales. They also saw plenty of seals and walruses. They kept going north until they ran into ice. Hudson searched for over two months to find a passage through the ice, but eventually had to turn back.
Second Expedition
In 1608 Hudson once again took the Hopewell out to sea in hopes of finding a passage to the northeast over Russia. He made it as far as the island of Novaya Zemlya located far to the north of Russia. However, he once again encountered ice which he could not pass no matter how hard he searched.
Third Expedition
Hudson's first two expeditions had been funded by the Muscovy Company. However, they now lost faith that he could find a northern passage. He went to the Dutch and soon had another ship called the Half Moon financed by the Dutch East India Company. They told Hudson to try to find a way around Russia again going to Novaya Zemlya.
Henry Hudson meets with Native Americans
Despite clear instructions from the Dutch, Hudson ended up taking a different route. When his crew nearly mutinied because of the cold weather, he turned around and sailed to North America. He first landed and met Native Americans in Maine. Then he traveled south until he found a river. He explored the river which would later be called Hudson River. This area would later be settled by the Dutch including an area on the tip of Manhattan which would one day become New York City.
Eventually the Half Moon could no longer travel up the river and they had to return home. Upon returning home, the King James I of England was angry with Hudson for sailing for another country. Hudson was put under house arrest and was told never to explore for another country again.
Fourth Expedition
Hudson had many supporters, however. They argued for his release saying that he should be allowed to sail for England. On April 17, 1610 Hudson once again set sail to find the Northwest Passage. This time he was funded by the Virginia Company and sailed the ship Discovery under the English flag.
Hudson took the Discovery to North America sailing further north than he had on his previous expedition. He navigated through a perilous strait (Hudson Strait) and into a large sea (now called Hudson Bay). He was sure that a way to Asia could be found in this sea. However, he never found the way through. His crew began to starve and Hudson did not treat them well. Finally, the crew mutinied against Hudson. They put him and few loyal crew members into a small boat and left them adrift in the bay. Then they returned home to England.
No one is sure what happened to Henry Hudson, but he was never seen from again. It is likely that he quickly starved to death or froze to death in the harsh cold weather of the north.
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