Сценарий сказки "Золушка" на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Сценарий сказки "Золушка" является авторким. это прямой перевод отрывка пьесы сказки " Золушка" Шварца. Сказка была поставлена с учениками пятого класса.
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Предварительный просмотр:
High shool №32
The fragment of play.
Cinderella`s father
1st guard of the kingdoom`s gates
2nd guard of the kingdoom`s gates
Fairy lady
Act 7
Two dancing pairs are leaving the stage. Music stops
Prince: Mysterious and beautiful princess. May I call you this way?
Cinderella: Yes, You may, my dear prince.
Prince: The weather is splendid like today, isn`t?
Cinderella: Yes, prince the weather is wonderful!
Prince: I hope the route wasn`t difficult for you.
Cinderella: No, prince. I`m fine, thank you
Prince: I know what you think about me.
Cinderella: No, prince, no. I hope you don`t know it.
Prince: I know you think what a silly prince.
Cinderella: Thank you God you are not right
Prince: May I ask you? Just a question.
Cinderella: Of course you may
Prince: One my friend, he is a prince too. Actually he is brave and clever. He met a girl. He liked her but he was confused. What can you say to him?
Cinderella: May be prince wasn`t sure.
Prince: No, he is absolutely sure.
Cinderella: I`m very happy now. Try to guess what I`m thinking about, please.
Prince: I know you are thinking about .....ice-cream.
Cinderella: I`m ashamed, prince, but you are right.
(Prince runs away)
Oh, hapiness, you are here. (Cinderella looks at the clock) I`ve got an hour and 5 minutes.
(Page comes)
Page: Dear Cinderella, I must distress you. The king ordered to reset the clock for an hour ago. He wanted guests to stay on the ball longer.
Cinderella: So, I have no time.
Page: Actually, yes. Don`t be upset. I’m not a wizard. I`m just learning but I think our story will have a happy end.
Cinderella: Well, that’s all.
(Page hides)
(Prince comes)
Prince: It`s the best ice-cream in the whole world. I`ve chosen it myself. What happened?
Cinderella: Thank you prince. Thank my dear prince. You are so caring and kind. You`re the best person in the world.
Prince: Why are you talking with me so sad?
Cinderella: Becouse I must go.
Prince: Wait, I can`t let you go. I`m not so funny it seems. Actually, It`s because I love you. You shouldn`t anger for it.
Cinderella: I know. (Cinderella runs away losing the shoe)
King: Oh, my boy is so happy!
(Prince takes a shoe and goes away) (Lyric music)
( Step-mother, Marianna, Anna, Father appear)
Anna: Write down, mummy. Prince glanced at me 3 times, smiled to me 2 times. So totally 5 times.
Marianna: The king said to me: “Glad to see you” 1 time; Ha-ha-ha 1 time and “ Pass it through . It`s blowing.” 1 time too. So totally 3 times.
Father: Why do you need all these notes?
Anna: Daddy, you are always grumbling.
Marianna: What a ball! Nine signs of attention! Mammy! Will they write our names in the velvet book of the most beautiful girls of the court?
Anna: I`d like it so much.
Step-mother: Don`t worry! Be happy!
(All children go away)
Fairy Lady: To my dismay, Cinderella had to leave in the most interesting moment. No I, no my little friend couldn`t help her.The wonders can`t find us everytime but we should believe. May be the happiness is going to Cinderella.
Act 8.
King: My dear boy, what happened? Yes, I know. 40 portions of ice cream. Of course, your stomack is frozen.
Prince: I haven`t tought ice-cream, daddy!
King: Haven`t you? Really? You are right. Anyway, what happened with you?
Prince: I fell in love. I love a strange princess but she ran away so quickly that she lost her crystal shoe.
King: Did you fall in love! Yes I`ve known. No, I haven`t known. Anyway, I`ll go to monastery! Live like you want.
Prince. She doesn`t love me.
King: OK I`ll stay here. Say it to Swinny. She loves you. Let`s try to look for her. (Prince goes away)
The guards of Fairy kingdom`s gates!
1st guard: We listen to you, your majesty!
King: The princess without cristal shoe left our kingdom, didn`t she?
2nd guard: Is she blonde?
King: Yes, she is.
1st guard: How old is she?
King: She is sixteen.
2nd guard: Pretty?
King: Yes, very.
1st guard. No, your majesty. She didn`t leave the kingdom
King: Why have you asked me in details?
2nd guard: Curiosity, Your majesty!
King: You are fools. Officer, Do you khow what love is? My son fell in love. He has said to her only a few words and she ran away.
Officer: Awful story!
King: Stop talking! We must look for her. I order: Catch all girls and ask them to try the shoe on. The girl, who can put on the shoe, is the prince`s bride. Understand?
Officer: Of course, your majesty.
Act 9
Step-mother: Сinderella, where were you, a naughty girl? You don`t ask us about the ball. We had a great success. I`m sure, the prince will marry one of my gils. Are you glad? You should be glad.
(Officer is coming.)
What do you need, officer?
Officer: Bless you, madam! I`ve got a king’s order!
Step-mother: A King’s one?
Officer: Yes, mam, I must catch the bride for prince.
Anna: Mummy, It`s me!
Marianna: No, It’s me!
Officer: I must try this crystal shoe on your daughters’ feet. If It’s her size, the shoe is hers, so she is the bride for prince.
Step-mother: What size?
Officer: Actually, I don`t know.
Anna: Mum, It`s my size!
Marrianna: No, Mum, It`s my size.
Step-mother: Officer! Call the King. It`s my daughter`s shoe.
Officer: But, madam...
Step-mother: Call the king. I`ll say to you thank you, of course later. Do you understand me? I`ll give you a lot of gold.
Officer: I can`t do that.
Step-mother: Give me a shoe. Do you have any other sizes?
Officer: No, I don’t!
Step-mother: Cinderella, sometimes, we argue with you but you mustn`t be angry, my girl. I know you can do everything, you have golden hands. Put this shoe on Anna’s foot. I’m asking for you, my dear, my favourite daughter.
Congratulations, Anna! Now Everybody will have my rules. Marianna, don’t cry. The king is a widower. It`s really sorry, the kingdom is too small. Nothing special! I`ll start to quarrel with neighbours. I can do it very well! Call the King!
Act 10.
King: Where , oh where is my girl?
Step-mother: This is she, your majesty, my dear son- in- low.
King: It isn`t she. Duke, what will we do?
Duke: Don`t worry your majesty. We can do something.
King: Hurry up, my dear, hurry up!
Duke: I’ve got a brilliant idea. Let`s ask her to dance. I think, she can`t do it.
King: Let`s do it.
Duke: Dear girl, are you ready for a little examination.
Anna: Yes, I`m ready.
Duke: Music please!
(Anna is limping)
Marianna: Mumma, I can do it better!
Duke: Oh, you are limping, beauty! Your shoe has ran away. Oh, It`s too small for you..
Marianna: I can put it on. I can! I can! I`ll bend my thumb, wait. Mummy, Where`s Cinderella?
Step-mother: No matter. Unknown beauty lost her shoe too.
Duke: Her shoe was a little bigger than she needs. Are there any other girls?
(Cinderella and her father are coming.)
Father: Yes, my king, my daughter Cinderella, She was crying in the garden. She held this shoe. I`ve never thought she is grown-up, my little daughter!
King: Oh, that she is! It’s yours, my dear, I`m sure. (Cinderella puts both shoes on) Prince, Prince!
Step-mother: It`s disgrace! It`s a nightmare! I will complain! My dears, Let`s go!
(Prince is coming.)
King: It`s a wedding time !
Prince: But Cinderella doesn`t say if she loves me.
(Cinderella comes up to prince)
Fairy lady: Ok, my dear friends, this is the end of the story. Everybody is happy, except step-mother and her daughters. But it’s her own fault. Nothing can help you make your foot smaller than your have. Nothing can help you make your soul clearer and your heart fairer than you have.
( All children sing a song “ My bonny is over the ocean”.)
The end.
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