Контрольно-измерительные материалы (3 класс)
тест по английскому языку по теме
Контрольно-измерительные материалы (Кузовлев 3 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form _________________
name __________________
surname ________________
1. Прочитай и переведи на русский язык.
I have six honest serving men.
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What, and Why, and When,
And How, and Where, And Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west,
But after they have worked for me
I give them all a rest.
2. Подбери русский перевод.
Why Как
Which Кто
Who Где
When Почему
What Который
How Что
Where Когда
3. Составь предложения.
play/you/do/sports __________________________________________________________
play/do/when/you/sports __________________________________________________________
what/your/like/reading/does/mother ____________________________________________
do/always/help/you/your/mother ____________________________________________
often/how/watch/do/you/TV ____________________________________________
do/live/you/where ___________________________________________________________
4.Выберите правильный ответ
Where does the family live? New York City/London/Cardiff
Where does Mr. Little work? at school/at the zoo/at an office
What does Mr. Little like? cooking and shopping/animals and playing the piano/cartoons and playing sports
What animals does Mr. Little have? a pig/ a dog/a cat
How many children have Mr. Little and Ms. Little got? a son/two sons/three sons
What does George like? watching cartoons/roller skating/playing ping-pong
What do Stuart and his family do together? play ping-pong/watch cartoons/roller skate
5. Какие вопросы вы бы задали ex.6 p.32
Оценка ученика | Оценка учителя |
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Зачеркни лишнее слово которое.
leaves seal dream chess
green tree sea mess
cream cherry meal cheese
pet dream weak clean
2. Напишите транскрипцию к словам.
3.Разместите имена детей по колонкам:
Fred Steve Beth Pete Penny Bee Lena Zeke Clem Teddy Bell Debby Stevie Lem Gene Eve
открытый слог ________________________________________________________________________________________ закрытый слог________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Расположи буквы в правильном порядке.
1. Зачеркни лишнее слово которое.
leaves seal dream chess
green tree sea mess
cream cherry meal cheese
pet dream weak clean
2. Напишите транскрипцию к словам.
3.Разместите имена детей по колонкам:
Fred Steve Beth Pete Penny Bee Lena Zeke Clem Teddy Bell Debby Stevie Lem Gene Eve
открытый слог ________________________________________________________________________________________ закрытый слог________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Расположи буквы в правильном порядке.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Послушай и отметь (-)то, что Ден не делает по дому , (+) то , что он делает по дому:
Dan makes the bed
He sets the table
He washes the dishes
Dan dust the furniture
He cooks tasty meal
Dan feeds the pets
He gathers apples
He cleans the car
Dan sweeps the paths
2. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения в предложение ( them,him,her)
Mike helps his dad. He helps _____ to work in the garden.
Ann helps mum. Ann helps _____ to cook pancakes.
Kate helps her little brothers. She helps____________ to make the beds.
3. Заполни таблицу соответствующими глаголами.
See | |
flew | |
Finf | |
run | |
Came | |
took | |
make | |
Was/were | |
eat | |
wrote | |
have | |
sang | |
go | |
gave |
1. Послушай и отметь (-)то, что Ден не делает по дому , (+) то , что он делает по дому:
Dan makes the bed
He sets the table
He washes the dishes
Dan dust the furniture
He cooks tasty meal
Dan feeds the pets
He gathers apples
He cleans the car
Dan sweeps the paths
2. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения в предложение ( them,him,her)
Mike helps his dad. He helps _____ to work in the garden.
Ann helps mum. Ann helps _____ to cook pancakes.
Kate helps her little brothers. She helps____________ to make the beds.
3. Заполни таблицу соответствующими глаголами.
See | |
flew | |
Finf | |
run | |
Came | |
took | |
make | |
Was/were | |
eat | |
wrote | |
have | |
sang | |
go | |
gave |
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Составьте вопросы в Present Simple
always/do/you/your/ mother/help_________________________________________________________________
you/ watch TV/do/often/how_____________________________________________________________________
2.Установите соответствия между выражениями:
clean the car работать по дому
sweep the path подметать дорожки
work in the garden никогда
never работать в саду
do your homework мыть машину
do about the house делать домашнюю работу
make the bed накрывать на стол
set the table кормить домашних питомцев
wash the dishes готовить вкусную еду
dust the furniture собирать абрикосы
cook tasty meals застилать постель
feeds the pets мыть посуду
gather apricots вытирать пыль с мебели
3.Что означают эти местоимения:
me тебя,тебе,вас,вам
you меня,мне
him нас ,нам
her их,им
it её,ей
us его,ему
them его,её,ему,ей
4. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения:
them her him me you her
Dan sometimes helps his dad. Dan helps to clean ____the car.
Helen often help her mum. Helen helps ___to cook testy meals.
Kirk usually helps his grandma. Kirk helps ____to work in the garden.
Dave helps his grandparents. Dave helps___ to sweep the path.
My sister helps me. She reads ___ tales.
We help you . We help___ to do your homework.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Kate is asking (расспрашивает) her sister about Robin.
Write Kate’s questions. Match Kate’s questions with her sister’s answers.
Напишите вопросы Кейт. Соотнесите ее вопросы с ответами.
(0)-Where / live /does/ Robin?
Where does Robin live?______ _g________________
1.-How/ she/ old /is?
_________________________ ___________
2.-Has /she/ dolls/ got/ many?
_________________________ _________________
3.-When /birthday/ is/ her?
_________________________ _________________
4.-What /play /games /does /she?
____________________________ ______________
5.-Does /football/ she /play?
_________________________ ________________
6-What /doing /does /like /Robin?
_________________________ ______________--
a)-She likes riding her bike.
b)-Yes, she has.
c)-She is nine.
d)-On Saturday.
e)-Basketball and tennis.
f)-Yes, she does.
g)-Near our school.
2. Robin is telling (рассказывает) Kate about herself and her family. Fill in the words in brackets.
Вставьте в предложения слова из скобок.
(0) We have picnics. (often)
We often have picnics.
1. I do my homework. (every day)
2. I watch videos with my friends. (usually)
3. My little brother plays with his blocks (кубики) in the playground. (often)
4. We go to the park. (On Sundays)
5. My parents play Scrabble*. (sometimes)
6. I help my granny. (always)
3. В Стране Чудес (Alice in Wonderland) многое перемешалось.
1) Помогите Алисе восстановить слова.
tca (0) cat____ [kæt] leta (3) _____________[teɪl]
ibatrb (1)_______ [ˈræbɪt] nein (4) _______________[naɪn]
keca (2)________[ keɪk] nald (5) __________________[lænd]
verri (6)________[ ˈrɪvə] gip (7)____________[ pɪɡ]
2) Распределите слова по двум столбикам
а) с открытым слогом (первый слог) ____________________________________________________________________________
б) с закрытым слогом__________________________________________________________________
4. Зачеркните слово, которое не подходит к правилу чтения.
a) mess bed teddy me
b) feed meal cream cherry
c) huge puppy music costume
d) cute computer plum duke
e) street send tree sea
f) butter turkey nurse Thursday
g) Pete pet she he
h) help set meter spend
5. Заполните пробелы правильными буквами или сочетаниями букв.
g__ther e/a gr__ting ee/ea
celebr__te a/e di__ ch/sh
w__r ea/ee cl__n ea/ee
p__ty a/ar sw__p ea/ee
c__k oo/u d__st u/a
dec__rate a/o f__d ee/ea
c__d ar/a d__nce a/a
6. Чак рассказывает о субботнем дне.
What did his family do?
Saturday was a long day.
My parents (0) __worked__ (work) in the garden.
They (1) ______________ (sweep) the paths.
My grandma (2) ______________ (cook) meal. She (3) _____________ (make) a tasty cake.
My sister (4) _______________ (set) the table.
I (5) ______________ (wash) the dishes.
In the evening we (6) _______________ (watch) TV.
My brother (7) ___________________ (not watch) TV. He (8) _____________ (play) football.
I (9) ________________ (invite) my friends. We (10) _____________ (wear) funny costumes and (11) _______________ (play) tricks.
7. Kерк, его сестра и брат всегда помогают родителям и дедушке с бабушкой.
Кому они помогали?
0) Our mother washed the dishes. Helen helped her to wash the dishes.
1) Our parents gathered apples.
I helped _____ to gather apples.
2) My sister dusted the furniture.
Clive helped ______ to dust the furniture.
3) Our grandma cooked tasty food.
Helen helped _____ to cook tasty food.
4) My brother fed the pets.
I helped _____ to feed the pets.
5) Our father cleaned the car.
My sister and I helped ______ to clean the car.
6) Our mother made a cake.
Helen helped _____ to make a cake.
7) Our grandpa swept the paths.
My brother and I helped ______ to sweep the paths.
8. В выходные дни в семье Керка были гости.
Какие вопросы задали ему друзья о посещении гостей?
0)for dinner?/What/you/did/have What did you have for dinner?
1) you/Did/barbeque?/have ______________________________________________________________
2) Did/DVD?/you/watch ______________________________________________________________
3) watch?/What films/you/did _____________________________________________________________
4) decorate/your room/?Did/you ___________________________________________________________
5) you/sing/Did/songs?___________________________________________________________________
6) sing?/you/What songs/did______________________________________________________________
7) did/What cake/you/make?______________________________________________________________
8) have/When/dinner?/you/did_____________________________________________________________
9) play?/you/did/What games______________________________________________________________
10) you/Did/dance? _____________________________________________________________________
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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