Сценарий Викторины на традиционный английский праздник «Halloween» для средней школы
материал по английскому языку по теме
Сценарий на традиционный английский праздник «Halloween»
Автор: учитель английского языка Бучина М.В.
Основной целью данной викторины является формирование мотивации у детей узнать больше о традициях английского праздника и развитие навыков как аудирования, так и говорения.
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Сценарий на традиционный английский праздник «Halloween»
Автор: учитель английского языка Бучина М.В.
Основной целью данной викторины является формирование мотивации у детей узнать больше о традициях английского праздника и развитие навыков как аудирования, так и говорения.
Москва, 2013
- Good morning! Welcome to our Halloween School Competition! How are you feeling? Are you ready? Ok, we are here to start our funny contests. We have two teams. The First one is called the Spiders, the second one is the Smart Pumpkins.
- Ok, and now some words about rules. If you win one contest, you will get 2 Halloween Bucks Here they are!
But if you don’t manage to do the task, you will get one buck or nothing. In the end of the game, we’ll count all your Halloween bucks and say who the winner is! The more you have the more chances you have to win! Good Luck to you all!
The first contest is Quiz about Halloween traditions. You’ll have 8 questions to do.
1. When is Halloween celebrated?
A) on the 25th of December
B) on the 14th of February
C) on the 31st of October
2. Where did Halloween come from?
A) England
B) America
C) Ireland and Scotland
3. What do children do on Halloween?
A) sing and dance
B) fight
C) play games
4. What is the symbol of Halloween?
A) potato-o-lantern
B) Apple-o-Jack
C) Jack-o'-lantern
5. What do children put on?
A) jeans and sweaters
B) costumes of witches and ghosts
C) trousers and shirts
6. What are "Tricks"?
A) money
B) jokes
C) sweets
7. What is the translation for the word Halloween?
- All hallows night
8. What ancient holiday was the basic one for Halloween?
- Samhain
The results are:
The Spiders have … correct answers
The Smart Pumpkins have … correct answers. Here are your Halloween Bucks!
- We continue with the second contest. The contest is called – “funny balloons”. You should blow the balloon; draw the eye, nose and a mouth on it. It should look like the symbol of Halloween – Jack-o-lantern! The closer you’d be, the more Halloween Bucks you get.
(The words if all the drawings are excellent) So the winner is…But all the balloons are excellent, do you agree with me? All the teams have won 2 Halloween bucks for each other!
(The words if one balloon is painted funnier)I think the winner is Team named…
But now it is time for the third contest. Play the Puzzle.
The first place will be given to the fastest team!
Are you ready? Let’s start now!
- We have the winner. Team….get 2 Halloween bucks for this contest.
- Well done. It was very funny.
- Ok, now we’ll have another one interesting contest - Play the crossword. The first place will be given to the fastest team! Are you ready? You’ ll have 2 minutes. Your time stars now!
- We have the winner. Team….gets 2 Halloween bucks for this contest.
-And the next contest is THE WORD SEARCHING game. The more words you find, the more Halloween bucks you get! Good luck! You’ll have 2 minutes. Your time stars now!
- We have the winner. Team….gets 2 Halloween bucks for this contest.
- And we are to start our last contest for today! The task is to Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin! We blindfold each player as they take a turn to play. Then spin each player around three times and let him or her go. They must try to pin the nose then the eyes and a mouth on the pumpkin in the correct place. And the team may help by yelling "Hot" or "Cold" if they are missing the pumpkin completely. The player that comes closest to the right spot is the winner.
- It’s time to sum up all the results and say who the winner is!
- The winner of the Halloween school contest is team…! We hope you have had a great fun today. We sure you have learnt a lot about English traditions and all of you have practiced in speaking English. All the participants of this Contest receive the CERTIFICATES of this game! Thank you and see you next time!
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