Конспект урока "Сравнение систем здравоохранения США, Великобритании, России". 11 класс, автор учебника Кузовлев В.П.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Конспект урока по теме "Сравнение систем здравоохранения США, Великобритании, России". 11 класс. Учебник "English 10-11", автор учебника В.П. Кузовлев.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Сравнение систем здравоохранения Великобритании, США и России.
Цели:1. Познавательный аспект – познакомить учащихся с некоторыми фактами, касающимися системы медицинского обслуживания Великобритании, США и России.
2. Развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к анализу и синтезу, к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к формированию выводов из прочитанного.
3. Воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности к критическому мышлению, к пониманию чужих точек зрения на социальные проблемы, социальному выбору, достижению согласия и сотрудничества в условиях различных взглядов и убеждений.
Основное содержание урока
- Организационное начало урока.
- Постановка целей и задач урока.
-Today we are going to continue our work on the topic which you see on the interactive board. It is “The system of health care in Great Britain, the USA and Russia”.
-You see we have been studying it for some lessons and as far as I can judge you are rather good at making progress. Follow that way, please, to achieve our goals.
Look at the blackboard. You can see the English proverb. Read it, please.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
Do you agree with it? Why? Why not? Try to explain.
Look at the blackboard. You can see the English proverb. Read it, please.
- Речевая зарядка.
Asking about health. When an Englishman asks you about your health, he is probably only doing so out of politeness unless he knows you have been ill, he is certainly not expecting a detailed medical report, and will be most surprised of you give him one.
- Объяснение нового материала.
-Here are some facts and opinions about the system of health care and medical insurance in Great Britain. Which of these facts and opinions characterize the health care system positively and which negatively? Let us begin with positive facts and opinions.
1. In Britain, medical insurance is organized by Government and is compulsory, while in some other countries it is not.
2. Despite the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well.
3. The British spend a small proportion of their wealth on health service, because of its simple administration.
4. In spite of being poor, you can get good medical care in Britain.
5. The exceptions to free medical care are teeth and eyes, though even this care is available to large numbers of people who do not have to pay.
Negative facts and opinions.
- I think it is not good that country does not spend a lot of money per person on health care, whereas in some other countries health care system are much more expensive.
- Because of central organization of public health care there is little cooperation between public health care service and the private sector.
Когда мы сравниваем факты, события или действия, не противопоставляя их друг другу, мы используем союзы while/whereas.
Example: In Britain the NHS provides most health care, while in the USA there is no public health service.
Когда мы говорим о том то, что-либо происходит вопреки, несмотря на или из-за каких-либо других событий или действий, мы используем союзы и предлоги although, despite, in spite of.
Example: Because of the crisis, health care reform should be carried out.
-What happens in Britain, s health care service “despite” and “because of” some facts? What happens in Britain, s health care service “although” there are some other circumstances?
1. Despite the fact that GPS are considered to be overworked, they examine their patients well.
2. Although public health care is not very bad, private health treatment (BUPA) is better.
-Here are some people, s opinion about medical care service in the USA. Which of the following statements are facts and which are opinions?
- I think in many ways it is a wonderful system, but in many other ways it is a catastrophe.
- It is a fact that medical care is not free, but many hospitals provide some free or low-cost care for those who can not pay.
- It is true that America with its private insurance –based system spends 14% of GDP on health Britain with its popular state-funded NHS spends only 7%.
-How do all these facts and opinions characterize the US medical care service?
После предлогов in spite of, despite мы используем существительное, местоимение what/that, this, Ving форму или выражение the fact that…
Example: Despite the fact that the USA is one of the most developed countries in the world it does not provide health care for all.
После предлога because of мы используем существительное или местоимение.
Example: Because of all these things some people think that the US medical care system is a catastrophe.
- In spite of the fact that the USA is one of the most industrialized countries in the world, it does not provide health care for all.
- Though medical care is not free, many hospitals provide some free or low-cost care for those who can not pay.
- Most people have private health because of absence of public health service.
- Despite its private insurance- based system America spends 14% of GDP on health while Britain with its popular state-funded NHS spends only 7%.
- While there are people who receive medical care through social programmes Medicare – for people over 65 and the disabled, there is Medicaid which is available to the poor.
- Self-employed private physicians receive a free each patient visit, while some medical doctors are on a salary.
A doctor told his patient that there was nothing really the matter with him: “All you require is more outdoor life, walk 2 or 3 miles regularly every day. What is your business?” – “I am a letter carrier, doctor”.
Health care service in Russia has its own good and bad points. I would like to give you some information about it. What can you say about it. What can you say about the health care service in Russia from your own experience.
- Russia has a public health care service.
- The work of public health care service is rather good.
- Medical insurance is compulsory in Russia.
- There is a private sector in medical care.
- On the whole medical care is free.
- Private health care cost is high.
- The quality of treatment is not bad in public health care system.
- Most of physicians are on a salary.
(Ответы учащихся).
This lesson we have come to know a lot about the medical system of Great Britain, the USA and Russia. I would like you to complete this chart.
Countries | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Great Britain | Health care is public. | |
The USA | ||
Russia |
6.Подведение итогов.
7.Оценивание учащихся.
8. Домашнее задание.
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