Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и ИКТ в 5 классе "Путешествие в Америку"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Всегда хочется повысить интерес уч-ся к изучаемому предмету. Для этого используются разные средства. Интеграция ИКТ с английским языком показалась мне очень заманчивой идеей. Дети сегодня очень сильно увлечены компьютерами, поэтому я решила использовать их знания и владение компьютером в обучении английскому языку.
Урок разработан мною как обобщающий по теме "Америка" для уч-ся 5-го класса школы с угубленным изучением языка (по учебнику Верещагиной, IV). Цели и задачи прописаны в конспекте урока. Созданы два варианта сопровождающей презентации (с разными текстами по уровню развития уч-ся в разных классах).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 180
с углубленным изучением английского языка
Красногвардейского района Санкт-Петербурга
Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и ИКТ
в 5 классе по теме:
учитель высшей категории
Дмитрук Л.Е.
Дмитрук Л.Е.
Старикова Е.В.
Санкт-Петербург, 2009
Цели и задачи:
- Обобщить и закрепить знания учащихся по теме «Америка»
- Провести контроль:
- знаний уч-ся изученного материала
- умений уч-ся вести монологическую и диалогическую речь
- умений уч-ся понимать прочитанное с первого предъявления
- Расширить знания уч-ся по теме с помощью дополнительного материала
- Продолжить работу по формированию у уч-ся умений и навыков делать выводы и заключения (лексическая догадка)
- Воспитание толерантности
- Продолжить развитие интереса у уч-ся к изучаемому языку с помощью нестандартных (в т.ч. и игровых) форм контроля и проведения урока (интегрированный).
Наглядность и оборудование:
- Презентация Power Point “Let’s go to America”
- Пособие “American Holidays: “Traditions, Poems, Songs”
- Карточки для индивидуальной работы на компьютере
- Аудиозапись (песня “America the Beautiful”)
- Компьютеры
- Мультимедийный проектор
Ход урока:
- Оргмомент. Речевая разминка.
Teacher | Pupils |
- Good morning, children. | - Good morning, teacher. |
- Сообщение темы и целей урока. (слайд 1,2).
T: - You are right. There is no such subject as computing on your timetable. But today our lesson is going to be very unusual. Look around. There are many computers, and you will work on them. Today you’ve got two teachers instead of one. Let me introduce Elena Vladimirovna. She will be your computing teacher for today. And we’re going to travel. Look on the screen and try to guess what country we’re visiting today. (слайд 2,3,4).
T: - You’re right. Travelling to America is the topic of our lesson. And we could see what (do) you know about this country.
3. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 3).
T: - What should we take to our journey? The best thing is to take some new words to be sure everything will be clear for you. So let’s look on the screen. Repeat after me altogether and try to guess about the meaning of these words.
сustoms [‘kʌstəmz] таможня
to declare [di 'kleə] заявлять, декларировать
to arrange [ə 'reinʤ] упорядочивать, расставлять
background ['bækgraund] фон
divide [di 'vaid] разделять
heart [hɑ:t] сердце
transportation ['trænspɔ:teiʃn] перевозка
to explore [iks 'plɔ:] исследовать
major ['meiʤə] главный
trade [treid] торговля
route [ru:t] маршрут
commercial [kə 'mə:ʃəl] торговый, коммерческий
steamboat [sti:mbout] пароход
mighty ['maiti] могущественный
Mississippi [ιmisə 'sipi] Миссиссиппи
Customs – the place where your bag is checked when you go into a country Declare – to say that you will begin to do smth
Divide – to separate smth into two or more parts
Heart – the organ in your body which pumps blood through your body
Transportation – the process of taking goods from one place to another
Explore – to travel through a land to find out what it is there or what it is like
Major – very large or important, when compared to other things or people in the same group
Route – the way from one place to another that is regularly used and can be shown on the map
Trade – to buy and sell goods
Commercial – related to business and the buying and selling of goods
Steamboat – a boat that uses steam to produce power and is used for sailing along rivers and coasts
Mighty – very strong and powerful, or very big and impressive
4. Развитие монологической речи (слайд 4).
T: - Now we’re ready to travel. What is the capital of the USA? Listen to the report and be ready to answer the questions.
P: - Washington, DC, the city on the East Coast, was founded in 1791. It was named after American President George Washington. In 1800 Washington, DC became the capital of the USA. Today the population of Washington, DC is over 3 million. Washington, DC is the seat of the US Government.
In Washington, DC there is no industry. Washington, DC is a political, administrative, cultural and educational centre of the country. There are museums and galleries in Washington, DC. The National Museum of the USA, The national Gallery of Art, a large museum of painting, sculpture and other art are situated in the capital.
Washington, DC is the centre of political life. The White House is the official home of the US President. The Capitol is the building where the US Congress meets.
Task. Chose the right answer (слайд 5).
- When was the US capital founded?
- 1800 b) 1791 c) 1799
- Who was the first President of the USA?
- Abraham Lincoln b) Thomas Jefferson c) George Washington
- Where does the President live and work?
- In the Pentagon b) in Capitol c) in the White House
- Развитие диалогической речи (слайд 6,7,8).
T: How do we get to America? (by plane). We’ll take a plane from Pulkovo airport to Kennedy airport. But at first you should take Customs Examination. Here is the dialogue between the Traveler (Woman) and the Customs Officer. But all replies are mixed. Rearrange them in the right order. (уч-ся выполняют задание на компьютере)
У: - Вам следует выделить фразу с помощью левой кнопки мыши и перетащить ее в другую колонку в том порядке, в котором вы считаете, они должны следовать друг за другом.
Customs examination
T: - Now check your answers.
T: - It’s time to act this dialogue. (уч-ся разыгрывают диалог в лицах)
7. Игра “A lucky man” (слайд 9,10,11).
T: - We have taken Customs examination and American Airlines welcome us aboard the Boeing 747. Our flight won’t be boring because we’ll play the Game “A lucky Man”/ there are two rounds. During the first you should arrange the names of Americans holidays in order with their celebration dates.
Round 1.
D: Halloween
A: Thanksgiving Day
E: Independence Day
B: Flag Day
F: New Year’s Eve
C: Christmas Day
2 Tanksgiving Day
3 Tanksgiving Day
4 Tanksgiving Day
5 Tanksgiving Day
6 Tanksgiving Day
1 Tanksgiving Day
F Thanksgiving Day
C Thanksgiving Day
A Thanksgiving Day
D Thanksgiving Day
E Thanksgiving Day
B Thanksgiving Day
У: - Замените цифру на букву выбранного вами правильного ответа. Для этого выделите цифру путем нажатия на левую кнопку мыши и нажмите на клавиатуре нужную букву.
Round 2. Chose the right answer.
- This man discovered America in 1492:
A: Martin Luther King B: Christopher Columbus
C: George Washington D: Abraham Lincoln
- That ship left for America in 1620:
A: Skyflower B: Happy Fly
C: Mayflower D: Cry Flower
- A day, kept as a holiday in memory of the first American harvest festival:
A: Halloween B: Christmas
C: Thanksgiving Day D: Veterans Day
- These are “cowboy” clothes:
A: Hats, boots and jeans B: Jeans, caps and boots
C: Boots and jeans D: Hats, shoes and trousers
- This city is famous for its skyscrapers:
A: Washington B: Chicago
C: Detroit D: New York
- There are three colours on the Flag of the USA:
A: Blue, red and yellow B: Blue, red and green
C: Red, white and blue D: White, red and brown
- These people are called Native Americans:
A: Negroes B: Indians
C: Aztecs D: Maya
- The Americans fought for their independence because they didn’t want to depend on:
A: The English King B: Germany
C: The Spanish King D: Italy
У: - Выделите правильный ответ жирным цветом. Для этого поставьте курсор перед ответом. Нажав на левую кнопку мыши, выделите ответ. Затем нажмите «Ж» на вкладке «шрифт».
T: - The game is over.
8. Чтение с пониманием “Mighty Mississippi” (слайд 12,13,14).
T: - Oh, let me see. Our pilot has just said we are flying over Mississippi River. Look on the screen. It is one of the largest rivers in the world. You can see steamboats using now by tourist for travelling. This river plays very important role in the life of the country. So you will read the text to get some new information about it. But before reading do the task.
Match the Russian phrases in column A with their English equivalents in column B.
a. grew up in a small town on the banks of the river
1.могущественная река Миссиссиппи
b. Native Americans
2. коренные американцы
c. major trade route
3. важное средство путешествия
d. an important means of travel
4. исследовать Северную Америку
e. the mighty Mississippi River
5. главный торговый маршрут
g. worked as a boatman on the river
6. похожий на пароходы 19 века
f. looks like steamboats of the 19th century
7. работал лодочником на реке
h. to explore North America
8. вырос в маленьком городе на берегах реки
7 Tanksgiving Day
4 Tanksgiving Day
5 Tanksgiving Day
8 Tanksgiving Day
6 Tanksgiving Day
3 Tanksgiving Day
2 Tanksgiving Day
1 Tanksgiving Day
a Tanksgiving Day
g Tanksgiving Day
f Tanksgiving Day
c Tanksgiving Day
d Tanksgiving Day
b Tanksgiving Day
e Tanksgiving Day
У: - Замените цифру на букву выбранного вами правильного ответа. Для этого выделите цифру путем нажатия на левую кнопку мыши и нажмите на клавиатуре нужную букву.
Task. Read the text.
Dividing the US from north to south, the mighty Mississippi River flows 3,760 kilometres through the heart of the country to New Orleans. Native Americans called it “Father of Water” or “Big River”, and it is the largest river in North America.
Before the days of roads and railways, the river was an important means of travel and transportation. The French and Spanish used the river to explore North America, and when steamboats began to travel the Mississippi in the 1800s, it became a major trade route. The river is still one of the busiest commercial waterways in the world. Passengers today can travel the river on a Mississippi riverboat which looks like steamboats of the 19th century.
The Mississippi has a special place in the history and literature of North America. One of the greatest US Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, worked as a boatman on the river. Mark Twain, who grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi, also worked as a riverboat pilot. Twain loved the Mississippi, and he compared it to a “wonderful book” which has “a new story to tell every day”.
T: - Now is your turn to answer my questions.
- What is the largest river in the world?
- How do Native Americans call the Mississippi?
- The river was never an important means of travel and transportation, was it?
- Who used the river to explore North America?
- When did steamboats begin to travel the Mississippi?
- Is the river one of the busiest commercial waterways in the world?
- How does the riverboat look like today?
- Who worked as a boatman (or riverboat pilot) on the river?
9. “Symbols of America” (слайд 15)
T: - Our flight is over. We’re going to land in the Kennedy Airport. What the first thing can be seen there? It’s the US National Flag. What other symbols of America do you remember? Now look on the screen and read the statements. Which of them are true?
Tick “True” or “False”.
T Tanksgiving Day
1. The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes”
2. There are seven red and six white stripes on the American flag.
T Tanksgiving Day
F Tanksgiving Day
3. There are fifty stars on the red background of the flag.
4. There are one star and one stripe for each state on the flag.
F Tanksgiving Day
F Tanksgiving Day
5. England gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884.
6. You can see the Statue of Liberty in New York on Manhattan Island
7. The eagle became the official symbol of the USA in 1892.
T Tanksgiving Day
8. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the name of American hymn.
У: - Поставьте курсор в квадратик и нажмите на клавиатуре нужную букву “T” или “F”.
10. Подведение итогов.
T: - Our first trip to America is over for today. How did you like it? Was it interesting? Have you known anything new for you? I think we should return there in the nearest future. (звучит песня “America the Beautiful”)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
lEt’s go To america
customs to declare to arrange background divide heart transportation to explore major trade route commercial steamboat mighty Mississippi [‘kʌstəmz] упорядочивать, расставлять таможня заявлять, декларировать фон разделять сердце перевозка исследовать главный торговля маршрут торговый, коммерческий пароход могущественный Миссиссиппи [ə 'reinʤ] [di 'kleə] ['bækgraund] [di 'vaid] [hɑ:t] ['trænspɔ:teiʃn] [iks 'plɔ:] ['meiʤə] [treid] [ru:t] [kə 'mə:ʃəl] [sti:m' bout] ['maiti] [ι misə 'sipi]
Task. Chose the right answer. 1. When was the US capital founded? 1800 b) 1791 c) 1799 2. Who was the first President of the USA? a) Abraham Lincoln b) Thomas Jefferson c) George Washington 3. Where does the President live and work? in the Pentagon b) in the Capitol c) in the White House
Kennedy airport Pulkovo airport
Officer: - Yes, Madam, you should open it. Have you got anything to declare? Officer: - Oh, it is flight to New York! Have you ever been to New York? Madam: - No, I haven’t. Nothing special. Officer: - Let me see… That’s all right. Can I see your ticket, please? Officer: - Oh, I see. Could you put your bag on the table? Madam: - Of course. Shall I open my bag? Officer: - Everything is o’key. Good luck, Madam . Madam: - Thank you. Good bye. Madam: - No, I have never been to America before. It’s my first trip. Officer: - Good afternoon, Madam. Can I see your passport, please? Madam: - Yes, of course. Here is my passport. Madam: - Certainly, you can.
Game: “A lucky man” Round 1. Arrange these holidays in order with their celebration dates. A : Thanksgiving Day B : Flag Day C : Christmas Day D : Halloween E : Independence Day F : New Year’s Eve 1 2 3 4 5 6 D A C F B E
Game: “A lucky man” Round 2. Chose the right answer. 1. This man discovered America in 1492: 2. That ship left England for America in 1620: 3. A day, kept as a holiday in memory of the first American harvest festival: 4. These are “cowboy” clothes: B: Christopher Columbus D: Abraham Lincoln A: Martin Luther King C: George Washington B: Happy Fly D: Cry Flower A: Skyflower C: Mayflower B: Christmas D: Veterans Day A: Halloween C: Thanksgiving Day A: Hats, boots and jeans B: Jeans, caps and boots C: Boots and jeans D: Hats, shoes and trousers
5. This city is famous for its skyscrapers: A: Washington C: Detroit B: Chicago D: New York D: White, red and brown 6. There are three colours on the Flag of the USA: C: Red, white and blue B: Blue, green and white 7. These people are called Native Americans: A: Negroes C: Aztecs B: Indians D: Maya 8. The Americans fought for their independence because they didn’t want to depend on: A: The English King C: The Spanish King D: Italy B: Germany A: Blue, red and yellow
The mighty mississippi
Task: Match the Russian phrases in column A with their English equivalents in column B. 1. могущественная река Миссиссиппи A B 2. коренные американцы 3. важное средство путешествия 4. исследовать Северную Америку 5. главный торговый маршрут 6. похожий на пароходы 19 века 7. работал лодочником на реке b. Native Americans h. to explore North America g. worked as a boatman on the river 8. вырос в маленьком городе на берегах реки a. grew up in a small town on the banks of the river 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a f d c b e h g c. major trade route f. looks like steamboats of the 19 th century e. the mighty Mississippi River d. an important means of travel
Dividing the US from north to south, the mighty Mississippi River flows 3,760 kilometres through the heart of the country to New Orleans. Native Americans called it “Father of Water” or “Big River”, and it is the largest river in North America. Before the days of roads and railways, the river was an important means of travel and transportation. The French and Spanish used the river to explore North America, and when steamboats began to travel the Mississippi in the 1800s, it became a major trade route . The river is still one of the busiest commercial waterways in the world. Passengers today can travel the river on a Mississippi riverboat which looks like steamboats of the 19 th century. The Mississippi has a special place in the history and literature of North America. One of the greatest US Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, worked as a boatman on the river. Mark Twain, who grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi, also worked as a riverboat pilot. Twain loved the Mississippi, and he compared it to a “wonderful book” which has “a new story to tell every day”.
Symbols of America Task: Tick “True” or “False”. 1. The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes” T 4. There are one star and one stripe for each state on the flag. 5. England gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884. 6. You can see the Statue of Liberty in New York on Manhattan Island 7. The eagle became the official symbol of the USA in 1892. 8. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the name of American hymn. T F F F F T T 2. There are seven red and six white stripes on the American flag. 3. There are fifty stars on the red background on the flag.
Welcome again !
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
lEt’s go To america
Custom to declare to arrange background origin overcrowded to establish Congress to add to restore to proclaim courage liberty loyalty to adopt [‘kʌstəm] упорядочивать, расставлять таможня заявлять, декларировать фон происхождение, начало переполнять устанавливать, основывать Конгресс добавлять восстанавливать, реставрировать возвещать, объявлять храбрость свобода верность, привязанность принимать [ə 'reinʤ] [di 'kleə] ['bækgraund] ['ɔriʤin] ['ouvəkraudid] [is'tæbliʃ] ['kɔngres] [æd] [ris'tɔ:] [prə'kleim] ['kʌriʤ] ['libəti] ['lɔiəlti] [ə'dɔpt]
Kennedy airport Pulkovo airport
- Certainly, you can. - Yes, of course. Here is my passport. - No, I have never been to America before. It’s my first trip. - Let me see … That’s all right. Can I see your ticket, please? - Oh, it is flight to New York! Have you ever been to New York? - Yes, Madam, you should open it. Have you got anything to declare? - Oh, I see. Could you put your bag on the table? - No, I haven’t. Nothing special. - Thank you. Good bye. - Of course. Shall I open my bag? - Everything is o’key. Good luck, Madam. - Good afternoon, Madam. Can I see your passport, please? Who said it? 10. Madam 8. Madam 12. Madam 2. Madam 4. Madam 6. Madam 1. Officer 5. Officer 9. Officer 7. Officer 11. Officer 3. Officer
Game: “A lucky man” Round 1. Arrange these holidays in order with their celebration dates. A : Thanksgiving Day B : Flag Day C : Christmas Day D : Halloween E : Independence Day F : New Year’s Eve 1 2 3 4 5 6 D A C F B E
Game: “A lucky man” Round 2. Chose the right answer. 1. This man discovered America in 1492: 2. That ship left England for America in 1620: 3. A day, kept as a holiday in memory of the first American harvest festival: 4. These are “cowboy” clothes: B: Christopher Columbus D: Abraham Lincoln A: Martin Luther King C: George Washington B: Happy fly D: Cry flower A: Skyflower C: Mayflower B: Christmas D: Veterans Day A: Halloween C: Thanksgiving Day A: Hats, boots and jeans B: Jeans, caps and boots C: Boots and jeans D: Hats, shoes and trousers
5. This city is famous for its skyscrapers: A: Washington C: Detroit B: Chicago D: New York D: White, red and brown 6. There are three colours on the Flag of the USA: C: Red, white and blue B: Blue, green and white 7. These people are called Native Americans: A: Negroes C: Aztecs B: Indians D: Maya 8. The Americans fought for their independence because they didn’t want to depend on: A: The English King C: The Spanish King D: Italy B: Germany A: Blue, red and yellow
Game: “A lucky man” Round 3. Tick “True” or “False”. 1. The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes” T 4. There are one star and one stripe for each state on the flag. 5. England gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1884. 6. You can see the Statue of Liberty in New York. 7. The eagle became the official symbol of the USA in 1882. 8. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the name of American hymn. T F F F T F T 2. There are seven red and six white stripes on the American flag. 3. There are fifty stars on the red background in the flag.
THE US NATIONAL FLAG The true history of the origin of the US flag has become so overcrowded with legends that at times it is difficult to establish the true facts. When the thirteen English colonies in America became the United States of America on July 4, 1776, the flag had thirteen red and white stripes and thirteen stars in a circle on a blue field. There was one star and one stripe for each state. In 1795 Congress added two more stripes and two more stars. The new country began to grow. More states joined it. But there was no place on the flag for more stripes. So in 1818 the original 13 stripes were restored. Today the USA flag has 13 (seven red and six white) stripes and 50 white stars on the blue background representing the 50 states. The red stripes proclaim courage, the white stripes proclaim liberty, the field of blue stands for loyalty. The US flag is known as “Old Glory” and “The Stars and Stripes”. The Americans celebrate the Flag Day since June 14, 1777 when the flag was adopted by Congress.
Task: Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B to form a phrase. 1. The true history of the origin A B 2. became the United States of America 3. in a circle 4. The new country 5. But there was no place 6. The red stripes 7. the white stripes b. on July 4, 1776 h. began to grow g. proclaim liberty 8. the field of blue a. stands for loyalty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a f d c b e h g c. on the flag f. proclaim courage e. of the flag of the USA d. on a blue field
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Открытый интегрированный урок по английскому языку и математике для 1 класса в школе с углубленным изучением английского языка по теме "Цифры" включает себя две части: первая часть на русском яз...
Конспект интегрированного урока по английскому языку: "Компьютерный проект на английском языке"
Представлен урок для 5 класса в рамках факультативного круса "Истоия Британии". На уроке: повторение ранее изученных выражений по теме и принципа работы программы WORD в режиме "у...

Интегрированный урок по английскому языку по теме "Чай", традиции чаяпития в России и в Англии. Английский язык +химия
Интегрированный урок английского языка по теме "Чай", традиции чаяпития в России и в Англии. Английский язык + химия...
Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и ИКТ в 5 классе.
Спасибо, Лариса Евгеньевна за
Уважаемая Лариса Евгеньевна