План-конспект открытого урока в 6 классе по теме "He was not of an age, but for all time".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Урок посвящён жизни и творчеству великого английского драматурга Уильяма Шекспира
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Предварительный просмотр:
План урока
1. Вступительное слово учителя.
Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest English poets William Shakespeare
It is impossible to speak about the English literature without speaking about this author.
He was the man who had the largest and most comprehensive soul. Four hundred years passed since he lived. But people all over the world still read his plays, watch them on the stage and admire his wonderful characters. The English gave him several nicknames “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal Poet of Nature” and the most romantic one “The Swan of Avon”.
William Shakespeare… The brilliant poet, the marvelous dramatist, the greatest of the great. One of his contemporaries, another great playwright, Ben Jonson said that he was not of an age, but for all time.
2. Речевая зарядка.
Учитель: Would you mind answering some questions:
- Who is it?
- What is he?
- What language did William Shakespeare speak?.
- Is he an English or an American poet?
- Shakespeare was a great English dramatist, wasn’t he? –
Thank you.
3. Активизация лексики, связанной с жизнью и творчеством Шекспира.
T.: Write down as many words as you can that you associate with William Shakespeare?
Учащиеся работают в группах и составляют кластеры слов, связанных с Шекспиром.
T: Take turns to name the words that you associate with the great playwright.
4. Беседа о биографии Шекспира.
T: Do we know a lot about Shakespeare’s life? No, only few facts are known for certain.
Let’s remember the facts of his life.
- When was William Shakespeare born? (Когда родился Шекспир?)
- Where was he born? (Где родился?)
- Did he have quite a good education? (Он получил хорошее образование?)
- Did he have a family? (У него была семья?)
- When did he go to London? (Когда он уехал в Лондон?)
- What did he do there? (Что он там делал?)
- Where were most of his plays performed? (Где были поставлены большинство его пьес?)
- When did he stop writing? (Когда он перестал писать?)
- What his best known plays do you know? (Какие самые известные пьесы вы знаете?)
- Работа с видеороликом о Стрэтфорде.
T: Would you like to go to Stratford-upon-Avon? Let’s go on a virtual excursion around Stratford. Watch the film and answer the question: What places connected with Shakespeare can tourists see in Stratford?
Просмотр видеоролика.
- Работа с текстом “Elizabethan Theatre”.
T: So, Shakespeare acted on the stage and later started writing plays for the Globe. Do you think in Shakespeare’s time theatre was as it is now?
Let’s read a text about Elizabethan theatre. In the text you’ll come across some new words. Look at the screen and read them.
Работа в группах.
The task: work in groups and make up 3 statements based on the text. Some statements can be true, some can be false. Then you will read your statements and your classmates will agree or disagree with them.
- Знакомство с периодизацией творчества Шекспира.
T: You know that William Shakespeare wrote lot of plays for the theatre: comedies, tragedies and historical dramas. A tragedy is a serious play that ends sadly, especially with the death of the main character. A comedy is a play intended to entertain people and make them laugh.
Работа с презентацией.
Shakespeare’s dramatic development is divided into four periods. Etc.
Look at the list of his works and working in groups choose the names of comedies, tragedies and historical dramas.
Учащиеся получают список пьес и выбирают нужную категорию.
Групповая работа.
- Работа с видеофрагментом из фильма «Ромео и Джульетта».
T: Shakespeare’s first tragedy made him very popular. Its characters have become symbols of devoted and immortal love. Let’s watch a scene from the film Romeo and Juliet and then discuss it.
- What does the scene show us?
- What or who can you see in the foreground?
- What or who can you see in the background?
- What are the people doing?
- Describe the appearance of the people.
- What kind of clothes are they wearing?
- What atmosphere does the scene reflect
T: As your homework I asked you to read this play in Russian. Let’s see how well you remember it.
Учащиеся в группах делают квиз по «Ромео и Джульетте».
- Работа с цитатами.
T: Many phrases from Shakespeare’s plays have become bywords. Now the task is to match the two halves of the quotations.
Учащиеся в группах подбирают начало и окончание цитаты, а другая группа переводит на русский язык.
- Прослушивание звукозаписи сонета 104 из книги по домашнему чтению.
- Подведение итогов.
Дом. задание: книга для чтения, отчитать сонет и выучить перевод.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
When was William Shakespeare born? Where was he born? Did he have a good education? Did he have a family? When did he go to London? What did he do there? Where were most of his plays performed? When did he stop writing? What his best known plays do you know?
employ – нанимать inn – гостиница cart – телега blow the trumpet – играть на трубе permanent – постоянный trap door - люк cellar – подвал hell - ад the Heavens - рай
Modern Globe Theatre
Timeline of Shakespeare Works Early Period Middle Period The Great Tragedies Final Period
Early Period 1590 – 1595 optimistic, light and bright c. 1590 Titus Andronicus c. 1590-1592 Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III c. 1592 The Taming of the Shrew c. 1592 The Comedy of Errors c. 1593 Richard III c. 1593 Richard III
Middle Period (Balanced Period) 1595 – 1603 Shakespeare wrote the most popular plays c. 1595-1596 A Midsummer's Night’s Dream c. 1594-1598 The Merchant of Venice c. 1598-1599 Much Ado About Nothing c. 1599 As You Like It c. 1595 Romeo and Juliet c. 1599 Julius Caesar
Overflowing Period (the Great Tragedies) 1603 -1608 Hamlet King Lear Macbeth Othello All’s Well That Ends Well Measure for Measure
Final Period (the Late Plays) after 1608 tragicomedies, or romantic dramas The Tempest The Winter’s Tale
Romeo and Juliet
A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem. http://www.larrygleason.com/sonnets/sonnet_104.html
Thank You!
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