Are you a friend of the Planet?
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
В данной презентации учащиеся знакомятся с проблемами окружающей среды.Эта проблема является одной из самых актуальных в сегодняшнем мире. Что нужно сделать, чтобы мир стал лучше?Учащиеся узнают много новых лексических единиц, различные способы употребления их в речи. Материал презентации красочный. Может быть использован как на уроках, так и во внеурочной деятельности по предмету.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Our Planet is in Danger The main ecological problems on the Earth: • Air pollution • Water pollution
Air pollut ion Factories and cars pollute the air.
Water pollution People throw away glass and plastic bottles, litter, chemical waste into the river. Water is wasted and kills wildlife .
The countyside is spoilt People leave litter in the parks, streets, forests. It damages the environment. It hurts the animals and disturbs birds.
Forests are cut down Towns are built instead of forests
Forest fires Forest fires are one of the greatest natural destroyers of our forests. Each year fires burn millions of hectares of forest all over the world.
They are in Danger
It is necessary to help wild animals. Many of them are in danger now. A lot of animals disappear. They need our help
What can we do to protect our nature Recycle newspapers, bottles and metal cans ! Don’t throw away old clothes and toys! Donate your old clothes and toys to people in need! Reuse shopping bags to carry products from the shop! Feed birds in winter. Protect wildlife, plants and trees. Keep water clean. Don’t throw litter into the water! Don’t use chemicals in the garden. Turn off the light when you leave the room. Try to avoid buying plastic. It’s hard to recycle. Plant flowers and trees!
Our help nature
Recycling Recycling of waste is very important . It is a fact that less energy is needed to make new paper, glass or plastic from recycled things and less materials are used. A lot of trees are saved. The forest and it’s wildlife is protected. Recycling helps to reduce pollution.
Reusing People can reuse many things: glass bottles, plastic shopping bags. They can make different toys and decorations for their gardens .
Reducing People can reduce using water, gas, electricity. They must take care for our natural recourses.
My Family is eco-friendly Speak about how does your family protect nature In our family we care about nature. We think about reusing different things. We don’t throw away ____________, we reuse ___________. We recycle ________ .We collect __________ and take them to _________. We try to reduce _______ . I think it helps to save nature. 4/1108/27/507e2751575f.jpg Список источников используемых материалов %3A// 0015
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