план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме "Важные родственные отношения". Совет другу в трудной ситуации. Письма учащихся в школьный журнал о своих проблемах с родителями, друзъями, одноклассниками и ответы редактора журнала с советами и рекомендациями.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное образовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №45
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 10
Тема: «Важные родственные отношения».
Совет другу в трудной ситуации.
Конспект открытого урока
учителя английского языка
Шмидт А.И.
ст.Северская, 2014
Тема урока : “Important relationships”
Цели урока:
образовательные цели:
- развитие умения читать с полным охватом содержания текста;
- совершенствование лексических навыков.
Воспитательные цели:
- развитие социокультурной конкурентно-способной личности;
- формирование психически устойчивой личности, способной ориентироваться в трудной ситуации.
Развивающие цели:
- расширение познавательной активности обучающихся;
- развитие коммуникативных умений, навыков индивидуальной и групповой работы.
Оборудование: УМК, видеопроектор, экран, аудиозапись диалогов, раздаточный материал с текстами для чтения, диаграммы, музыкальное сопровождение, презентация в Power Point.
Ход урока:
1. Organizational moment.
- My dear! The bell has already rung. It’s high time to begin our lesson. I’m very glad to see you.
- How are you?
- Can you say what date it is today?
- How do you find the weather today?
- Does your mood depend on weather?
2. Phonetic exercises.
- Listen to the short poem, then repeat it in groups. Be attentive: I’ll help you in formulating the topic of our lesson.
When life gives you lemons – make lemonade
If life gives you strict teachers – thank them
If life gives you strict parents – obey them.
3. Communicative practice.
- What can make you be nervous, annoyed, disappointed?
Students’ answers:
- My clothes
- Problems at school,
- A quarrel with parents,
- When a friend doesn’t want to understand,
- When I can’t find a thing I need,
- Lack of caring and sharing,
- Too much caring,
- When there are a lot of people in one house and you don’t have a chance to be alone, unseen or unheard.
- Can we regard all these complaints as problems?
- Look at the picture of teens in the book p.82 and say what their problems may be.
- Let’s remember Carol’s story. What happened with her? Can you remember?
4. Listening: ex.5 p.83. Carol talked to her brother Dave about the bullies. Which of things did Dave say he would do?
5. Brainstorming. Formulating the problem.
- What youth problems may be? Fill in the Word Web.
(censorship, relations with opposite sex, lack of privacy, subcultures, youth pregnancy, difficulties with getting education and finding the job)
- Choose the problem which is the most serious. Which problem is the common?
6. Text activities.
Not so far you have written letters to our school magazine about your problems, where you asked for help and advice on how to cope with your parents. Our editors received your letters, read them and gave you some advice.
Презентация писем. Слайд 1.
7. Relaxation.
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breath in. Breath out. Let’s suppose it’s summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. You are quite. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. You troubles float away. You love your relatives, school, friends. They love you too. You are in good spirits. Open your eyes. How do you feel?
8. Reading.
- Listen to the text and choose the corresponding sentences.
…..I’m a 17-year-old student who needs advice. I live with my family and study at the university. With my beloved boy I met a year ago when I was at school. We are good friends and even more we are going to be together forever. We enjoy being in love.
My problem is that my parents don’t like my boyfriend/ They are very strict and think that I’m too young to have serious relations. They don’t allow me to go on dates and even don’t want to hear about him. My parents make my life miserable. I get very depressed. I keep my stuff in a suitcase to leave my home in a suitable moment.
-What do professional psychologists say?
Слайд 2.
9. Summing up.
- What is necessary to avoid misunderstanding?
(mutual love)
- Look through the results of the survey among the students. The question under discussion was: “Do your parents often say to you ‘I love you?”
- According to the survey among young people about expressing love in their families
- 1% noticed that their parents say each other “I love you, my honey” in front of their children
- 2% say that their parents say this phrase in front of their friends.
- 97% prefer not to show their feelings.
10. Conclusion:
Students come to a conclusion: “A difficult child is a child who is unhappy”. To be happy means to be loved, to be heard, to be treated as equal.
The main idea of the lesson:
Love each other and everything will be OK. All obstacles will be overcome and all the gentle words will be found and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile. Your mother’s smile, your father’s smile, your smile…
11. The end of the lesson.
- Read the interview from a magazine: ex.7 p.85.
- Work with one of your friends. Talk about these things.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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