Конспект урока "In the world of books".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок рассчитан на учащихся 7-х классов. Данный урок помогает совершенствовать ранее полученные знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме "Книги", помогает применять ранее усвоенное, знакомит с жизнью и творчеством Байрона.
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Открытый урок в 7-м классе по теме "In the World of Books"
Мотина Юлия Александровна, учитель английского языка
The book to read is not the one which thinks for you,
but the one which makes you think.
(James McCosh).
- развитие навыка аудирования
- развитие лексических навыков
- развитие навыка поискового и просмотрового чтения
- развитие навыка монологической речи
-развитие логического мышления
-формирование познавательного интереса к учению
-развитие умения учебного труда (работа в заданном темпе)
-воспитание положительного отношения к чтению
-воспитание эстетических взглядов
-формирование положительного отношения к состоянию здоровья
Тип урока.
Совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков, полученных ранее, и целевого применения усвоенного.
Методы и приемы.
-метод беседы
-метод исследовательских заданий
-метод монологического изложения
Формы работы.
- фронтальная
Межпредметные связи.
Связь с литературой (определение литературных жанров и привлечение в качестве примеров писателей).
Оснащение урока.
Аудиозапись, презентация, магнитная доска, карточки.
План урока.
1.Организационный момент.
2.Фонетическая разминка.
3. Речевая разминка.
4. История создания первых книг.
5. Работа с цитатами.
6. Работа с пословицами.
7. Развитие лексического и орфографического навыков (работа со словарными дефинициями).
8. Аудирование небольших текстов с общим пониманием прослушанного.
9. Физкультминутка
10. Игра «Узнай писателя» и знакомство с жизнью и творчеством Байрона.
11. Рассказы – загадки учащихся о писателях и книгах.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
Good morning children. I’m very glad to see you today at our lesson. How are you, Vika? How are you, Mila? And you, Nikita? Well, I’m fine, too.
Tell me, please. What do we do at the lessons of English? (read, translate, talk, listen). That’s right. And today we shall also read, talk, listen and write a little bit.
Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well, try to guess what it is. “It has no mouth but it speaks. It is not alive, but it can be a good friend. It is not a tree, but it has leaves. What is it?” That’s right. It’s a book.
And now I want you to define the topic of the lesson. What shall we talk about? Look at the blackboard, please. Do you see the words? Can you read them? Make up one sentence and it will be the topic of our lesson. (дети читают слова с доски “books, world, the,in, of ” и составляют предложение, которое является темой урока)
We are going to discuss literature genres, listen to short stories and read extracts from the books of modern English writers.
- Фонетическая разминка.
We shall train good sounds first. Please repeat the words after me.
I have two poems. (учитель читает стихотворения, а дети хором повторяют)
Look in a Book
in a book
and you will see
and magic
and mystery.
in a book
and you will find
and nonsense
of every kind.
in a book
and you will know
allthe things
that can help you grow.
In a Story Book
At night when sunshine goes away,
And it's too dark for me to play,
I like to come inside, and look
For new friends in a story book.
- Речевая разминка.
All people have different reading habits: some can’t live without reading, others don’g read at all except TV programmes. And what about you?
- How much time do you spend on reading?
- What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? Newspapers or magazines?
- Do you read books only for your Russian Literature classes or do you do any extra reading?
- How old were you when you began reading?
- Do you collect books?
- How many books do you have at home?
- Is reading important in our life?
- In what way can reading be useful to people?
- История создания первых книг.
And do you know the history of books? Now our classmates will tell us about it.
We can’t imagine our life without books and reading. Beginning from our childhood we are surrounded by a lot of books. But who was this man who invented printing? Do you know his name?
I should say that he was a genius. His name will be famous in ages. It was Johann Gutenberg who printed the so-called Gutenberg Bible in 1456.
The first printed English book was “Sayings of the Philosophers”. It was printed in 1477.
The Russian pioneer of printing was Ivan Fyodorov. He issued the first Russian printed book “Apostle” in 1564.
It seems to me reading is and will be part of our life. We can’t imagine our life without books. First we see them in our childhood when our parents read us books with pictures, nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Later at school we start reading with the first ABC book. And the books are with us almost every day. We copy them, study, borrow and lend, translate and use.
- Работа с цитатами.
A lot of famous people thought about the importance of books. Now I will give you some quotations but the words in them are given in the wrong order- together with you partners try to arrange them correctly.
- A roman philosopher Cicero said:
Without/ A room/ a body/ is/ books/a soul/ like/ without.
- An American president Thomas Jefferson said:
Reading/ live/ i/ without/ cannot/
- Sir Richard Steel said:
Is/ what exercise/ Reading/ to the body/ to the mind/is
- An English philosopher Francis Bacon said:
- A Scottish writer Andrew Lang said:
Can/of country/a great deal/in books/cover/you
- A room without books is like a body without soul.
- I cannot live without reading.
- Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
- Reading makes a full man.
- You can cover a great deal of country in books.
- Работа с пословицами.
Match the two parts of proverbs about books.
There is no friend | By its cover |
Choose an author | What we read |
Don’t judge a book | And I will tell you what you are |
We are | So faithful as a good book |
Tell me what you read | As you choose a friend |
Books are a great thing | As long as you know how to use them |
Never judge a book | By its movie |
- There is no friend so faithful as a good book.
- Choose an author as you choose a friend.
- Don’t judge a book by its cover.
- We are what we read.
- Tell me what you read and I will tell you what your are
- Books are a great thing al long as you know how to use them.
- Never judge a book by its movies.
And do you know any Russian proverbs about books?
- Развитие лексического и орфографического навыков (работа со словарными дефинициями).
Now I see that you understand that reading is important. Look at the blackboard, please. You see a bare tree. Another wise man said: “Life without books is as a tree without leaves”. Do you understand this quotation? Life without books looks as poor and unhappy as a tree without leaves. Now let us grow our own “book-tree”. (ученики получают листья, на которых с одной стороны написаны названия литературных жанров с пропущенными буквами, а на другой их определения). Take these leaves, read the definitions of different kinds of books on them and fill in the missing letters. You have one minute to do it. Now let’s check what you’ve got and put our leaves on the tree, try to make up full sentences. (e.g. … is a detective story)
- Science fiction is a book about actual or imagined scientific things or events.
- A historical book is a book with an old story about great events and people in ancient times, which may not be true.
- A fairy-tale is a story that teaches a lesson, a story in which animals or objects can speak.
- A horror is a story in which frightening and often unnatural things happen.
- A detective is a book that tells a very exciting story especially of crime and violence.
- Biography is a book about another person’s life.
- Autobiography is a book about your life.
- Western is a book about American frontier of the 19th century.
- A dictionary is a book about words of a language with the information about their meanings, pronunciations, etc.
- A reference book is a book about facts about almost anything and everything.
(после прочтения своего определения жанра книги, каждый ученик выходит и с помощью магнита прикрепляет лист к «книжному дереву», заранее нарисованному на доске).
Now our tree looks beautiful!
- Аудирование небольших текстов с общим пониманием прослушанного. (Opportunities Intermediate, Longman, Module 2, “Stories”, Warm-up, p.19).
I see that you are great experts at different kinds of books, so let’s play a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is, besides write down the words that helped you make the right answer.(Раздать карточки с заданием каждому ученику, они прослушивают, сверяют в парах, потом все вместе проверяем).
Kind of story | Number (№) | Key words |
Detective story |
True story |
Horror story |
Fairy story |
Science fiction |
Kind of story | Number (№) | Key words |
Detective story | №4 | Dead, murder, victim, killed |
True story | №3 | Memory, father, 3 years old |
Horror story | №1 | Dark, lost, black |
Fairy story | №5 | Princess, king, queen, castle |
Science fiction | №2 | Space(ship),star, planet,galaxy |
- Физкультминутка.
I think your eyes are tired, let’s have a rest now.
Зарядка для глаз.
Look left, right. Look up, look down.
Look around.
Look at your nose, look at that rose.
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.
- Игра «Узнай писателя» и знакомство с жизнью и творчеством Байрона.
I see that you know all the kinds of books. Now we are going to speak about writers. Firstly, let’s check if you can recognize them. Look at the screen. Who is that? (Шекспир, Твен, Роулинг, Пушкин, Дефо).
Now I would like you to learn more about one of the greatest British writers George Gordon Byron.
(Рассказ о Байроне, презентация, портрет Байрона).
George Gordon Byron.
The greatest English revolutionary poet G.G.Byron was born in London on the 22nd of January, 1788, into an old aristocratic family. His mother was very rich. His father was a poor army officer. The boy was lame from birth, yet, thanks to his strong will and regular training, he became an excellent rider, swimmer and boxer. He spent first ten years of his life in Scotland. He loved natural scenery and later it was reflected in his poems. He inherited the title of lord in 1798. His literary career began at Cambridge University. In 1809 he left England on a long journey which took 2 years. Byron visited Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey. His first two chapters of the poem “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” were published in 1812. Byron wrote many poems. Among them are “Don Juan”, “Cain”, “The Age of Bronze” and others.
When Byron died his friends wanted to bury him in Westminster Abbey where many of England’s great writers are buried, but the English government was against it. And Byron was buried in his native place. Byron’s death was mourned by progressive people all over Europe. Pushkin devoted a part of his poem “To the Sea” to Byron as a poet of freedom.
Think and answer the questions about Byron.
- When and where was he born?
- Where did he spend first 10 years of his life?
- What was reflected in many of his poems?
- What school did he go to?
- What happened when Byron was 16?
- When did his literary career begin?
- What countries did he visit?
- What book did he write after his journey?
And now I want you to listen to the poem by G.G.Byron “She walks in Beauty” and our classmate will recite the translation of this poem made by Marshak.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that 's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Перевод С.Я. Маршака:
Она идет во всей красе
Она идет во всей красе —
Светла, как ночь её страны.
Вся глубь небес и звёзды все
В её очах заключены.
Как солнце в утренней росе,
Но только мраком смягчены.
Прибавить луч иль тень отнять —
И будет уж совсем не та
Волос агатовая прядь,
Не те глаза, не те уста
И лоб, где помыслов печать
так безупречна, так чиста.
А этот взгляд, и цвет ланит,
И лёгкий смех, как всплеск морской, —
Всё в ней о мире говорит.
Она в душе хранит покой.
И если счастье подарит,
То самой щедрою рукой.
- climes — 1. (поэт.) климат 2. страна, край
- starry — звёздный; сияющий, как звёзды
- thus — так, таким образом
- aspect — 1. внешний вид, выражение 2. сторона 3. аспект, сторона 4. (грам.) вид
- mellow — 1. спелый, сладкий, сочный 2. умудренный опытом, смягчившийся годами
- mellow — 1. делать сочным, делаться спелым, созревать 2. смягчать, смягчаться
- gaudy (1) — 1. большое празднество 2. ежегодный обед в честь бывших студентов
- gaudy (2) —1. яркий, кричащий, безвкусный 2. цветистый, витиеватый
- deny — отрицать
- ray — луч
- impair — 1. ослаблять, уменьшать 2. ухудшать (здоровье) 3. портить, повреждать
- raven — ворон
- raven — черный с блестящим отливом, цвета
- tress — (книжн.) длинный локон, коса
- serenely — безмятежно, спокойно
- serene — 1. безоблачный, безмятежный 2. ясный, спокойный, тихий
- serene — (поэт.) безоблачное небо, спокойное море
- pure — 1. чистый 2. беспримесный 3.непорочный, целомудренный
- dwelling-place — жилище, обиталище
- o'er = over — над, через
- eloquent — 1. красноречивый 2. выразительный
- brow — 1. бровь 2. (поэт.) лоб, чело
- tint — 1. краска, оттенок, тон 2. бледный тон, светлый тон, ненасыщенный тон
- tint — подцвечивать, слегка окрашивать
- glow — 1. сильный жар, накал 2. свет, отблеск, зарево 3. яркость красок 4. румянец 5. пыл
- goodness — 1. доброта 2. великодушие 3. любезность 4. добродетель
- Рассказы- загадки учащихся о писателях и книгах.
And now we are going to have some fun. The students have prepared their own stories about writers. These writers are American, English, Scottish and Russian. Try to guess their names. (4-5 учащихся рассказывают о писателях).
So you know these authors and their works. And now try to guess the title of the book which I will describe to you.
- I shall tell you about the book by a famous English writer. This book is about adventures of little boy called Jim. Once he happened to find a map. But it was not a usual map, it was a map of an island where treasure was buried. The events described in the book tell us about the adventures of this boy. There is a screen version of this book. It is a great book and I recommend it to everyone. What is the title of the book? (“Treasure Island” by R.Stevenson).
- This book tells us about a man who once had a disastrous shipwreck and found himself on an uninhabited island. He was alone on this island and spend there 33 years. Many years passed till he met an Indian man whom he called Pyatnitsa and they became friends. Everything ends happily and the man was saved at last. This book also has a screen version. What is the title of the book? (“Robinson Crusoe” by D.Defoe)
- This book is about a little girl who liked to dream. Once she went asleep in the field and had a wonderful dream. It seemed to her that she fell into the well and appeared in a fairy-tale world where animals and birds could speak and many magic things could happen. What is the title of the book?(“Alice in Wonderland” by L. Carroll).
- This book is written by a famous Russian writer. All children like to listen to this poem and to see a cartoon. This book tells us about one old man and his greedy wife. They lived very poor near the sea. But once the man caught a fish. But it was an unusual fish… do you know what happened next? Do you know the title of the book? (“A Gold Fish” by A.S.Pushkin).
- This book was translated into Russian by a famous writer A.Volkov. It tells us about a little girl who lived in Kansas with her family. One day a tornado took place in the place where she lived, it rose her house and… the girl found herself in the magic world. In this world there were two good fairies and two bad witches. One bad witch was killed by her house so the people of the country thought that the girl was a good fairy and asked her to kill another bad witch. But the girl wanted to return home. So she began her journey to Gudvin. On the way she made friends with a lion, a scarecrow and a woodman…. Do you know the title of the book? (“The Land of Oz” by …)
- Домашнее задание.
Your home task is to prepare a topic about advantages and disadvantages of reading. Compose 5-7 sentences.
- Исполнение песни.
At the end of our lesson we’ll sing a song about books. (to the tune of “My Bonny is Over the Ocean”.
My books are just standing on bookshelves
That I’m always happy to read
My favourite’s under the pillow.
The English book is what I need.
Chorus: Read books, read books,
They were invented to read, to read.
Read books, read books,
English books is what I need.
The book that was written in English
Improves your knowledge as well.
It teaches your lexics and grammar
And how the English words spell.
- Подведение итогов.
Summing up I want to finish our lesson with the words of Charles Kingsley “Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book”.
I hope that you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books, enjoy them and think.
And here I have arranged a little exhibition for you. There are books in the original here and adapted books. The adapted books will be rather easy for you to read. You may come to me any time and ask for any book to read. I will give it to you with pleasure.
Did you like our lesson?
What did you like best?
Your marks for today’s lessons are the following…
The lesson is over. Good luck and good bye!
- Дополнительное задание.
And at last a crossword and a quiz about the famous British and American writers. This crossword was prepared for you by your classmates. (если на уроке не остается времени на решение кроссворда, он вывешивается в кабинете иностранного языка и дети решают его в свободное от уроков время. Можно сказать о том, что первого решившего кроссворд ждет небольшой сувенир).
- An English writer who was born in Ireland in 1667. His novel “The Gulliver’s Travel” is known all over the world (Jonathan Swift).
- An English writer, the master of detective stories. She was called “A Queen of Crime”. She wrote 78 crime novels. Her books have been translated into 103 languages. Her well-known character was Miss Marple. (Agatha Christie).
- A famous English children’s writer. His first book appeared in 1865. It was a fairy-tale about a small girl and her adventures in wonderful land (Lewis Caroll).
- An English writer, he was born in India where his stories and poems were set. One of books was called “The Jungle Book” where the main hero is Mowgli (Rudyard Kipling).
- He was the professor of Literature and English and became famous as the author of famous children’s books: “Hobbit” and “The Lord of Rings” (John Ronald Tolkien).
- The famous English novelist. He lived and worked in Scotland. He wrote adventures books: “Quentin Durward”, “Ivanhoe” and others (Walter Scott).
- An American writer, the master of short detective stories (Edgar Allan Poe).
- A British writer. He was born in Scotland and created a famous fictional character- the detective Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Connan Doyle).
- This American writer is called the Father of American Literature. “All American literature comes from one of his books called “Huckelberry Finn” (Mark Twain).
- A modern English writer, she was born in 1965, she wrote her first book at 5 or 6 years old, her first book about Harry Potter was published in 1997, at that time she won recognition (J.K.Rowling).
- The famous English writer. He wrote humorous books. The best known and the most famous is “The Three Men in a Boat to Say Nothing of a Dog” (Jerome K. Jerome).
Фамилии писателей с 1-11 записываются по горизонтали, а из выделенных букв по вертикали составляется 12.
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