Открытый урок на тему: «Animals in our life» в 6 классе.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Открытый урок на тему: «Animals in our life» в 6 классе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка открытого урока на тему: «Animals in our life» в 6 классе.
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Используемые технологии : здоровьесберегающие , коммуникативные, игровые.
Цели урока:
- Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и устной речи.
- Активизировать и закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры и лексические единицы.
Задачи урока :
-научить учащихся обсуждать проблемы животных, используя пройденный лексико-грамматический материал и высказываться на английском языке.
- развивать умения выразить собственные мысли разными способами: сообщением, убеждением.
- развивать умения и навыки диалогической и монологической речи.
-прививать детям чувство доброты и любви к животным и окружающему миру.
- воспитывать познавательную активность учащихся, работая в группах .
- формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда: поиск и исследование необходимой информации для создания мини-проектов и их решения.
- 3 стола с табличками «Green Рeace», «Animal Liberation Front», «Zoological Society of London».
- Карточки с транскрипционными знаками и лексическими единицами.
- Визитные карточки у всех учащихся.
- Картинки с животными.
- Таблички - знаки «правила зоопарка».
- Таблица на доске.
- Проект - решение конференции.
- Магнитофон.
I. Организационный момент:
Т :Good morning, dear guests! Good morning, dear friends. Sit down please.yourToday we are having the unusual lesson. As you know we have just finished the theme «Animals in our life» and that's why we try to arrange a press — conference at the second part of our lesson. But the beginning of the lesson we shall start as usual.
II.Фонетическая зарядка:
T: First of all let's revise sounds: So, listen to me and repeat:
Look at the blackboard please.
- [æ] — natural, catch, habit, hamster;
- [e1] — cage, save, nature, endangered;
- [ə:] — world, burn, world, work;
- [d] — watch, project, watchdog;
- [ai] — fight, kind, wild, life ,rhino;
- [ŋ] — wing, swinging, jumping, joining;
- [aiə] — Society, scientist, giant;
III.Речевая зарядка
T: And now listen to me and give the Russian equivalents: all over the world, every living thing, endangered animals, feeding time, stretch their wings, to join the Society, to fight against cruelty to animals, to save the day, enough very good.
Ttranslate from Russian into English:
домашние животные, дикие животные, бездомные, на воле, насекомые, акула, кит, носорог, защищать, вымирающие животные.
Ps: (translate the words)
That is very good. Let's work with a picture. Let's read: «Wild Animal's park» - who can give the Russian equivalent: - Misha, please - «заповедник» that's right. And let's say who can live in wild Animal's park? - P1 —tiger, P2 — lion, P3 — wolf, P4 — bear, P5 — fox, P6 — rhino, P7 — zebra, P8 — giraffe.
Well. And who can read the rules of the zoos and parks. Read and translate, please Dima: «No dogs», - вход с собаками воспрещен; «No flash», - нельзя фотографировать; «No ices», «No swimming», «Please keep off the grass», «Please do not feed the pigeons».
T: Well, enough.
IV.Аудирование. Развитие навыков монологической речи. ЗАГАДКИ
T: At first , let's read the unknown words and translate them. Repair, vet, pond, call.And now I want you to listen to the tape — recorder and try to understand the people who work at the zoo. After that you must fill the table: (Дети прослушивают запись и заполняют таблицу), таблица на доске.
1.Panda | Call the vet. |
2. | |
3. | |
4. |
Т: So, listen to me attentively. Imagine yourselves that you are not pupils and I'm not your teacher. You are ladies and gentlemen. And we begin our press-conference with representatives of different societies from the world. We invited the representative of Green Peace from America.
Ps:( introduce themselves)
- — Hello. My name is Mike Brown. I am a manager. I work in this organization. I am from New York...
- — The representatives of Animal Liberation Front from Australia.
- Hi, my name is Nicky Hilton. I am a scientist. I am from Sidney. - — The representative of Zoological Society from Great Britain.
- Hello. My name is Peter Grey. I am a director of the zoo. I am from London.
T: Thank you very much. Take your place, please. Dear participants and guests , attention, please. The Russian pupils from Moscow have core to our conference to great you. Children, you are welcome.
P 1: Hello. My name is Misha. I'm 12. I like animals very much. And I want to read the poem «My dream» by Gillian Brown.
«My Dream»
I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of money.
D'you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.
But They Wouldn't be in cages,
They would be free to run around.
And there's on thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound.
P 2: - Hi my name is Arina. I'm 11.I like animals too. I’d like to tell you about animals living together in a wood.(инсценировка стиха)
У обезьянки - a monkey -
Была подружка - a frog - лягушка
Была сестричка - afox - лисичка
Были еще: a little rabbit — крольчонок
a bear - cub - медвежонок
a grey cat - серый кот
a Billy goat - козленок
И жили они в лесу - in a wood.
Было им хорошо - very good.
T: Thank you children. Sit down, please. So let's continue our conference and discuss the Animal's problems. Ladies and gentlemen get ready your questions. But first of all listen to a short information about endangered animals.
P1: There are a lot of animals which are in danger in the world. Such as: giant panda, black rhino, dolphins, tigers, leopards, whales and so on...
P2: В мире очень много животных которые в опасности, под угрозoй вымирания. Очень многие занесены в Красную книгу...
Т: It’s time to have a rest .
Hands up! Clap,clap
Hands on the hips! Step,step!
Bend your left,
Bend your right,
Turn yourself around.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands at sides and sit down!
VI.Актуализация вопросно-ответной работы.
T: So, who wants to ask the question? - You, please.
P: I'm a correspondent from newspaper «Animal's World».
- What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park?
Answer1 : Animals live in the wild. - Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks?
Answer 2: People want to study their lives. - Where do animals have more space for living?
Answer3: Animals have more space for living in a wild animal's park. - Where do animals have a better place to live and why?
Answer4: Animals have a better place in a wild animal's park, because they live in the wild. - Do different animals meet each other in zoos and in parks?
Answer5: Animals meet each other in the park. - Do you think you can learn more about animals at zoos or at wild animal parks?
Answer6: You can learn more about animals at wild animal parks. - Why do the rules of the park say that you can't take you pets with you?
Answer7: Because it's dangerous for your pets - What do you think is better for animals:
to live in zoos?
to live in wild animal's parks?
to live in the wild?
Answer8: I think to live in the wild is better for animals.
T: There are many animals all over the world that need our help to survive. Homeless dogs and cats. They need in food and care. I think that they must live in special places. We must protect endangered animals. As the result, I suggest you take the resolution about these problems. And I offer the following project of resolution, let's read and translate:
1. To create more National Parks where animals could live in a wild and be safe and sound.
2. To fight against cruelty to animals.
3. To teach our children how to take care about our pets.
4. To join our friends to the zoological societies.
5. People from all over the world should help animals in any situations.
6. Everyone must help to save endangered animals from all over the world.
T: At the end of our conference I would like you give some statements:
Do you agree or disagree with:
I agree with I disagree with
I think so I don't think so
I believe that I'm not sure...
1. «People who care for animals are much more friendly than other people»
2. «Anyone can have any animals at his home: a cat, a snake, a crocodile, a lion...»
3. «Homeless dogs and cats should live in special places»
VII. Итог урока. Рефлексия.
T: Our press-conference is over. Everybody of you worked very good. I was pleased with you today. Good bye!
VIII.Сообщение домашнего задания.
Write a story about your favourite animals.
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