Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «School», 5 класс, учебник «Enjoy English», автор М.З. Биболетова.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данный урок является обобщающим уроком по теме «Школа». На уроке использованы: технология личностно- ориентированного обучения и технология применения современных ИКТ; компьютерная презентация. Компьютерная презентация позволит эффективно адаптировать учебный материал под особенности учащихся, а также успешно проконтролировать их знания. Усиление интерактивности и создание дополнительной мотивации в ходе обсуждения темы приведет к более интенсивному участию в процессе обучения самих учащихся, что способствует повышению эффективности восприятия и запоминания учебного материала. Урок содержит большое количество иллюстративного материала, поэтому использование компьютерной презентации существенно повысит его эффективность и способствует оптимальному достижению поставленных учителем целей.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «School», 5 класс, учебник «Enjoy English», автор М.З. Биболетова.
Предмет: английский язык, урок обобщения и контроля знаний.
Тема: «Школа»
Продолжительность: 1 урок (45 минут)
Класс: 5
Технология: применение ИКТ, личностно-ориентированного обучения.
Учебник: М.З. Биболетова «Enjoy English»
Аннотация: Данный урок является обобщающим уроком по теме «Школа». На уроке использованы: технология личностно- ориентированного обучения и технология применения современных ИКТ; компьютерная презентация. Компьютерная презентация позволит эффективно адаптировать учебный материал под особенности учащихся, а также успешно проконтролировать их знания. Усиление интерактивности и создание дополнительной мотивации в ходе обсуждения темы приведет к более интенсивному участию в процессе обучения самих учащихся, что способствует повышению эффективности восприятия и запоминания учебного материала. Урок содержит большое количество иллюстративного материала, поэтому использование компьютерной презентации существенно повысит его эффективность и способствует оптимальному достижению поставленных учителем целей.
Тема урока: School
Цели: применить полученные знания и умения на практике с последующим
выходом на монологическое высказывание по теме.
Обучающая: контроль знаний активной лексики, развитие коммуникативной способности, развитие умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, развитие навыков диалогической речи в рамках данной тематики, научить учащихся выражать своё мнение о школе, школьных предметах.
Сопутствующие цели: развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, повторение классно-урочных выражений и обучение связанному высказыванию по теме, актуализация орфографического навыка.
Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, познавательной активности и внимания, способствование развитию языковой догадки и общего кругозора учащихся.
Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения, обучение общению в группах, воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, привитие чувства любви к своей школе, воспитание коммуникативной иноязычной культуры
Метод: коммуникативный, частично-поисковый
Технология: применение ИКТ, личностно-ориентированного обучения.
Формы работы:
-фронтальная работа (ответы на вопросы, чтение слов)
-групповая работа (обсуждение мнений, дискуссия, ответы на вопросы)
-парная работа (ответы на вопросы,)
-индивидуальная работа (чтение слов, аудирование)
- монолог
Средства обучения: компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран, электронная презентация, подготовленная учителем в программе Power Point, доска.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Today we will continue speaking about school and we’ll speak about our school, your favourite subjects. So today we`ll train the words, read, write, make up dialogues and work in groups.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
We begin our lesson with the phonetic exercises. Listen and repeat the words.
1) Match the words and the sounds.
1. break 2. form 3. study | 4. hard 5. Maths 6. student | |
[a:] [æ] [ʌ] [ei] [ju:] [ɔ:] 2) Look at the symbols, please. and remember the English words. Now go to the blackboard and write them. ['taɪm‚teɪbəl] [’lɪtərətʃə] ['ju:nɪfɔ:rm] [’sʌbdʒɪkt] [ɑ:rt] |
3. Развитие орфографических и лексических навыков
1) Will you look at the cards on your desks? You can see the words there. Some letters are missing. Can you fill in the missing letters?
Учитель раздает учащимся карточки и организует выполнение следующего задания: вставить пропущенные буквы в слова.
a_t h_st_ry _hysi_al educ_ti_n
_nifo_m dr_ma mat_s
in_orma_ion tec_nolog_
Контроль на презентации после заполнения карточек, чтение хором.
2) Проверка знания лексики:
Look at this word combinations and write some sentences with them. Let’s work on the blackboard.
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read.
b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems.
c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite.
Затем даются ответы для проверки на презентации.
3) I see that most of you like school. Could you tell what else you like to do at school, I mean at the lessons and during the breaks. Look at the screen, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence.
(Учащиеся составляют предложения из предложенных им на экране фраз).
talk loudly
learn new words
read texts
draw funny pictures at the lessons.
ask a lot of questions
We listen to music
play with a phone during the break.
learn poems by heart
jump between desks
get good marks
4) Put the verbs into Past Simple.
5) Актуализация грамматических навыков. Повторение Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple. На доске написаны предложения с пропущенными словами, необходимо вставить глагол в нужной форме: There are sentences in the screen, you must fill the gaps with Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple.
А. I… to school every day. (go)
B. My mother …. Moscow last year. (visit)
C. I … to the village next summer. (go)
4. Answer my questions, please.
- Do you go to school with your friends?
- Have you got new subjects this year?
- What is your favourite subject at school?
- Do you like English?
- Did you do your homework yesterday?
- Will you have English tomorrow?
- Проверка домашнего задания.
It’s time to check up your homework. (2-3 ученика). Your homework was to make up dialogues. Talk about your school life.
- Физкультминутка
Песня What’s in the classroom? Видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb6t5dc3TvE
7. Чтение. We got a letter from Dima, a ten year old schoolboy from Samara. In his letter he described his studies at a foreign summer school. Let’s read his letter and answer some questions.
(Текст выведен на экран, также каждому ребёнку раздаётся печатный вариант текста. Читают текст самостоятельно, а затем отвечают на предложенные вопросы).
- Where did Dima study in summer?
- How much time did he spend in Scotland?
- How did he spend three hours in the morning at school?
- What did they do at the lessons?
Dear pen-friends,
My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light.
In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History.
Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland.
I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school.
Your pen-friend,
8. Письмо. Now let’s write short letters to Dima. You should work in pairs. (Детям раздаются заранее подготовленные письма - “заготовки”, которые им необходимо дополнить.
Dear Dima,
We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________.
We live in ____________ and study at school.
Our school is _______. There are a lot of __________in our school.
We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________.
Our favourite subjects are _______________.
Your friends,
________ and ________
9. Аудирование. Our friend Dima has some favourite subjects. He sent us an audio letter in which he and his classmate Masha tell us about them. Let’s listen to their stories. Your task is to fill in the table with the missing information while listening. (Учащиеся первый раз слушают текст, затем во время второго прослушивания они заполняют предложенные им таблицы, после чего осуществляется проверка правильности заполнения).
Topics | Dima | Masha |
Age | ||
Favourite subjects | ||
School uniform | ||
Hobbies |
10. Разгадать кроссворд. Solve this crossword and you get to know what pupils like most of all.
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | ||||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 |
- Школа
- Школьная форма
- Класс, урок
- Карандаш
- Парта
- Расписание уроков
- Город
- Русский язык
11. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок: Everybody was very active today. What did you do at the lesson? So I think I should give only good and excellent marks today. And I want you to work this way at every lesson. Our lesson is over, good-bye.
12. Домашнее задание: подготовить сообщение на тему «My school and my favourite subjects»
Предварительный просмотр:
a_t | dr_ma |
h_st_ry | mat_s |
_hysi_al educ_ti_n | in_orma_ion tec_nolog_ |
_nifo_m |
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. | a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. |
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. | a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. |
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. | a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. |
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. | a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. |
a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. | a) like/I/don’t/to/books/read. b) by heart/to learn/My friend/likes/poems. c) Her/subject/is/Maths/favourite. |
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima | Questions:
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima |
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima | Questions:
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima |
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima | Questions:
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima |
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima | Questions:
Dear pen-friends, My name is Dima. I am 10 . I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History. Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school. Your pen-friend, Dima |
Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ | Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of __________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ |
Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ | Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ |
Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ | Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ |
Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ | Dear Dima, We were glad to get your letter. Our names are _____________________. We live in ____________ and study at school. Our school is _______. There are a lot of _____________________________in our school. We do a lot of things at the lessons too. We ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Our favourite subjects are ________________________________________________. Your friends, ________and ________ |
Topics | Dima | Masha |
Age | ||
Favourite subjects | ||
School uniform | ||
Hobbies | ||
Topics | Dima | Masha |
Age | ||
Favourite subjects | ||
School uniform | ||
Hobbies |
Topics | Dima | Masha |
Age | ||
Favourite subjects | ||
School uniform | ||
Hobbies | ||
Topics | Dima | Masha |
Age | ||
Favourite subjects | ||
School uniform | ||
Hobbies |
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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «School», 5 класс. Хазеева Э.С.
Цель: применить полученные знания и умения на практике с последующим выходом на монологическое высказывание по теме.Образовательные за...