урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме "животные"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Животные"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Animal world»
Предметные компетенции:
1) Лингвистические компетенции:
- обобщить материал по теме
- проверить насколько дети усвоили данную тему
- проверить уровень сформированности навыков и умений в монологической и диалогиченской речи по изученной теме.
2.)Развивающие компетенции:
- развитие языколвой догадки с опорой на родной язык при аудировании
- обогащение знаний о животных.
3) Воспитательные компетенции:
- развитие любви к родной природе
- привитие интереса к английскому языку посредством аудиозаписей, игровых сюжетов.
Ход урока:
- Вводная беседа
Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them. I am sure you will be glad to see different animals and birds in the zoo. Let's go to the zoo. I think it will be intresting. But before we go, listen a rhyme «To the Zoo».
To the Zoo
We are off to the zoo!
We are off to the zoo!
We haven't a moment to spare.
We are going to see the kangaroo.
And feed the big brown bear.
- Now we are in the zoo. What a fine zoo it is! I can see a lot of animals.
What animals can you see at the zoo?
What can do this animals?
Ребята по очереди отвечают на поставленные вопросы.
- Дети читают наизусть стихи о животных
A Rabbit
I had a penny,
A breit new penny,
I took my penny
To the market square.
I wanted a rabbit,
A little brown rabbit,
And I looked for a rabbit
Most ewerywhere.
Our Cat has a Flat
Our pussy — cat
Has a good, small flat.
It has no door
But a brown floor.
The walls are white
And the flat is breit.
The Bird — House
Little bird, little bird,
Look at me!
A have a bird house.
Oh, come and see!
Little boy, little boy
Under the tree,
I like this house,
Give it to me.
- Tell us story abaut wild animals.
Дети рассказывают о диких животных у доски.
5) Физкультминутка
Hands up, hands down
Hands on the hips, sit down
Hands up. To the sides
Bend left, bend right
1, 2, 3 hop!
1, 2, 3 stop!
Stand still.
6) Аудирование
Open your books, P 76 Ex 1
Listen and find the animal
7) Chidren, you know that many people have pets. Please, tell us stories about your pets.
Дети рассказывают о своих любимцах.
«I have a goat. It lives in the shed. It is white. It gives us milk. We like the goat very much. We have a nanny-goat and a billy-goat is grey and our billy-goat is brown. They have a kid. It is very nice. It runs and jumps in the yard. It is my pet. I like to play with it.»
Двое учащихся задают одноклассникам четыре загадки.
- I like green grass. I am smaller than a camel. I am smaller than a cow. My milk makes good cheese. What am I? (You are a sheep)
- When have reindrees 8 legs? (When there are two of them.)
- What does a pig have that no other animal has? (A piglet)
- How many legs has a shark? (It has no legs.)
- Do you know how many years domestic animals live?
На доске вывешивается таблица.
Rabbits-5, sheep-12, cats-13, dogs-15, goats-15, cows-25, pigs-25, horses-30, camels-40.
- Do you know how to spell the following words? Fill in the blanks with a, e, i, o, u, y.
Вывешивается таблица. Два ученика выходят к доске. Каждому из них предлагается по шесть слов. Побеждает тот, кто быстрее заполнит пропуски.
L — mb
g — at
c — t
d — ckl — ng
c — m — l.
C — lf
p — ss - ,
sh - - p
h — mst — r
t — g — r
r — bb — t.
- I want to find out what you know about animals in details. That is why we shall write the test about animals. You must only circle the right answer.
Circle (обведи) the right answer:
1 .The giraffe is: a) Four — legged animal
b) Three — legged animal
c) Two — legged animal
d) Short — legged animal
2. The pig is: a) White and big
b) Red and small
c) Red and big
d) Pink and big
3. The sheep is: a) A house pet
b) A wild animal
c) A farm animall
d) A domestic animal
4. Who is bigger (больше) than the hare? a) The parrot
b) The goat
c) The hamster
d) The tortoise
5. The tortoise eats: a) Meat
b) Grass
c) Sandwiches
d) Sweets
6. The lion has got long: a) Head
b) Hand
c) Hair
d) Leg
7. Who has got the longest neck? a) The fox
b) The crocodile
c) The giraffe
d) The bear
- Listen to these proverbs about animals and birds and translate them:
- When the cat is away, the mice will play.
- All cats are gray at night.
- Every bird likes its own nest.
- To kill two birds with one stone.
- If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
- Better an egg today then a hen tomorrow.
12) Children, thank you very much for your answers. You know a lot about animals and birds. Many of you have pets. Don't hurt animals, don't catch birds. It is necessary for you to remember some rules about your pets.
- Give him food every day.
- Give him water every day.
- Give him a clean place to sleep.
13) Dear children, you had a very good time at the zoo. You have seen many animals and birds. You know their names, you know many verses about them. I liked your answers. Every pupil has been given a postcard with a picture of animal or bird. On the reverse side there is a mark for your knowledge in English.
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