сценарий урока английского языка "Знаменитые соотечественники за границей"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Урок английского языка по теме «Знаменитые соотечественники за границей»
Старченко С.В., учитель английского языка, МОУ СОШ № 57, г. Астрахань.
В сценарии урока ученики делятся впечатлениями о судьбах знаменитых соотечественников, уехавших за границу; показана работа над популярной песней Александра Рыбака “Fairy-tale”, упражнения и игры, тренирующие лексические единицы из данной песни, инсценировки, показывающие применение данных лексических единиц в различных ситуациях общения. Работа с песней способствует раскрепощению ребят в процессе тренировки и использования иностранных слов и словосочетаний при общении на английском языке, а так же способствует непроизвольному запоминанию иноязычных лексических единиц.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Famous Russians Abroad.
Учитель: Старченко С.В.
Цели и задачи:
- Проверить знания учащихся о выдающихся актёрах, музыкантах, деятелях искусства нашей страны, уехавших за рубеж;
- Работать с песней А. Рыбака «Сказка»;
- Тренировать изученные словосочетания из песни в разговорной речи;
- Прививать ребятам чувства гордости за достижения наших соотечественников за рубежом.
- Оборудование: лингафонный кабинет, стенд с фотографиями актёров, музыкантов, режиссёров, плакат с кроссвордом, декорации к сценкам “Аватар», «Любовь-моркровь», «Евгений Онегин», «Ромео и Джульетта».
Good morning, dear guests and pupils! I am glad to see you today. The subject of our talk is “Famous Russians Abroad”.You can see the faces of different people here. They played a very important part in the Russian history of cinema, theatre and music. Some of these persons became a legend for our people. What were they by profession?
P1: They were actors, singers and musicians.
T: What country do they live in? Do they still live in Russia?
P2: Most of them lived or still live abroad.
T: Now let’s do a crossword puzzle on the subject “Famous people of our modern culture”, which Masha and Zulya have prepared for you.
- One of the most famous comic actors of our country who moved abroad. (Savely Kramarov)
- The name of the English governess, whom Natalia Andreychenko played. (Mary Poppins)
- The film based on the Greek legend shot by Andrei Konchalovsky, which got an Oscar.
- The group the soloist of which Zhanna Aguzarova was.
- The kind of music which the group “Bravo” played.
- The motherland of Alexander Rybak.
- The actor who created a vivid image of a superman in the film “Torpedo-boats.”
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T: As you see, many talented people were born in our country. They became famous here, our people loved them. But then they went away abroad. Did they become famous there?
P: Andrey Konchalovsky became famous in Hollywood. He got an Oscar for his film.
P: Alexander Rybak became famous too. Actually, he is from Byelorussia.
T: Yes, that’s right. Today we shall speak in detail about Alexander Rybak. Can you say some words about him? What is he famous for?
P1: A. Rybak was the winner of the international contest “Eurovision 2009”. He was born in 1983 in Minsk in the USSR. He is a pianist, a violinist, a musician and an actor. Nowadays he lives in Norway. In 2009 A. Rybak worked in the orchestra ‘Ung Symphonie’.
T: What can you say about his parents?
P2: His parents are musicians. His father is a violinist. He was Alexander’s first teacher. He worked in the orchestra in Vitebsk, later in Minsk. Alexander’s mother worked in the editorial office of the musical programs of the Byelorussian Television.
I T: Today we shall listen to the song of Alexander Rybak “Fairy-tale”.You have heard this song on the radio and TV. Some of you have it as a ringtone on your mobile phone. Let’s speak about the contents of this song. Now we shall play sharades. You are to come to the blackboard, choose a sheet of paper, on which a phrase from the song is written. Read it, but don’t read it aloud.You are to show this phrase with the help of gestures and mimics. Boys and girls are to guess this phrase. (Сегодня мы послушаем песню А. Рыбака «Сказка». Вы уже много раз слышали эту песню по радио и ТВ. У кого-то из вас она на мобильном. Мы поговорим о содержании этой песни и поиграем в шарады. Вы выходите к доске, выбираете карточку, на которой написана фраза из песни. Прочитайте её про себя. Покажите эти фразы с помощью мимики и жестов. Остальные ребята должны угадать эту фразу:
- We were sweethearts;
- it hurts;
- I don't care if I lose my mind;
- Every day we started fighting;
- No one else can make me sadder;
- We fell apart;
- Now, tell me please what is this song about? ( Как вы думаете, о чём эта песня?)
P: … .
- Was this love happy? Why? (Была ли эта любовь счастливой?)
- Does the young man want to find his sweetheart? Why? What for?
(Хочет ли молодой человек найти свою возлюбленную? Если да, то зачем?)
I Let’s listen to the song and fill in the gaps. ( каждый ученик получает листок с текстом песни, в котором пропущены некоторые слова, задача учеников послушать песню и вставить подходящие слова).
Years ago, when I was younger,
I kinda liked a girl I _______.
She was mine, and we were _______________
That was then, but then it’s _________
I’m in love with a _______________,
Even ___________it hurts
‘Cause I don’t __________ if I lose my mind
I’m already ___________.
Every day we started ____________,
Every __________we fell in love
__________________ could make me sadder,
But no one else could lift me ____________above
I don’t ___________ what I was doing,
When _____________ we fell apart
_________________, I cannot find her
But when I do, we’ll ____________________
I’m in love with a fairytale,
Even __________ it hurts
‘Cause I don’t care if I ________ my ________
I’m already cursed
She’s a fairytale
Even though it _________
‘Cause I ________ care if I lose my mind
I’m already _________
II Now each of you has got a set of cards with words on them. These words are mixed up. You are to put the words in the correct order and to make up lines from this song. ( Kaждый ученик получает набор карточек со словами из песни на этих карточках. Задача учеников - расставить карточки со словами в правильной последовательности и собрать из этих карточек строчку из песни.)
III Listen to the song and sing along your own line, which you have just made up. (Послушайте песню и спойте каждый ту строчку, которую вы только что собрали)
IV Unhappy love and a hope for a brand new start are the eternal plot stories for songs, poems, romantic novels, films and even cartoons. Our boys and girls prepared short episodes for you to watch and to guess the love story and the heroes they describe.)
(Несчастная любовь и надежда начать всё с начала – вечный сюжет для песен, поэм, любовных романов, фильмов и даже мультфильмов. Наши ребята подготовили для вас сценки. Посмотрите и угадайте, героев каких романов или фильмов изображают наши ученики.)
Сценка №1
She: - Years ago, when I was younger you were more caring!
He: - O, no! Don’t start that fighting!
She: - O, yes! That was then, but then it’s true!
He(yawning): - May be… I don’t know …
She: - What?! No one else could make me sadder!
He: - Oh! You want me to lose my mind! But I don’t care.
She (crying): - You hurt me!
He: - R-R-R! I’m already cursed!
Сценка № 2
She: - My people wants peace! Your people started fighting!
And you! You are a liar! You hurt my people! You hurt me! You are cursed!
He: - I didn’t know what I was doing! Your planet is a fairy-tale!
I won’t let hurt this fairy-tale!
She: - We must fall apart!
He: - We shall never fall apart! I’ll save you and your planet!
Сценка № 3
He: - Dear! I’m in love with you! You are my fairy-tale! I hurt you years ago. Please forgive me! I was younger. I didn’t know what I was doing!
She: - Oh, it’s impossible! Years ago I was in love with you! That was then, but then it’s true! Nowadays I’m married. I will be faithful to my husband forever!
He: - But our feelings! I beg you, let’s get a brand new start!
She: - No, we shall never get a brand new start! We must fall apart!
(Евгений Онегин)
Сценка № 4
He: - My dear! I'm in love with you! You are my fairy-tale! Why are you so sad?
She: - Our families started fighting! Our fathers are cruel enemies! No one else could make me sadder. I’m afraid, we must fall apart!
He: - Don’t say that! We shall never fall apart!
(Father’s voice): - Daughter! Whom are you talking to!
She: - Hush! My father is coming! Run away!
(Ромео и Джульетта)
T: So, today you have worked very well. What new things have you learned at the lesson?
P1: - In different epochs love and happiness were the most important subjects. They are never out of date. Tragic or sad, funny or even fantastic, love stories always awake our interest.
T: - Alexander Rybak told his love story in his song and it brought him success. Why, what do you think?
P2; - This song is simple, but it is so sincere and emotional.
P3: - The violin playing is so beautiful. You can hear some folk Byelorussian tunes in it.
P4: - You see, that people from our country or from our brother Byelorussia, even though they got abroad, can find the way to make our folks and culture famous.
T: - That’s it. I am very glad, that you have been so active and creative. I hope this lesson helped you to enrich your vocabulary and gave you a bit of knowledge about our modern art and culture. Dear pupils, thank you for your work!
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