План-конспект открытого урока в 5 «А» классе по теме «Free Time»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект открытого урока в 5 «А» классе по теме «Free Time»
Задача урока: развитие навыков устной речи по теме с использованием компьютерных программ.
Цели урока:
- Познавательный аспект: познакомить детей с видами хобби;
- Развивающий аспект: развивать воображение, языковую догадку учащихся, мотивацию и интерес к учению;
- Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся культуру работать в парах;
- Учебный аспект: повторить и обобщить основной лексико-грамматический- грамматический материал раздела, развивать и совершенствовать речевые и коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
Подготовительная работа:
- изучение материала учебника и компьютерных программ по теме урока;
- анализ полученной информации;
- подготовка плана урока;
- подбор компьютерных программ по теме урока.
Использованная литература:
Учебник Афанасьева О.В. «Английский язык» V класс: для общеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ.яз.-М. : Просвещение, 2010.
- учебник Афанасьева О.В. «Английский язык» V класс;
-раздаточный материал
- интерактивная доска и программы к ней:
1- Компьютерная программа «Discover English» Active teach, Pearson Education Limited, England, 2010
2- Компьютерная программа Access Вирджиния Эванс, Джении Дули: English Publishing, «Просвещение», 2010.
3- Компьютерная программа Project Том Хатчинсон: Oxford University Press, 2008.
План урока
1 .Организационный момент.
2. Речевая зарядка
3. Фонетическая зарядка
4. Основной этап.
5. Подведение итогов.
Ход урока:
- Организационный этап.
T – Goog morning!
P – Good morning!
T – I’m glad to see you!
P – We’re glad to see you, too.
T – Who is on duty today?
P1 – I am.
P1 – What is the day today?
P2 – It’s Friday today.
P1 – What is the date today?
P2 – Today is the 22nd of September.
- Речевая зарядка/ Warming up.
T – The theme of our lesson today is “Free time”. What’re the synonyms of this expression?
P – Hobby. Favourite activity. Past time.
T – What’s your hobby? What are you interested in? What are you fond of? Have you got a rich imagination?
P – My hobby is playing the guitar.
T- Why do you like it?
P- It sounds so sweet!
T- What’s your hobby, Vikulya?
P 2– My hobby is studying languages.
T- Why? It’s so difficult!
P2- But it’s stylish today. I can communicate with different nationalities.
T –I see, you have good ways of spending free time. You’re very stylish: you play the piano and computer games, you want to know many languages! Let’s sing the ‘Live in style song”! But first say after me:
- Фонетическая зарядка/Phonetic drill:
/r/ relaxed, different, where, there is.
/l/ living, lovely, all, life, place, style
/θ/ thought, think, thin, thirsty, south
/ ð / the place, there is, this, weather.
/w/ way, we, what, where.
Sing the song:
Live in style
Living close to nature
Is a lovely way to be
Life is quit and peaceful, too
It’s so relaxed and free
But everyone is different
We all have different ways
Different thoughts of what to do
And where to spend our days
So find the place where you belong
The place that makes you smile
The place that gives you what you want
Where you can live in style!
Living in the city is exiting and it’s fun
There is always lot’s to do and see
Something for everyone.
4.Основной этап
- Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков
Т- Now, My dear pupils. Let’s learn more vocabulary. Let’s Listen and repeat the phrases (ex.1 Discover. Module 6)
P, P1: Swim, play the piano, act etc.
T-Let’s listen what activity it is (ex.2 Discover. Module 6)
T- Thank you. Now, let’s work in chain. You come up to the board and click the action that you listened. Is it clear?
P- It’s clear as day!
T – Irina, your hobby is playing the guitar, Valya, you are fond of playing the piano. What other musical instruments do you know? Let’s study some of them!
T- Look at the blackboard. You can see musical instrument there. Listen and repeat them after me. Do you remember them?
P,P2- Yes, we do.
T- Let’s ask each other about our parents! Yaroslav, Is your mum’s hobby playing the piano? What’s your dad’s hobby? What’s your mum’s favourite activity?
T – What can you say about Yaroslav’s parents?
P- His mum’s favourite activity is playing the piano. His dad’s hobby is watching football etc.
T- Vikulya, you’re fond of reading and playing the drums! It’s so interesting! Now, I offer you the next exercise. Let’s guess the crossword? Oh, you should complete it with musical instruments!
P- Yes. We do. We remember musical instruments!
Учащиеся отгадывают кроссворд. ( Discover. Module 6 Part: Vocabulary).
T- You’ve done the task brilliant. Irina, can you play the drums?
P- No, I can’t.
T- Egor, can you sing?
P2- Yes. I can.
T- Now we revise the modal verb “can”. What’s it’s negative form?
P – Can’t!
T- How can we ask questions with this modal verb?
P- Can you …. ?
T- Ask your partner what he/she can and can’t.
Учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу с использованием модального глагола.
T- Valya, what can Egor?
P – He can swim, play the clarinet, act.
T –What can’t Irina?
P 2-She can’t play the flute, sing.
T- Fantastic. Now you know, who can swim and who can’t dance in our class. Let’s focus on the following task: ex.4 and 5 (ex.4,5 Discover. Module 6 Part: Grammar). Look at the picture if it is true or false. Be very attentive!
T- They can dance.
P,P 2- True!
T –Can they cook?
P -No, they can’t! It’s false!
T-That’s good. Now let’s match sentences according to grammar. Work in chain. Start with…Egor!
- Развитие навыков чтения с последующим выполнением заданий к прочитанному тексту.(см.Приложение 1)
T-Now, you’re going to listen to the text. When the text finish, you will tell me what it is about.
Ребята слушают текст, после прослушивания они делятся мнениями о чем текст.
-Let’s listen and repeat the text.
Учитель раздает текст. Ребята слушают и повторяют.
T- Read the text to each other.
Учащиеся читают текст друг другу.
T- Alexandra, can read the text, please. Valya, go on reading.
Учитель выборочно дает текст на чтение в слух нескольким учащимся. Другие следят за чтением текста.
T-Now, I want to look at the board.Let’s read the sentences and think where is true and where is false.
Презентация «True/false». Ребята читают предложения и выявляют которые из них верны и неверны исходя из прочитанного текста.
- Видео(Module 6 Part: Video ).
T- Now, the last interesting task for you is video. You are going to watch it and answer some of ny questions. Are you ready? Let’s watch It!
После просмотра учитель задает вопросы по просмотренному видео.
T –What’s his hobby? What’s his dad’s favourite activity? What’s his mum’s past time?
5.Подведение итогов
T – Today we have discussed various ways of spending our free time. No matter what we are busy with, let’s do it with a smile. Now, each of you should tell me 2 expressions that he learnt at the lesson. You shouldn’t repeat your classmates expressions!
T – You’ve worked well today. Your marks are … Write down your homework. Make the project about your family and friends as you saw in Video. Thank you for the lesson, my dear pupils. I was very glad to work with you today!Goodbye!
P, P2,P3 – Goodbye!!!
Приложение 1
Текст для чтения
A friendly family.
My name’s Alice. I ‘d like to tell you about my family. I think, It is very friendly and united. There are 5 people in our family: my mother, father, my elder brother, my grand dad and me.
We like to spend much time together! We are interested in hiking, visiting theaters and museums, going to the cinema.
My mother's name is Debbie. She is a nurse, she works in a hospital. She is a kind and a nice woman, slim and dark-haired. She can cook very well. She is fond of reading. My father's name is Ted. He is a sailor. He is a strong, clever man, rather tall. He is very brave. He often tells me interesting stories about different countries. My father has a rich imagination, he is fond of painting. My brother's name is Alex. He is 22 years old. He is a student. He wants to be a lawyer. He is interested in studying law very much.
The oldest member of our family is my granddad. You can hardly believe it, but he is about 85 years old. He is very interested in life. He is fond of gardening and playing computer games. He is proud of playing computer games. His favourite computer game is Counter-Strike. He can play it all day long.
As for me, I’m proud of collecting stickers. I have more than five hundred stickers in my collection. I’m also fond of playing musical instruments, I can play the piano and the guitar.
I think home is the nicest place. As proverb says, "East or West, home is best". There is no place more delightful than home and there are no people more dear than your relatives. How I love my family!
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