Развитие патриотических чувств у школьников на примере презентации "There is no other country like Russia!"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Поэтом можешь ты не быть,
Но гражданином быть обязан.
А что такое гражданин?
Отечества достойный сын.
Н. Некрасов
Для развития в детях патриотических чувств, на уроке английского по теме можно использовать презентацию о России.
Актуальность темы определяется тем, что общество все острее ощущает потребность в воспитании человека - патриота, гражданина, способного жить и активно творить в условиях демократического общества.
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Everything here is special - from climate and geography to culture and local lifestyles . Winter changes summer, and plains replace mountains. Hot subtropical climate of Sochi turns into moderately continental in Moscow and to severe Arctic in Siberia. Traveling across Russia is like visiting many countries at a time!
Its vast and complicated array of landscapes has created a diverse blend of forty national parks alongside its forty UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Here you can find the oldest mountains in the world, the Urals, and the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal. Travel from the tundra to the steppes, the desert to the glaciers, the valleys to the volcanoes without ever needing a new visa.
Geographic facts about Russia . The largest country in the world, Russia constitutes one-seventh of the world’s landmass and spans eight time zones. This expansive area allows it to neighbor more countries than anywhere else on earth, as well as touch twenty-two bodies of water and hold twelve seas within its borders.
Climatic facts about Russia Because of its size, Russia presents a drastically different atmosphere depending on your location. Most of the country has a continental climate with distinct periods of warm and cold weather that increases as you travel east. Temperatures for Moscow and St. Petersburg range from highs of 32 C in the summer to lows of -25 C in the winter.
Demographic facts about Russia Russia has a population of 145.5 million people, 80% of whom reside in Western Russia and two-thirds of whom live in cities . Moscow alone claims eleven million citizens, standing as the largest city in Europe. St . Petersburg boasts less than half that, with a mere five million residents . 1 in 4 Russians is retired, with the average age being 30 years old and growing every year. The normal Russian family consists of three people.
Language facts about Russia The official language in Russia is Russian . This language uses the Cyrillic alphabet instead of Latin and is one of the five most spoken languages in the world .
Religious facts about Russia Russian Orthodox is the official religion in Russia. 20% of Russians practice Islam while Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism are not wide spread but have small roles in Russian culture . Russian Orthodox Church, diminished during the Soviet period, has in recent years begun to recover in popularity and strength.
But in spite of the problems Russia is facing at preset, There are a lot of opportunities for this country to become one of the leading countries in the world!
Thank you for your attention!
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