Открытый урок "Вильям Шекспир – бессмертный поэт"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Вильям Шекспир – бессмертный поэт.
William Shakespeare – immortal poet of nature.
1.Развитие навыка аудирования.
2. Развитие навыка чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста.
3.Развитие умения говорения на основе прочитанного текста.
4.Воспитание художественного вкуса у детей.
5.Воспитание межличностных отношений.
Формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков: умения воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения, умения говорить на основе прочитанного текста.
Расширять эрудицию учащихся, их лингвистический, филологический и общий кругозор.
Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, ценностные ориентации, чувства и эмоции школьника, готовность к коммуникации;
Гуманитарное и гуманистическое развитие личности ученика.
Формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к культуре и народу изучаемого языка;
Воспитывать культуру общения;
Воспитывать интерес к учению и формированию познавательной активности.
Компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, тест по аудированию, текст по чтению, презентация, рефераты, рисунки учащихся по теме, выставка произведений В.Шекспира.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
The bell has gone. Let’s begin our lesson! Good morning! Sit down please! Who is absent today? Today is the seventeenth of March.
Стихия Шекспира – огромная сфера,
Где взор ювелира, и страсть Люцефера,
И клекот орлиный, и шорох зеленый,
Где скептик влюблен, ненавидит влюбленный.
Стихия Шекспира – безмерность и мера,
От крика райка до молчанья партера,
Где тишь говорит и молчит красноречье,
Где всё с человеком, где всё – человечье.
Л. Озеров.
II.Сообщение темы и целей урока.
T.: Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest writer in world literature: William Shakespeare.
Our objectives are:
To develop speaking, listening and reading skills on the topic
“William Shakespeare – immortal poet of nature.”
III. Основная часть урока.
1.Сообщение-биография Шекспира. We don’t know a lot about Shakespeare’s biography, but today we are going to imagine some moments from his life.
English Teacher. Now, let’s listen to the boys. (Показ презентации)
Pupil 1. The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by people “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal Poet of Nature” and the “Great Unknown”. Scientists consider that Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. Stratford-on-Avon is a small town in the centre of Great Britain. It is famous as the place where William Shakespeare was born.Young Shakespeare stadied at the Grammar School Where boys learned Latin,Greek,and other subjects. At that time there were no theatres in England. Groups of actors travelled from town to town and played in different places, usually out-of-doors. Sometimes actors came to Stratford. YoungWilliam went to see all their shows and liked them very much. He wanted to become an actor. Sometimes he wrote little plays himself and staged them with his friends.
Pupil 2 Life in Stratford-on-Avon was hard, and when Shakespeare was twenty –one he went to London. In London he joined a group of actors. At the same time, Shakespeare was an actor, poet and a writer of drama. He wrote 154 sonnets, 2 poems and 37 plays, where he showed his creative genius. The first period(1590-1600) of his creative work consists of comedies and histories.In this period Shakespeare wrote such histories as “King Richard II”, “King Richard III”,”King Henry IV”, “King Henry V” and others. Here the author showed historical events and dramatic characters. “Romeo and Juliet” is one of Shakespeare’s best plays. It is a tragedy, but it was written in the first pperiod of his creative work.This play is full of love, youth and humanism. “Romeo and Juliet” was often staged at the theatre and it was a great success.
Pupil 3.All of Shakespeare’s famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and 1608.This was the second period of his literary work. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity. He presents great human problems. This period began with the tragedy “Hamlet”, which was a great success. The following plays belong to the second period:”King Lear”, “Othello”, “Macbeth” and others.Shakespeare’s plays of the third period (1609-1611)are called Romantic Dramas:”The Tempest”, “The Winter’s Tale”, “Henry VIII”.In 1612, Shakespeare left London. He decided to live in Stratford. Since that time Shakespeare didn,t act any more and since 1613 he no longer wrote plays.Nobody knows what Shakespeare did during the last years of his life. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, and he was buried in this church in Stratford.
English Teacher. And now let’s listen to the main facts from his biography. Be very careful.
But before listening, look at the blackboard. There are some new words in our listening comprehension.
На доске выписаны незнакомые слова, учитель на английском языке объясняет их значение:
- a glove-maker – перчаточник,
- Anne Hathaway – имя собственное,
- a part-owner – совладелец
William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. At the age of 6 he was sent to school, but had to leave it at the age of 13 and never went to school again.
His father who couldn’t even write was a glove-maker and William helped him in his trade.
At the age of 18, he married Anne Hatheway. Ann was 8 years older than her husband and their marriage wasn’t happy. They had 3 children. When Shakespeare was 21, he went to London and became an actor. He began to work in the modern theatre “Globe”. 14 years later he became a part owner of the Globe theatre in London. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 17 comedies, 10 historical plays and 7 books of poems. But only 18 of them were published in his lifetime.
Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died, on the same date as his birthday, the 23rd of April 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was opened to the memory of the great playwright in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey.
English Teacher. And now we’ll do the task. Everybody has this test paper. Look through the questions, please. Before doing the tasks, listen to the biography once more.Учитель читает биографию Шекспира еще раз.
English Teacher. And now write down your surnames and mark the right variant. I’ll give you 2 minutes.
2. Выполнение теста по аудированию.
1. William Shakespeare was born …a) 1560; b) 1564; c) 1574.
2. William Shakespeare left school when he was …a) 15; b) 12; c) 13.
3. William and Anne had … children. a) 1; b) 2; c) 3.
4. When Shakespeare was …, he went to London and became …
a) 18, a writer; b) 21, an actor; c) 20, a glove-maker.
5. Shakespeare wrote … plays. a) 37; b) 17; c) 18.
6. Shakespeare died …
a) on the same date as his birthday b) in 1617 c) the 25th of April 1616
7. A monument was opened …
a) near the theatre “Globe”; b) in Westminster Abbey; c) in Stratford-on-Avon.
Key: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) b, 5) a, 6) a, 7) b
English Teacher. Your time is up. Hand in your papers, please.
3. Чтение текста и выполнение заданий. T.: Well done! We knew something about Shakespeare’s life. And now I suggest you to read a text about him, to say and to write what you have known about William from this text. Everybody get a text.
(Учащиеся читают текст о В. Шекспире в течение 3-4 минут и дописывают ключевые слова.)
Mary Arden’s house, three miles northwest of Stratford. Here lived Shakespeare’s mother. This is a typical farm house of the period. Shakespeare’s birthplace is in Henley Street. John Shakespeare lived and kept his shop in this house. His eight children were born here. Two of them died young. This is the schoolroom where Shakespeare was educated, as many people believe. It is still in use. Anne Hathaway’s cottage, a mile from Stratford, where she was born in 1556, and lived until she married William Shakespeare in 1582. This is the place where the house in which Shakespeare died used to be. It was a big house bought by William Shakespeare for his family when he was still in London. Here he spent the last years of his life. Unfortunately, the house was destroyed. This is the Holy Trinity Church where Shakespeare was buried. Visitors coming to Stratford admire the beauty of the church and honour his memory. It’s interesting that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616. Another memorial to William Shakespeare is the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The present building was constructed in 1932. The first building was opened on Shakespeare’s birthday in 1879 and destroyed by fire in 1926.
The bronze statue of Shakespeare, presented to Stratford by Lord Ronald Sutterland Gower in 1888. Shakespeare’s figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare’s famous characters.
T.: Your time is up. What have you known about W.S. from this text? Will you begin: I have known that…
(Учащиеся рассказывают, что они узнали из текста.)
P1: I have known, that Shakespeare had 7 sisters and brothers.
P2: I have known, that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616.
Физкультминутка. (Учащиеся проводят физкультминутку.)
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes,
Raise your hands
High in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before.
While you clap: one, two, three, four.
4. Исполнение сонетов на русском и английском языках.
T.: We continue our speaking about Shakespeare. You know W. Shakespeare wrote many sonnets – 154. What does it mean – a sonnet? A sonnet is a fourteenline poem. The sonnets of Shakespeare are very popular and loved by people. All of them were translated into different languages. Now some of you prepared to read some sonnets in English and in Russian. Listen to them! Who is the first? (Учащиеся читают сонеты на английcком и русском языках на фоне тихой классической музыки.)
Pupil 1. Sonnet 90
Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now,
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of Fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss.
Ah, do not, when my heart hath’scaped this sorrow.
Come in the rearward of a conquered woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come: so shall I taste
At first the very worst of Fortune’s might;
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.
Звучит песня Аллы Пугачевой «Сонет Шекспира» (перевод С.Маршака)
Pupil 2. Sonnet 66
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry;
As, to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimmed in jolity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And gilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And mained virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill,
And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
Andcaptive good attending captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I be gone
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.
Сонет 66
Измучась всем, я умереть хочу.
Тоска смотреть, как мается бедняк,
И как шутя живется богачу,
И доверять, и попадать впросак,
И наблюдать, как наглость лезет в свет,
И честь девичья катится ко дну,
И знать, что ходу совершенствам нет,
И видеть мощь у немощи в плену,
И вспоминать, что мысли заткнут рот,
И разум сносит глупости хулу,
И прямодушье простотой слывет,
И доброта прислуживает злу.
Измучась всем, не стал бы жить и дня,
Да другу трудно будет без меня. Перевод Бориса Пастернака
Pupil 3. Sonnet 91
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies force;
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill;
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest.
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best,
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments’cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men’s pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
Allthis away, and me most wretched make.
Сонет 91
Кто хвалится родством своим со знатью,
Кто силой, кто блестящим галуном,
Кто кошельком, кто пряжками на платье,
Кто соколом, собакой, скакуном.
Есть у людей различные пристрастья,
Но каждому милей всего одно.
А у меня особенное счастье,-
В нем остальное все заключено,
Твоя любовь, мой друг, дороже клада,
Почетнее короны королей,
Наряднее богатого наряда,
Охоты соколиной веселей.
Ты можешь все отнять, чем я владею,
И в этот миг я сразу обеднею. Перевод С.Я.Маршака
Pupil 4. Sonnet 130
My mistress’ eyes are nothing.like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks:
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Сонет 130
Ее глаза на звезды не похожи,
Нельзя уста кораллами назвать,
Не белоснежна плеч открытых кожа,
И черной проволокой вьется прядь.
С дамасской розой, алой или белой,
Нельзя сравнить оттенок этих щек.
А тело пахнет так, как пахнет тело,
Не как фиалки нежный лепесток.
Ты не найдешь в ней совершенных линий,
Особенного света на челе.
Не знаю я, как шествуют богини,
Но милая ступает по земле.
И все ж она уступит тем едва ли,
Кого в сравненьях пышных оболгали. Перевод С.Я. Маршака
IV. Заключительный этап урока.
1. Подведение итогов урока.
T.: Thank you very much for your preparation and your activity at the lesson. I was greatly impressed with your answers. You showed your excellent knowledge of the topic. Let’s sum up!
- Did you like our lesson?
- Who was the best pupil today? Who was at the top of the class?
- Was it interesting for you to get to know more about W.S.?
(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.)
T.: Well! Your marks are: (учитель ставит оценки за урок.)
2. Домашнее задание. T.: Your home task is to write what you have known about W.S. (about 6-8 sentences). Our lesson is over. Bye-bye.
- www.khodov.ru/02Shakesp/shakesreare.htm;
- perevodchick-x.narod.ru/05.htm;
- lighthouse.nsys.by/lib/shakespeare/anikst.shtml;
- www.rus-shake.ru (база данных «Русский Шекспир», 2007-2008);
- www.kulichki.com/vv/ovys/teatr/ (можно посмотреть видеофрагмент спектакля «Гамлет» с участием В.Высоцкого);
- /var/www/ksu/universitet/f10/publications/2004/articles_1_1.php;
- «Большая энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия», 2007;
- «Герои Шекспира». Литература. Приложение к «Первое сентября» № 5/1997.
2011 © Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок»
Адрес: ул. Киевская, 24, Москва, Россия, 121165, ИД «Первое сентября», Оргкомитет фестиваля «Открытый урок»
- Эл. адрес: festival@1september.ru
Открытый урок по английскому языку
ТЕМА: «William Shakespeare – immortal poet of nature»
Учитель английского языка
Полина Т.И.
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