Разработка учебного текста для индивидуального чтения в 10 - 11 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Учащиеся старших классов могут использовать учебные тексты для индивидуального домашнего чтения. Лексический материал данных текстов достаточно сложный, но учащиеся запоминают слова и выражения достаточно хорошо, если после выполнения заданий к тексту и его пересказа они пишут небольшое сочинение по теме прочитанного текста.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The marks of real love
Lesson № 2
Ex. 1 Read and study the list of new words:
- A note of sadness – нотка печали 7. suffer – страдать, мучиться
- goal - цель 8. envy - завидовать
- mournful 9.puff up
- clarify - прояснять 10. iniquity
- desire - желание 11. bear
- profound 12.endure
Ex. 2 Read the text and answer these questions: What kinds of love are there according to the Greek language? What should be real love according to Paul’s words?
You remember the song of the Beatles, whose fans were crazy about their life philosophy that they propagated. The key song was titled “Real Love”. But the lyrics of it expressed a note of sadness. While describing real love as his goal in life and his prize at the end of the race, the song ends with the mournful thought that he was “only to be alone”.
What is the love that seems so elusive? If we had lived in the days of the apostle Paul, the Greek language would have helped us clarify the kind of “love”, we were looking for.
The word “epithumia” spoke of desire that found its fulfillment in sexual love. “Eros” was a term used to describe romantic love between a man and a woman.. “Storge” was a word to describe a strong love that protects and makes secure. “Philio” represented the brotherly love of family or friendship. And then there was “agape” (most often used to speak of God’s love) that meant love in its most profound and pure form.
Since Paul chose the word “agape” for his description of love, it appears he wanted us to see that it is the highest kind of divine love that gives lasting meaning to all other expressions of love. And so Paul wrote:
“ Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself; is not puffed up; does not behave rudely; does not seeks its own; is not provoked; thinks no evil; does not in iniquity, but rejoice in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Cor. 13:4-7).
Ex.3 Find English equivalents to the following:
пропагандировать, нотка печали, цель, греческий, прояснять, желание, наивысшее проявление, завидовать, превозноситься, бесчинствовать, сорадоваться.
Ex. 4 Choose the correct variant. Two answers are possible:
- The Beatles
- sang about free love b) propagated their life style c) had the sad thought of love
- In the ancient Greek language, the notion of love has
- 4 types b) 2 types c) 5 types
- “Agape” is
- love between men and women b) the highest kind of God’s love c) love that cannot exist in real life
- Love according to Paul’s words
- never thinks of evil and does not envy b) seeks its own c) is the most important thing in the life.
Ex. 5 Fill in the gaps, using appropriate words:
- The Beatles sang about …
- But the lyrics of the song had …
- John Lennon’s love expresses the thought of being …
- The Greek language helps us … the … of love.
- “Philio” represents the brotherly love of …or …
- … is the highest kind of … …
- Love believes and hopes … …
Ex. 6 Answer the following questions;
- What were the fans of the Beatles crazy about?
- What did the lyrics of Lennon express?
- What is the love that seems so elusive?
- How many types of love are there according to the Greek language?
- What is “Eros”?
- What is the highest kind of love?
- Do you agree that “agape” exist in real life? If yes, give an example.
- What kind of love do you need?
- Do you agree with Paul’s description of love?
Ex. 7 Explain what real love is, using the sentences in the table:
Model: I think, “love suffers long” means
The descriptions of real love | The marks of real love |
Real love “suffers long” | patience (long – temper), even when experiencing serious heartache. being slow to become resentful. the quality of self restrain in the face of provocation that does not hastily retaliate or promptly punish. sometimes the quality of love enables a person to do what others say they could never do. real love can suffer the pain of betrayal and separation. |
Real love “is kind” | that love can acts in a way that is gracious, useful and beneficial. that it is strong and truthful without being harsh or rough. a love that is more than ornamental. Being gentle and full of grace. |
Real love “does not envy” | that real love does not resent the blessings, successes, or well – being of another. that love does not say, “If I can’t have what I want, I don’t want you to have it either. That if we have love we don’t have feelings of personal loss or sadness. |
Real love “does not parade itself” | that it is not given to self – display, not even to carefully worded statements of subtle self – promotion. that another man praise you, not your own mouth. that real love not only applauds the successes of another, but it know how to handle its own wins when they come. that when we’re down, love does not envy; and when we’re up, love does not boast. |
Real love “hopes all things” | that real love always trusts and hopes. that real love has a capacity to view life – and live it – with an optimism. |
Real love “endures all things” | that real love does not give up, quit and walk away. that it finds its source and life in God. |
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