Путешествие в Америку
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме

Украинцева Галина Вениаминовна

Конспект урока  английского языка в 10 классе "Путешествие в Америку"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок 10 класс.

Тема урока: «Путешествие по США».

Цели урока: Активизировать в речи учащихся лексические единицы по теме; развивать навыки устного неподготовленного высказывания по конкретному вопросу; активизировать умение и навыки учащихся в монологической речи; расширить кругозор учащихся; воспитывать культуру речи и уважение к культуре страны.

Оборудование: компьютер, карта США, фотографии известных мест США, символика США, текст о Вашингтоне, тестовые задания на компьютере, раздаточный материал.

Урок подготовила и провела учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ п. Горный Краснопартизанского района Саратовской области»: Украинцева Галина Вениаминовна.

Ноябрь 2011 г.

Ход урока:

  1. Начало урока.

Good morning dear boys and girls!

I am very glad to see you at our lesson today

I hope you are well.

How are you P1?

And what is about you P 2?

I am glad to hear you are fine. So, let’s start our lesson.

Today you show us their knowledge of the USA because our lesson is devoted to this country. We’ll speak about the geographical position, the sights, about the capital of the country, some famous people and interesting facts.

I have lots of red and blue stars here. For an excellent answer you’ll get a red star. For a good answer you’ll get a blue star at the end of the lesson you’ll count all the stars you’ve received.

  1. 1. «Песня America, the beautiful»

2. Let’s recollect the main facts about the United States of America as a country.

P1. The USA is the fourth largest country in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. In the north the country borders on Canada and Mexico in the south.

 (Go to the map and point on the map.)

P2. The area of the USA is about 9 million square km. Its population is 270 mln. people.

P3. The capital of the USA is Washington. There are many big cities in the USA such as New York, Chicago, Los-Angeles. New York is the largest city in the USA. It has several nicknames: The big apple, The city that never sleeps, the capital of the world.

P4. There are lowlands and highlands in the USA. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. The Appalachian Mountains are ancient and strongly destroyed. The Rocky Mountains are young  and high. The main rivers are the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Columbia and the Hudson River.

P5. The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of the central parts is continental. The south has subtropical climate.

P6. The American’s flag is red, blue and white. It has 13 stripes because the country started from 13states and 50 stars because now there are 50 states in the USA. The flag is often called «Stars and Strips».

III Аудирование

1 Every country has its own national symbols.

2 I’ll show you the presentation.

3 Answer my questions

        What is the official national emblem of the USA?                                                              

        What is the most famous American symbol?

        In what city is it situated?

        A gift from what country was the Statue of Liberty?

        What does it hold in her left hand?

IV Read the text

Now you’ll read the text about Washington. You know a lot of facts about this wonderful city. Try to find mistakes made in the facts about Washington.

Washington is the capital of the UK. It is situated in the District of Columbia. It was named after the second president George Washington. Washington is a big cultural, political and industrial centre of the USA. There are many museums, monuments, beautiful parks in Washington. The Buckingham Palace is the place where the president of the USA lives and works. There are many beautiful skyscrapers in Washington.

VI. Выполнение теста по компьютеру.


1. Numbers.

        a) 60                b) 50                c) 45                d) 13

There are ----- states in the USA.

2. Numbers.

        a)10 mln.sq.km.                b) 17mln.sq.km.        c)  9 mln.sq.km.

3. Names of states.

        a) Texas        b) Alaska        c) Kansas        d) Montana

The largest state of the USA is ----- .

4. Names of famous people.

        a) Thomas Alva Edison        b) John Kennedy

        c) George Washington        d) John Brown

The first American inventor----- .

The first president of the USA----- .

5. Names of months

        a) December        b) January            c) November           d) July

When is the Election Day in the USA?

When is Christmas in the USA?

When is Independence Day in the USA?

6. Names of writers

        a) Даниель Дефо        в) Уильям Шекспир

        с) Марк Твен                d) Джонатан Свифт

Who is an American writer?

Who wrote «Romeo and Juliet»?

Who wrote «Robinson Crusoe»?

Who wrote « Tom Sawyer».?

7. Names of great lakes

        a) Lake Michigan        b) Lake Baikal           c) Lake Ontario

Which lake is in the USA?

  1. Attention, please. Listen to my description of a person who will take part in our lesson. She is a pupil of our school. She is a pupil of the 11th form. Her hobby is singing. She sings songs in English too. She is attractive. She is going to enter the University in Saratov as she wants to be a teacher of English.

Самарина Евгения исполнила песню на английском языке.

  1. Our lesson is over. Put your red and blue stars. Count them.


Предварительный просмотр:

Read the text.

 Washington is the capital of the UK. It is situated in the District of Columbia. It was named after the second president George Washington. Washington is a big cultural, political and industrial center of the USA. There are many museums, monuments, beautiful parks in Washington. The Buckingham Palace is the place where the president of the USA lives and works. There are many beautiful skyscrapers in Washington.


1. Numbers.

         a)60      b)50      c)45      d)13

        There are -----states in the USA.

2. Numbers.

  1. 10 mln.sq.km.           b) 17 mln.sq.km.      c)     9 mln.sq.km.

          The area of the USA is -----.

3. Numbers.

         a) Texas    b) Alaska   c)Kansas    d)Montana

         The largest state of the USA is ------.

   4. Names of famous people.

        a) Thomas Alva Edison.          b) John Kennedy.

        c) George Washington.          d) John Brown.

        The first American inventor -----

        The first president of the USA -----

   5. Names of months.

       a) December    b) January   c) November   d) July

       When is the Election Day in the USA?

       When is Christmas in the USA?

       When is Independence Day in the USA?

    6. Names of writers

        a) Daniel Defoe           

        b) William Shakespeare

        c) Mark Twain

        d) Jonathan Swift

       Who is an American writer?

       Who wrote «Romeo and Juliet»?

       Who wrote «Robinson Crusoe»?

   7. Names of great lakes

       a) Lake Michigan     b) Lake Baikal     c) Lake Ontario

       Which lake is in the USA?                    



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