Презентация к уроку по теме "Australia"
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AUSTRALIA Aims: To practise reading for detail To learn how to write compositions To learn about Australia To practise the language for finding out about someone
The content 1 Reading 2 Listening 3 Australian slang 4 Writing 5 Test yourself
1 The national symbols 2 The Commonwealth of Australia 3 The climate 4 The capital 5 The biggest cities 6 The industry 7 The places of interest 8 The unique animals
NATIONAL ANTHEM Бескрайними прекрасна небесами Златыми кукурузными полями Величьем пашен и багрянцем гор Австралия, будь господом любима И благостью и братством будь хранима От сих гор до золотых озер. Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
The golden wattle was proclaimed the official national floral emblem in August 1988. Green and gold were proclaimed Australia’s national colours by the Governor-General on 19 April 1984.
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state. It has states. It is situated in the southwestern of the Pacific Ocean. The area of this country has 7000000 square kilometers. Australia is the largest island in the world and the smallest continent. The head of the state is the Queen Elizabeth II. Six
In the 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the East Coast of Australia. Nearly 20 millions people live in Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra, this city become a capital in 1927. The population of Canberra is about 300 000 people.
There are two big industrial cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney is the most beautiful city in Australia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Sydney is situated on the hills, full of yachts all through the year. The most known landmarks are the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which have been impressing the tourists for decades.
Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why it has summer when we have winter. January is the hottest month in Australia. Australia is separated from many countries.
Australia is an industrial country. It has coil, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia is one of the most important produces of metals and minerals. It exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar. The Australia is situated near the ocean. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane are the ports of the country. There are many universities, theaters and museums in Australia.
Ayers Rock It is very beautiful, and changes the colour during the day as the sun moves round it.
Australia's national animals The animals in Australia have developed differently. They are interesting. You can see the dingo, wild dog which killed others animals at night, the kangaroo and many parrots there. There are many lakes in the country.
The Great Barrier Reef Is 18 mln years old. It is made of living coral. It is 2000 kilometers long.
Sydney Harbour Bridge is 49 metres wide and 500 metres long.
AUSTRALIAN SLANG Ya -- ты, вы, твой, твои where ya going now? -- куда ты собираешься сейчас? Yep -- да Yes-man -- человек, который всегда и во всем соглашается с другими; подхалим, Yonks -- 1. долгое, длительное время, 2. много, большое количество I haven't seen you for yonks -- я не видел тебя миллион лет Youse -- вы (множественное число от "ты", в обычном английском "you" обозначает одновременно и "ты" и "вы") youse are all crazy -- все вы сумасшедшие Yukky -- отвратительный, омерзительный, противный, гнусный
Use the model paragraph below to write paragraphs about other places. 1 Sydney is one of the most exciting cities I’ve ever been to. The hotel 2 I stayed in was very 3 comfortable . Some 4 Australian people I met took me to see the 5 opera house , which is a very 6 unusual building . They also took me to see the 7 outback *. The 8 wildlife is spectacular. 9 Australia is definitely a place I’d like to visit again. *outback= the Australian countryside 1 2 3 4 5 Rome you mentioned elegant Italian The Colosseum Paris I found cheap French Notre Dame Delhi I spent the week in cool Indian the Taj Mahal 6 7 8 9 Old building the country the scenery is Italy Beautiful church the Loire Valley the chateaux are France Impressive monument the Himalayas the mountains are India
Литература Brian Abbs ”Blueprint’’ Longman www.festival.ru www.study.ru www.englishforkids.com
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