Types of questions in past simple tense.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Арсланбекова Умужат Загировна

Types of questions in past simple tense.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок формирования лексических, грамматических навыков и навыков восприятие иноязычной речи на слух

Lesson Plan

Form:        7                School:        № 43                Date: October, 17, 2013

Teacher: U. Arslanbekova.

Topic: Types of questions in past simple tense, text «Vanished».

Objectives: 1) to revise different types of questions in Past Simple; 2) to improve students` listening skills and use facts connected with the text (text «Vanished!»)

Visuals: a textbook «Spotlight 7» by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, etc., grammar schemes, individual cards (printed material): a teacher gives students cards, there are four types of cards – every type consists of its own type of question. Students need these cards for dividing into groups and for revising the questions types.

Language: text «Vanished!», grammar schemes.

Brief Notes:

I. Entry                                                                                        1 min

1). Greeting.

II. Follow up Activities                                        

1) Revising four types of question (in Past Simple Tense)                                 min

2) Revising the vocabulary and getting acquaintance with new words        5 min

3) Work with the a text «Vanished!»:                                                        5 min

– listening to the text;

– answering the questions;

  • work with sounds;
  • true or false sentences based on the text;

– work with words from the text.

III. Closure: Saying good bye                                                                1 min.


I. Greeting: Hello, children! I’m glad to see you. And before you sit I want everybody comes here and take a stripe with a question.

II. Follow up activities: Вы знаете, что существуют такие типы вопросов как общий, специальный вопрос, альтернативный и разделительный вопрос. Давайте посмотрим на доску – общий тип вопроса строится следующим образом (мы берём время Past Simple): на первом месте вспомогательный глагол Did либо глагол Was/Were, далее следует подлежащее, затем идёт смысловой глагол, и завершают предложение остальные члены предложения. Поднимите руки, у кого общий вопрос. Специальный вопрос начинается со вспомогательного слова (например, Why, Where, What), а дальше всё так же, как и в вопросе общего типа. Альтернативный тип вопроса содержит в себе альтернативу, которая выражается при помощи слова «or» –«или». Он строится, как и общий вопрос, но между теми словами, из которых нужно выбрать одно, размещается наша частичка «or» – «или». И, наконец, разделительный вопрос – в нём порядок слов такой же, как и в повествовательном предложении, но в конце повествовательного предложения добавляется did/was/were либо didn’t/wasn’t/weren’t (отрицательная форма добавляется, если предложение было утвердительным, а утвердительная – в случае, если предложение было отрицательным). (Во время рассказа о типах предложения учитель показывает детям слайд со схемой построения четырёх типов вопросов во времени Past Simple). 

Далее ученики делятся по группам и рассаживаются за столы в соответствии с тем типом вопроса, который им достался.

And now we will check your home task. You practised the construction  used to at home (проверка домашнего задания).

So we are coming to revising words from the wordlists and will get an acquaintance with words what will be in the today’s text. Open your dictionaries, wordlist 2a, 2b. (Учитель называет вразброс слова по-английски, ученики должны дать перевод).Ok, and some new words for today from a wordlist 2c. Don`t you forget to look in translation (Учитель читает слова по-английски, ученики повторяют вслед за ним).

Well, good job. Now open the page 20. There is our today text here. It names «Vanished!» And what do you think this word mean? (Ученики высказывают свои версии, мы озвучиваем перевод заглавия). Ok, and now you will listen to the text and then you’ll tell what this text is about.

(Слушаем аудиозапись текста «Vanished!» по частям, после каждой прослушанной части учитель даёт классу задание прочесть отрывок самостоятельно вслух).


One Saturday last winter, my best friend Amy, Maria, Greg, Andy and I decided to spend the weekend in my uncle’s big house in the country. It was stormy outside, so we decided to spend a cosy evening chatting together in the living room downstairs.

Suddenly there was a powerful gust of wind. The lights flickered and then went out altogether. «What was it?» I said. «Don’t worry, John, it’s just a power cut» Greg reassured me. We carried on laughing and telling scary stories in the dark. After a while there was a bright flash of lightning that lit up a whole room. There was a loud gasp. «Andy is missing» Amy cried.

We all looked at each other confused and scared, because no one had seen Andy leave the room. We felt our way around the house, calling Andy, but there was no reply. We want back to the living room and tried to think of what to next. Just then, there was a loud snore from the corner of the room. At that moment, the lights came back on. There was Andy, fast asleep on a big, velvet sofa!

Andy sat up sleepily, rubbing his eyes. «Oh good, the lights are back on!» He said. «I was sleepy and felt like a snooze. I didn’t want anyone to trip over me so I crawled over here». We were all very relieved.

John, 13

T: Ok, children, now you know what this story is about. Tell the plot of this story in your own words. (Дети говорят, как поняли текст, рассказывают сюжет).

And we are coming to the exercise 2 on page 20. Here you need to answer the questions about events that happened in the story «Vanished!»

Exercise 2:

  1. Where were the children? (Students give the answer: The children were in a big old cosy house in the country).
  2. What was the weather like? (Students: It was stormy).
  3. What happened to Andy? (Students: Andy was missing).
  4. How did the children feel? (Students: They were confused and scared).
  5. What happened when the lights came back on? (Students: The children found out Andy – he awoke and tell to the children that he was sleeping).

Well, students, I’m glad to your answers. And our next task will be unusual enough. You will listen to the sounds then you’ll need to match these sounds with its names. At first we will know the names of some sounds. Look at the board. In a left column there are names of sounds in English and in a right column –in Russian. Let we match them. (Данное задание выполняется при помощи интерактивной доски. Дети зачитывают вслух названия звуков по-английски и подбирают к ним русский эквивалент).

Sigh – вздыхать                                        Chat – общаться

Snore – храпеть                                        Storm – шторм, гроза

Cry – плакать, кричать                        Gust of wind – порыв ветра

Gasp – издать возглас удивления                Whisper – шептаться

Laugh – смеяться                                Yawn – зевать

Ok, now you got knowledge about sounds names, so we can make our exercise –listening to the sounds. (Ребята слушают звуки и подбирают к ним названия).

Well done, children, you were ok.

And in our next task you need to compare the statements on the whiteboard with the text and tell whether they are true or false or not stated. Also you need to correct wrong statements:

  • It was a Saturday evening and there were 5 children. True
  • They didn’t want to go out so they decided to spend that evening in the dining room. False – The children decided to spend that evening in the living room.
  • Greg didn’t know why the light went out. False – Greg said that light had gone out because of power cut.
  • The house was 20 miles from Oxford. Not stated
  • Andy was fast asleep and snored on a big velvet sofa. True
  • Andy didn’t want to listen to their stories and that’s why he crawled to the sofa. False – Andy crawled to the sofa because he felt like a snooze.

Very good, students. And our the last task for today. And we are continuing our work with the story «Vanished!» You need to explain the words in bold – вам нужно объяснить значение выделенных слов.

Words: Cosy, powerful, went out, power cut, confused, fast asleep, velvet, rub, snooze, relieved. And we’ll start from the word «cosy» –do you know what this word means? Ok, this word means «уютный» и в тексте оно сочетается со словом «evening» – «cosy evening»: уютный вечер. (Далее ребята говорят перевод остальных слов либо пытаются угадать их значение и объяснить смысл слова своими словами).

III. Closure: Now write down your home task, please – retell the story «Vanished!» (10 sentences). That’s all. Thank you for the lesson, dear students. See you.

Questions of different types for dividing into groups

Was the house old?

Did children decide to spend the weekend in John’s uncle house?

Did anybody feel himself scared?

Was any ghost in the house?

When did friends spend the weekend in John’s uncle house?

How many people were in the John’s uncle house?

Whom did children lost in a dark room?

Whose house was it?

Was Andy a boy or a girl?

Did the children find out Andy or not?

Were the children in a dark or in a lightning room before a power cut?

Did the children laugh or cry?

Andy fell asleep, didn’t he?

Amy, Maria, Greg, Andy and John were best friends, weren’t they?

The children weren’t angry with Andy, were they?

The children were very relieved, weren’t they?

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