Syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices according to I. R. Galperin
материал (английский язык) по теме
We will talk about syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices according to Iliya Romanovich Galperin, about definite types of relations between words, word-combinations, sentences and also between larger utterances.
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We will talk about syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices according to Iliya Romanovich Galperin .
There are definite types of relations between words, word-combinations, sentences and also between larger utterances. The branch of language science which studies the types of relations between the units enumerated is called syntax. So the object of our discussion is some stylistic syntactical patterns.
First of all we will talk about utterances that are larger than the sentence. It is supra-phrasal unit (SPU).
The term supra-phrasal unit (SPU=ССЦ) is used to denote a larger unit than a sentence. It generally consists of a number of sentences interdependent structurally (usually by means of pronouns, connectives, tense-forms) and semantically. Such a span of utterance is also characterized by the fact that it can be extracted from the context without losing its relative semantic independence.
The conclusion is that the paragraphs in the belles-lettres prose style do not necessarily possess the qualities of unity (ССЦ≠Параграф) as is the case with paragraphs in other styles of speech and particularly in the scientific prose style.
A paragraph is a graphical term used to name a group of sentences marked off by indentation at the beginning and a break in the line at the end.
In the style of scientific prose paragraph structure is always built on logical principles. In the building of paragraphs in newspaper style, other requirements are taken into consideration, for instance, psychological principles, in particular the sensational effect of the communication and the grasping capacity of the reader for quick reading.
Paragraph building in the style of official documents is mainly governed by the particular conventional forms of documents (pacts, diplomatic documents, business letters, legal documents and so on).
Paragraph structure in the belles-lettres and publicistic styles is strongly affected by the aims of the author. To secure the desired impact, a writer finds it necessary to give details and illustrations, to introduce comparisons and contrasts, to give additional reasons and, finally, to expand the topic by looking at it from different angles and paraphrasing the idea. For example, the author can include an anecdote or even a short story in order to make understanding easy.
The length of a paragraph normally varies from eight to twelve sentences. The longer the paragraph is, the more difficult it is to follow the purport of the writer. In newspaper style, however, most paragraphs consist of one or perhaps two or three sentences.
In prose of scientific and publicistic styles the topic sentence is, as a rule, placed either at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph, depending on the logical pattern on which the paragraph is built. In the belles-lettres style the topic sentence may be placed in any part of the paragraph. It will depend on how the writer wants to achieve his effect.
Structural syntactical stylistic deviсеs are in special relations with the intonation. So we will talk about some emphatic constructions.
- Stylistic inversion
- Detached constructions and parenthesis.
- Parallel constructions
- Repetition
- Suspense
- Climax (Gradation)
- Antithesis
Particular ways of combining parts of the utterance (linkage)
- Asyndeton
- Polysyndeton
- The Gap-Sentence Link
Particular use of colloquial constructions
- Ellipsis
- Break-in-the-Narrative
- Question-in-the-Narrative
- Represented speech
Stylistic use of structural meaning
- Rhetorical questions
Functional style | Characteristic |
The belles-lettres style |
Stylistic inversion aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional colouring to the surface meaning of the utterance. Detached constructions and parenthesis. Parallel constructions that are often based on repetition of words (lexical repetition) and conjunctions and prepositions (polysyndeton) and carry en emotive function. Antithesis (based on contrast) has such functions as rhythm-forming, copulative, dissevering, comparative. Suspence is a compositional device which consists in arranging the matter of a communication in such a way that the less important is situated at the beginning, the main idea being withheld till the end of the sentence in order to keep the reader`s attention.
The publicistic style |
The newspaper style |
The scientific prose style |
The style of official documents |
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