День Св.Валентина
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данная презентация включает в себя текст для ознакомления с историей праздника, тесты на понимания прочитанного, различные творческие задания в стихотворной форме, кроссвворды и текст песни "Love me tender"
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February 14 is the most romantic day of the whole year, the day of eternal, everlasting love and all sweethearts. Yet the reaction to this holiday is not always so totally romantic. Some wake up on Valentine Day all obsessed with that sweet feeling called love. Cupid lends the pair of little wings and they hurry to the gift shops and the florists to pick presents for their beloved. Others come shrieking awake with dread in their hearts and revenge on their lips. For them, it's a day of gloomy dark emotions and it's no wonder—the guy the day was name after was beheaded. There are several Beliefs of how and why this outstanding day has gained its meaning: Some legends go back to erotic festivals in ancient Rome that happened to take place during February. Women would dress up as wolves and wait to be whipped by men wearing loin cloths. Today in Italy and Greece, young men still chase young women while brandish whips- made of plastic. The Lupercalia (February 15) was a fertility festival until 495 A. D., when a pope put a stop to it.
Another story says that Valentinus was a priest in third-century Rome who secretly married couples, although the Emperor had forbidden it. According to the other legend, Valentinus was a Christian imprisoned for refusing to worship pagan gods. Supposedly he cured his jailer's blind daughter through prayers. On February 14, the day of his execution, he sent her a note, signed «Your Valentine.» Or perhaps he was the Bishop of Terni, born around 268 A. D., who was executed through decapitation for his Christian beliefs. He was said to present lovers with flowers. Whatever the reason may be, valentine was canonized in Middle Ages and ever since that time he has been all lovers protector.
St.valentine`s Day is celebrated on the…. A) March,8 B) january,1 C) February,14
St. Valentine`s Day is a holiday of… A)lovers B) teachers C) soldiers
Valentine`s cards have a shape of….. A) star B) flower C)heart
And now we’ll see how good you are at Literature and Art. You should match the famous couples. Adam Rat Buttler Ruslan Romeo Carmen Tristan Cleopatra Napoleon John Lennon Juliet Lyudmila Anthony Isolda Scarlet O’Hara Joko Josephine Eve Don Hose
Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there. Deer Mary! I hope that Falentine’s Dai will bring you lots ou fun! I thinks you are veri nice. And so does everyone. Best wesh, John
Read special valentine signs! 1. My love is Endless. 2. Welcome, Spring! 3. You are at the Top of My List! 4. I’m Crazy about you! 5. I Fully Agree with you! 6. You Stole my Heart! 7. Happy New Year! 8. My Heart is Filled with Love for You! 9. Be Happy on Mother’s Day! 10. I’ve Got My Eye on you!
Mama loves кофе , Papa loves чай , I люблю my teacher, And my teacher loves меня.
Мальчики are silly, Девочки are smart, I love you With all my сердце.
Love me tender, love me sweet, Never let me go. You have made my lifecomplete And I love you so. Chorus: Love me tender, love me true, All my dreams fulfill. For, my darling, I love you And I always will. Love me tender, love me long, Take me to your heart. For it's there that I belong And we'll never part. Chorus Love me tender, love me dear, Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years Till the end of time. Chorus When at last my dreams come true, Darling this I'll know Happiness will follow you Everywhere you go Chorus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZBUb0ElnNY
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