открытый урок по теме" British and Russian food"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
урок -закрепление знаний c использованием мультимедиа.На уроке совершенствуются лексические навыки по теме "Еда" в виде монологического и диалогического высказывания, развиваются орфографические навыки и навыки чтения с целью извлечения необходимой информации, креативность и самостоятельность.
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Урок по теме « British and Russian Food »
Цель: Формировать коммуникативные способности, активизировать познавательный процесс коммуникации на английском языке. Совершенствовать речевую деятельность учащихся с использованием межкультурной информации .
Образовательные: Совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме: “Еда” на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи, развитие орфографических навыков и чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.
Развивающие: развивать способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие креативности , самостоятельности
Воспитательные: прививать учащимся уважение и интерес к иноязычной культуре, формировать потребности, способности к осознанию образа жизни, поведения людей другой культуры и своей родной культуры.
Методы обучения:
Формы обучения:
Фронтальная работа
Парная работа
Индивидуальная работа
Групповая работа
Средства обучения: раздаточный материал, презентация, мультимедиа, магнитофон, знаки транскрипции, аудиозапись
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
-Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you today!
-Good morning, N.M. we are glad to see you too!
It’s time to start our lesson.
-How are you, V?
-Fine, thanks and you?
-I’m fine, thank you.
Teacher:-Who is on duty today?
-Is anybody away?
-What is the matter with him? I hope he will feel better soon.
-What date is it today?
-What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week was yesterday?
What day of the week was the day before yesterday?
-What day of the week will be tomorrow?
What day of the week will be the day after tomorrow?
Ask each other questions about the weather, the months, the activities.
Students: What season is it now?
-What are winter months?
-What is the 1st winter month?
-What is the 2nd winter month?
-What is the 3d winter month?
-What is the weather like in winter?
-What is the weather like today?
-What is the temperature today?
-Do you like winter?
What can you do in winter?
Well done!
2. Объявление цели урока.
The theme of our lesson today is `British and Russian Food and Drinks` We have already learned some words and word combinations. Today we will practice our speech and grammar and do some exercises. We will learn about typical British food and compare it with our eating habits and act out some dialogues.
3.Фонетическая зарядка.
It’s high time to prepare our tongues for the serious work. Let’s remember the English sounds and the words with them. Please, name only the words on the theme” British and Russian Food”
[i:]-tea, meat, cheese, beetroot, need, piece, cream, sweet, pizza, eat ;
[i]-biscuit, chips, filling, milk, cuisine, sausage, spring onion porridge, omelets;
[æ]- apple, sandwich, cabbage, salad;
[ai]-pie, like, slice, ice , type, knife;
[ei]-cake, plate, mayonnaise, table, plate;
[^]-lunch, bun, butter;
[o]-sausage, teapot, bottle, hot, lot, wash;
[o:]-fork , more, salt, water;
[u] –pudding, look, put;
[u:] –juice, food, too, spoon;
[ou] – coke, roll, scone;
[e] -egg, bread, pepper,
4. Речевая разминка
Let’s practice our speech. Be very attentive, listen to my questions and try to answer them.
What do you like to eat? –As for me I like…
What do you like to drink? - I suppose I enjoy..
What is your favourite food? – Of course I like….
What`s your favourite snack?
You like fruit, don’t you ? What fruit do like?
British people have sweet tooth, don’t they?
What sweet things do they like to eat?
What traditional Russian food do you know?
You know traditional British food, don’t you?
What Russian food does your family cook?
What do Russians eat every day?
What do they eat on holidays?
Do you happen to know typical Christmas food? –May be pudding.
-Yes, certainly. Turkey and pudding make traditional Christmas dinner.
5. Введение страноведческого материала. Развитие навыка изучающего чтения (про себя).
- Oh, children, I have some interesting facts about British pudding. You have sheets of paper with the texts. Let’s read them and learn where does pudding come from.
Text: Christmas pudding is one of the richest desserts in the world. It is the main product at Christmas. Many British people will agree that without it Christmas is not a Christmas.
Before the 17th century, the main Christmas dish for British people was the plum pudding, the father of Christmas pudding. It was made with lots of dried plumps and looked like a thick soup. It was served with meat and eaten with a spoon. With time, people added other ingredients, such as mutton, raisins, wine, ginger and cloves and it became so thick that a spoon stood in it. So, the original Christmas pudding wasn’t really a dessert at all!
During the rule of Oliver Cromwell eating Christmas pudding was illegal in Britain. Cromwell said that the dish was very rich to eat it. So , he banned eating pudding. Any person , who ate it was sent to jail or fined.
a) Find the English variant in the text
Самый сытный диссерт, без него рождество не рождество, до 17 века, сливовый пудинг, сушеные сливы, густой суп, он подавался, с течением времени, баранина, изюм, имбирь, вино, гвоздика, не законно, он запретил, отправляли в тюрьму, штрафовали .
b) Answer the questions.
1. The 1st pudding was made in the 10th century, wasn’t it?
2. What was it made from?
3. It wasn’t served with meat, was it?
4. Who banned Christmas pudding?
5. Why did he ban it?
Teacher: As far as I remember the largest Christmas pudding weighted 3.28tons. It was made in Aughton, Lancashire, in 1992.
6. Развитие навыков монологической речи и активизация навыков аудирования.
For fun and profit .
Teacher: You see, children our school takes part in exchange program, so the students from Tomskoe school are staying at Dulwich Hamlet Junior School and their students are practicing Russian at our school. They have some progress in it. Today the English students have prepared some interesting facts . Meet Paul , Diana and Robert. ( Good- morning, children. Nice to meet you. –Nice to meet you too)
T: Please, listen to them and try to understand.(запись как субтитры)
Paul (badge): Did you know that Sonya Thomas eats quicker than anybody else in the world. She holds records in more than 25 eating competitions! She has set eating records for oysters, hard- boiled eggs, cheesecake and hot dogs. Sonya has just become a winner of a new eating competition- she has eaten 181 chicken wings in 12 minutes
T: Let’s see what have you learnt?
Please, agree or disagree
1. Sonya Thomas won 25 eating competitions.
2. She has not set eating records.
3. She has eaten 181 chicken wings in 12 minutes.
T: And what do you want to tell us about Diana?
Diana: I have read that one of the British food firms has invented a bowl made out of bread for people who hate washing up. The idea is that you enjoy a meal- then eat the bowl too!
T: Answer my question, please.
-What has the British firm invented?
Robert’s information is very curious.
Robert: I’d like to add some interesting facts too. Look at these unusual vegetables. Watermelons are usually round. But Japanese farmers grow them square.
Some people grow pomatos. A pomato is half potato and half tomato. Pumpkins are usually orange. But some Americans grow them blue.
T:-Let’s see how do you understand our English students. Answer the questions , please.
-Who grew square watermelons?
-What is a pomato?
What colour are the American’s pumpkins?
Teacher: I have some more exciting information. There is very unusual music band in Viena, the capital of Austria. Look! All their instruments are made of vegetables- carrots, cucumber and pumpkins. The lead musician plays a horn which is made from cucumber, a green pepper and a carrot. There is also a leek violin.
-Dear guests, help us with the English. Translate from your native language into Russian for everybody to understand.
Teacher: Would you like to know the name of the most nutritious vegetable in the world? Cross out all the names of animals and you’ll get the name of this vegetable.
(самостоятельная работа)
Well, that’s right.
7.Тренировка в употрблении местоимений some и any
Usually we have meal at home .All our families keep food in the refrigerators. There a re a lot of different and tasty things in them. Look at this fridge and say what is there in it? Use some , any, no
КиМ lesson 19 № 5
8. Физкультминутка.
I believe it’s time to have a rest.
Song “Hello!”
9. Исследование на тему “Кухни каких стран предпочитают семьи учащихся?”
(Individual work of 2 students)
-Children do you agree that Russian people don’t eat only Russian food? Sometimes we cook Italian, French, American, Chinese dishes. Am I right? I asked you to know what cuisines your classmates and their families prefer. Listen to the results of the explorations, made by Agatha and Tanya and look at the diagram.
Agatha: The pupils of my class eat different kind of food. They eat Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Chinese food and food of other countries. Some students like borsch, baked cabbage, pelmenis , pasta, others like soup, fried potatoes, blinis, salads, rice. But all of us enjoy eating sandwiches and pizza.
-You see, children we like the cuisine of different countries. I suppose it is very tasty.
10.Развитие навыка диалогической речи по теме.
T.: Well. I think we are a bit hungry.
Make up the dialogues.
1. Let`s go to a café and order something to eat and drink or to the birthday party at your friend’s , to the pizza’s or to buy something at the shop.
2. Индивидуальная работа. Put the sentences in the right order.
"Yes, of course."
"Нere you are. Is that all?"
"Yes, please. I'd like a loaf of bread and one liter of milk."
"Good morning. Can I help you?"
"OK. That will be 10 pounds"
"Anything else, sir?"
"I'd also like 250 grams of butter and a kilo of sugar."
"No, one bottle of olive oil , please. Now that's all."
11. Ознакомление с питанием британских школьников. Сравниваем, что едят русские и британcкие школьники.
a) Let’s find out do Russian and English students have something in common in their tasty habits?
First let’s get to know what do you eat for breakfast, for dinner?
P1 → P2…..:(chain)
What do you eat for breakfast?-I eat eggs and milk and you?
-What do you eat for dinner?
-Do you eat at school ? What do you eat?
Look at the Texts and see what do the British students eat .This information is taken from the diary of the 10 year old student in one of the primary English school.
Before school: glass blackcurrant squash, bottle of coke, packet of crisps, few biscuits.
At school: sandwich, two chocolate biscuits, glass of orange juice
After school: microwavable chips, pizza, three drinks of coke……
Look here, as I see the British schoolchildren don’t eat fruit and vegetables.
Слайд: Sad facts
A recent survey showed that
- One child in ten in Britain eats no fruit
- 50% drink no fruit juice
- Six out of ten kids eat no vegetables
- One child in ten is overweight
Now, the results of your answers:
Показать диаграмму питания 6а ( эти вопросы дать 6 кл)
I see you are healthy kids and it’s good for you.
Слайд 11 Scientists say that you should eat 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables every day to be healthy.
B) As far as I know the British are great lovers of sandwiches, that’s why there are a lot of sandwich shops around Britain.
Let’s read the text. Ex. 34p. 133 3min
Finish the questions. Make up tags (самостоятельно и проверить).
1.The British like sandwiches,…?
2. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London,…?
3. You can’t get different sandwiches,
4. Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches,….?
5. The foreigners like rolls,….?
6. English tea is very strong,…?
7. The English don’t drink a lot of tea, …? Oтвечаем на вопрос текста
-Do you like sandwiches?
You know how to make sandwich, don’t you?
Let’s read the the instructions of making sandwiches.
(Ex. 35p. 133 3min)
11.Просмотр видео о ланче британских школьников
Well. Let’s see if British schoolchildren can make sandwiches .We know that they usually take packed lunches to school.
( просмотр фрагмента фильма)
What are they made of?
-Do they follow the instruction of making sandwiches?
-What was wrong? Was it good to mix sweet and salt things?
12.Практика в составлении текстов по теме: "Как сделать:?"
I wonder if you can make something to eat or to drink ? There are 4 instructions for making different dishes. You should put them in the right order.(самостоят)
1. Fill the kettle with cold water.
2. Boil the water.
3. Warm the pot.
4. Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.
5. Pour hot water into the pot.
6. Enjoy your tea.
1. Break 3 eggs and drop them in a bowl.
2. Mix the eggs with a spoon.
3. Add some salt and some milk.
4. Oil the pan.
5. Put it on the stove to heat it up.
6. Pour the egg mixture into the pan to cook it.
7. Put it on your plate and eat.
8. Enjoy your scrambled eggs.
1. Chop the eggs into small pieces.
2. Put the chopped eggs into a bowl.
3. Chop the spring onions. Add to the eggs.
4. Add to the mayonnaise.
5. Mix the eggs, onions and mayonnaise.
6. Add some salt and pepper.
7. Put the fillings on the sliced bread.
1. Cut a slice of bread.
2. Put in the toaster.
3. Wait a minute. It's ready.
4. Put the toast on your plate.
5. Put some butter on it.
6. Put some jam on it.
7. Enjoy your toast.
1.First take a slice of bread.
2.Next two pieces of cheese.
3.Then put some butter on it.
4.Some lettuce, some tomato and cucumber.
5.Some nice English pickle.
6.And finally another slice of bread.
“Banana Split”
1. Wash and peel the banana.
2.Split the banana.
3.Put the banana on the plate.
4. Place three ice-cream balls on the banana.
5. Decorate the ice-cream balls with the walnuts.
6. You can top the dessert with whipped cream or chocolate syrup.
“Toffee Apples”
1. Wash and dry the apples and put a wooden stick through the stem end.
2. Slowly heat the caramel sweets over a saucepan of hot water until they are melt.
3. Dip each apple in the caramel syrup, then put it quickly into a bowl of cold water.
4.Put the apples on the greaseproof paper or stand upright, then place in the fridge for some time.
5. Enjoy your Toffees.
13 Динамическая пауза.
1. Song “Help your mother lay the table”
14. Развитие навыков самостоятельной работы.
Well, children .We have spoken about many interesting things. But how can we forget about favourite children’s sweet things .I am sure it is ice-cream. Do you like it? According to the scientists, the ice-cream really makes people feel better. And it’s good for health. It gives us vitamins A and D , calcium and minerals. Your favourite ice-cream can tell about your character
If you like vanilla ice-cream you are cheerful, brave, and like risk.
If you like chocolate ice-cream you are friendly, artistic and have many interesting ideas.
If you like strawberry ice-cream you are kind, modest and romantic
I think we can show our English students that we are not bad at English. Let’s translate interesting facts.
For fun and profit:
- The 1st ice-cream appeared 3, 000 years ago in China. The Chinese ate snow mixed with rice and fruit
- Romans emperors send their slaves to the mountain tops to bring back fresh snow. It was then mixed with fruit, wine and honey.
- In 1925 , Marco Polo, the famous Italian explorer, returned home after 17 years in China and taught his friends how to make ice-cream.
- It is said the Charles I, the king of England, paid his cook 500 pounds a year to keep his ice-cream recipe a secret from the rest of England
- In 1672 the 1st ice-cream café was opened in Paris. They sold ice-cream in metal glasses with small pieces of ice, fruit and nuts.
- The ice-cream cone was invented in 1904 and it’s shape hasn’t changed much more than 100 years.
- Today you can buy all sorts of ice-cream. In Japan, you can buy octopus, shrimp, horseflesh ice-cream. And ice-cream can be many colours even black
15.Подведение итогов урока
Оцените себя, заполняя лист с табличкой “Мои достижения” My achievement Yes or No
1. I know the words, can write some of them.
2. I can tell about food and drinks.
3. I know the traditional English dishes.
4. I can make up the dialogues.
5. I can translate recipe.
If you get 5 “yes” – it’s brilliant.
If you get 4 “yes” – it’s very good.
If you get 3 “yes” – it’s satisfactory.
If you get 2 “yes” – it’s bad.
You work hard today. Thank you for the lesson. Your marks are:
Text: Christmas pudding is one of the richest desserts in the world. It is the main product at Christmas. Many British people will agree that without it Christmas is not a Christmas.
Before the 17th century, the main Christmas dish for British people was the plum pudding, the father of Christmas pudding. It was made with lots of dried plumps and looked like a thick soup. It was served with meat and eaten with a spoon. With time, people added other ingredients, such as mutton, raisins, wine, ginger and cloves and it became so thick that a spoon stood in it. So, the original Christmas pudding wasn’t really a dessert at all!
During the rule of Oliver Cromwell eating Christmas pudding was illegal in Britain. Cromwell said that the dish was very rich to eat it. So , he banned eating pudding. Any person , who ate it was sent to jail or fined.
The food of British students
Before school: glass blackcurrant squash, bottle of coke, packet of crisps, few biscuits.
At school: sandwich, two chocolate biscuits, glass of orange juice
After school: microwavable chips, pizza, three drinks of coke……
The words
nutritious [ nju:triSƏs] -питательный
mutton [m۸tn] -баранина
raisins [reizinz] -изюм
wine [wain] -вино
ginger [dЗiŋgƏ] -имбирь
a clove [klauv] - гвоздика
to send to the jail [dЗeil] - посадить в тюрьму
to fine [fain] -штрафовать
to ban [bæ] - запрещать
to invent [invent] - изобретать
to set a record [riko:d] - установить рекорд
oyster [ o:stƏ] - устрица
a bowl [ boul] чашка
a horn [ ho:n] труба
a leek [li:k] -лук порей
blackcurrant squash [blæk۸rƏnt skwæS] -смородиновый напиток
filling[ filiŋ] -начинка
split разрезать вдоль
Walnuts [wo:ln۸ts] - грецкий орех
whipped cream [wipt] - взбитые сливки
saucepan[ so:spƏn] кастрюля
greaseproof paper [gri:spruf] пергаментная бумага
If you like vanilla ice-cream you are cheerful, brave, and like risk.
If you like chocolate ice-cream you are friendly, artistic and have many interesting ideas.
If you like strawberry ice-cream you are kind, modest and romantic
For fun and profit:
- The 1st ice-cream appeared 3, 000 years ago in China. The Chinese ate snow mixed with rice and fruit
- Romans emperors send their slaves to the mountain tops to bring back fresh snow. It was then mixed with fruit, wine and honey.
- In 1925 , Marco Polo, the famous Italian explorer, returned home after 17 years in China and taught his friends how to make ice-cream.
- It is said the Charles I, the king of England, paid his cook 500 pounds a year to keep his ice-cream recipe a secret from the rest of England
- In 1672 the 1st ice-cream café was opened in Paris. They sold ice-cream in metal glasses with small pieces of ice, fruit and nuts.
- The ice-cream cone was invented in 1904 and it’s shape hasn’t changed much more than 100 years.
- Today you can buy all sorts of ice-cream. In Japan, you can buy octopus, shrimp, horseflesh ice-cream. And ice-cream can be many colours even black
My achievement Yes or No
1. I know the words, can write some of them.
2. I can tell about food and drinks.
3. I know the traditional English dishes.
4. I can make up the dialogues.
5. I can translate recipe.
If you get 5 “yes” – it’s brilliant.
If you get 4 “yes” – it’s very good.
If you get 3 “yes” – it’s satisfactory.
If you get 2 “yes” – it’s bad.
Warm the pot.
Fill the kettle with cold water.
Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.
Boil the water.
Pour hot water into the pot.
Enjoy your tea.
Mix the eggs with a spoon.\
Put it on your plate and eat.
Add some salt and some milk.
Put it on the stove to heat it up.
Oil the pan.
Enjoy your scrambled eggs.
Break 3 eggs and drop them in a bowl.
Pour the egg mixture into the pan to cook it.
Put the chopped eggs into a bowl.
Add to the mayonnaise.
Chop the eggs into small pieces.
Mix the eggs, onions and mayonnaise.
Put the fillings on the sliced bread.
Chop the spring onions. Add to the eggs
Add some salt and pepper.
Put in the toaster.
Put the toast on your plate.
Cut a slice of bread.
Wait a minute. It's ready.
Put some jam on it.
Put some butter on it.
Enjoy your toast.
Then put some butter on it.
Some nice English pickle.
Next two pieces of cheese.
And finally another slice of bread.
First take a slice of bread.
Some lettuce, some tomato and cucumber.
“Banana Split”
Split the banana.
Place three ice-cream balls on the banana.
Put the banana on the plate
You can top the dessert with whipped cream or chocolate syrup.
Wash and peel the banana.
Decorate the ice-cream balls with the walnuts.
“Toffee Apples”
Enjoy your Toffees.
Slowly heat the caramel sweets over a saucepan of hot water until they are melt.
Put the apples on the greaseproof paper or stand upright, then place in the fridge for some time.
Wash and dry the apples and put a wooden stick through the stem end.
Dip each apple in the caramel syrup, then put it quickly into a bowl of cold water.
Put the sentences in the right order.
"Yes, of course."
"Нere you are. Is that all?"
"Yes, please. I'd like a loaf of bread and one liter of milk."
"Good morning. Can I help you?"
"OK. That will be 10 pounds"
"Anything else, sir?"
"I'd also like 250 grams of butter and a kilo of sugar."
"No, one bottle of olive oil , please. Now that's all."
1). Игра “Передай другому”. 1 min
Повторение лексики в режиме T------ P1-- P2-- P3 …(Учитель объявляет тему и дает муляж яблока первому ученику. Ученики, передавая муляж друг другу, называют продукты; учитель прерывая цепочку, меняет тему и игра продолжается).
Fruit : an apple, a pear, a lemon, an orange, a melon, a banana, a plum,
Vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage,
Dairy products : milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, ice-cream
Meat products: meat ,sausage,bones, chicken, fish, ham..
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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