Сценарий интеллектуального шоу, 8 класс, УМК О. В. Афанасьевой и др., угл. изуч.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 8 класс) на тему
Сценарий интеллектуального шоу в 8-ом классе по английскому языку. Разнообразные задания.
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Cultural intellectual show (8 класс).
Greeting: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you at our cultural intellectual show.
- Every nation has got its own customs and traditions. The culture of each nation is really unequalled.
- As well as national costume, national dishes and a national sport, a nation should have a dance. Argentina has its tango, Poland has the polka, Russia has the russkaya plyasovaya and England has the Morris.
- Every May Day outside the village pubs of England you can see colorfully dressed people gimping into the air, waving handkerchiefs and sticks with bells jingling from their clothing. They perform a traditional Morris dance and welcome the return of spring.
Let’s sing and dance.
Spring is here, spring is here
That’s what people say.
The birds are flying north again
To wake us every day.
Spring is here, spring is here
That’s what people say
We can run and jump again
We out our sled away.
Contest 1.
You should introduce your favorite characters from the books by British writes.
Try to use your imagination. Who will be the first?
You are welcome Kate.
- Kate – Alice
- Queen of Hearts – Xenia
- Hercule Poirot – Anton
- Cheshire cat – Nasty
- White rabbit – Samoilova Sasha
- Robin Good – Boris
- Clementine – Chulkova Sasha
- Miss Beancon- Ann
- Aurora – Dasher
A musical pause. The wind of change.
Contest 2. Read some information about books by British writers and try to guess what they are.
1. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.
The prince began to take off his fine clothes, and Tom took off his old clothes and put on the clothes of the Prince. Tom looked at the prince as he stood there dressed in tom’s clothes. He had seen someone very like him before. Where had he seen him? “Come and look at us at the glass” – cried the prince. They were gust like each other.
2. Gulliver’s travels by Jonathan Swift.
I had slept for many hours. When I awoke it was just delight. I tried to get up from the ground, but I could not move. My arms and feet were held down to the ground with strings. I heard some noise around me, but I could see nothing. In a little time I felt something alive moving on my foot, then it came over my body and up to my face. Turning my eyes down as much as I could, I saw a man. He was less than 15 centimeters high.
3. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Alice and her big sister were sitting on the grass. Her sister was reading a book, but Alice had nothing to read. She was too sleepy… Just then, a white rabbit ran by, very near to her. That does not happen every day, but Alice did not wonder when the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it.
4. The jungle book by Rudyard Kipling
At seven o’clock at a hot evening in the Seeonee hills, Father Wolf woke up. There was a little animal in the mouth of the cave. It was Tabaqui, the jackal. The wolves of India don’t like Tabaqui. He makes trouble, Father Wolf could see from Tabaqui’s eyes that he wanted to make trouble now. Shere Khan the Big one, has changed his hunting grounds,” – Tabaqui said.
5. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
There were 150 places at the table. Each knight had his name written in his place. There were one hundred and twenty-eight knights at the table. As time went on other brave and good nights came, and King Arthur gave them places. One place was not filled for a long time. That place was for a knight who had never done any bad thing to any one. It was called the Seat Perilous: if a bad man sat in it, he would die. After many years sir Galahad came and was given that place.
6. When he awoke it was evening and the storm had already finished. The ship was seen not very far but a half of it was under the water. Having got to the ship, a man started to look for the instruments which he needed to build a raft. The things which were useful for him were there in two big boxes. The man took some clothes, dishes, an English flag and some food. So he could start the work.
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
7. Romeo and Juley by William Shakespeare.
When a dancing ball started, he saw a young and very beautiful girl. She was so nice that he fell in love with her and forgot about Rosalina at once. He came to her and was going to start a conversation but her cousin Tibolt appeared at that very moment. The young men were ready to fight but Capulet interfered and the young man had to go away. But he did not go home. He went to Capulet’s garden and found a place under the balcony of his lover.
8. It was a wonderful summer day. It was Sunday and he did not have to go to school. But he had to work that day. He had to paint that fence. Life was too hard on him. The fence was long and high.
The adventures of Tom Coyer by Mark Twain.
9. She was as black as ink. There was nobody in the jungles who wanted to fight with her, because she was strong, clever and unfeared. But her voice was as sweet as honey and her skin was lighter than down.
Moguls by Kipling.
A musical pause. Yesterday by the Beatles.
Contest 3.
Answer the questions.
- What is the nickname of the British flag? (Union Jack.)
- What is the national Scottish costume called? (Kilt)
- What is the nickname of the guest who comes on New Year’s morning first? (First foot)
- What’s the co lour of London taxies?
- Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London?
- What do many children say when they knock on their nabours’ door on Halloween? (Trick or treat)
- What is the color of double – deckers in London?
- What person in London has the address: 10, Downing Street? (British Prime Minister).
- What is the official residence of the British queen?
A musical pause :( Yellow submarine) page 183 – 8 form
Contest 4: How do you know British proverbs and idioms?
- To beat the air. – Толочь воду в ступе.
- Every cook praises his own broth. – Каждый кулик своё болото хвалит.
- Fortune favors the brave. – Смелость города берёт.
- Keep your chin up. – Не вешай носа!
- Sore twice before you cut once. – Семь раз отмерь – один отрежь.
- Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
- My home is my castle. – Мой дом – моя крепость.
- Live and learn. – Век живи – век учись.
- Curiosity killed a cat. – Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.
- As red as a cherry. – Кровь с молоком.
- As hungry as a hunter. – Голоден как волк.
- Rome was not built in a day. – Москва не сразу строилась.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Друг познаётся в беде.
- Business before pleasure. – Делу – время, потехе – час.
- Tastes differ. – О вкусах не спорят.
- To be on the tip of one’s tongue. – Вертеться на языке.
- Keep one’s fingers crossed. – Надеяться на удачу.
- Wishes don’t wash dishes. – Без труда не вынешь рыбку из пруда.
A musical pause. A song: Pasadena. Page 239 – 8 form.
Contest 5. How do your know limericks?
1. A diner while dining at Crew
Found a rather large mouse in his stew
Said the waiter: “Don’t shout,
And wave it about,
Or the rest will be wanting one too” Николаев Антон.
2. There was a young fellow of Ealing
Devoided of all delicate feeling.
When he read on the door,
Don’t spit on the floor!
He immediately span on the ceiling. Юргин Борис.
3. A lady who lived in Peru
Was looking for something to do
She took a cold shower
Every half hour
And ended up with bad flue. Егорова Настя.
4. The compose Benjamin Britten
Owned a musical kitten
It played lovely tunes
On piano and spoons
Much better than Britten had written. Фомичёва Ксения.
5. There was an old lady of Rye
Who was baked in the pie,
To the household’s disgust
She emerged through the crust,
And exclaimed with a yarn
Where am I? Панкратова Анна.
6. There was a pretty girl from Peru
Who dreamt she was eating her shoe
She woke in the night
In a terrible fright,
And found it was perfectly true. Самойлова Саша.
7. There was a young lady of Russia
Who screamed so that nobody could hush her?
Her scream was extreme,
No one head such a scream
As was screamed by the lady of Russia. Соловьёва Даша.
8. There was a lady whose nose,
Was so long that it reached to her toes,
So she hired an old lady,
Whose conduct was steady?
To carry that wonderful nose. Чулкова Саша.
9. There was a young lady named Riley,
Who valued old candle – ends highly
When no one was looking
She used them for cooking. Перфильева Катя.
The pupils say: Our shoe is over. We are very grateful to you for your attention.
Исполняется песня из кинофильма Титаник.
Жюри подводит итоги конкурсов и выставляет оценки.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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