Контрольно-измерительный материал для 9го класса по стандартам итоговой аттестации.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Тест можно проводить среди учеников 9 класса. Соответствует требованиям аттестации 9х классов
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Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная работа по английскому языку для уч-ся 9 класса
(45 минут)
Работа составлена в соответствии с УМК «English-9» В. П. Кузовлев,
Н. М. Лапа и др.
Учитель: Ярош Т.А.
1.Reading comprehension (20 минут).
1. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A – F for each part (1-5) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
(Установите соответствие между заголовками А-F и текстами1-5. Используйте каждую цифру один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний).
- This is a full-length (ninety minutes) cartoon, which is entertaining for both adults and children over six. The animation and colour are of very high quality and the story has lost of fun and excitement. The plot is quick moving and full of surprises. There is romance, action, comedy, music and lots of fantastic songs and dances.
- The young woman is shown in a “shepherdress” hat and white dress, recalling a classical chiton. The background landscape, common in such paintings, seems to indicate the heroine’s closeness to nature, to the ordinary joys of life. The painter’s colour range – at times as translucent as porcelain, at others muted like mother-of-pearl – is based upon subtle plays of grey and green, light blue and pink.
- In this picture one is struck by the artist’s absolute mastery in portraying natural details, whether the dry, sandy soil of the forest, the clear stream of water, the yellow bark and fluffy needles of the pines, or the sense of a bright, clear, calm summer day. The artist managed to create an image familiar to anyone who has seen a Russian forest.
- Have a good time on the most lively and exciting island in the Caribbian. Relax under a palm tree on the white sandy beaches. Swim in the clear, blue sea. Listen to the bands playing Calypso music. Or get really adventurous and go scuba diving for sunken treasure on the sea bed. Join in the many cultural celebrations we offer.
- Do you like Latin American dancing? Do you want to dance like you see in the films and on the stage? Do you want to feel the rhythm of the music in your body and in your soul? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, join our Latin dance classes. All are welcome!
2. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary) – 13 минут.
Change the form of the verbs (1-5) which you think fits best according to the text.
Поменяйте форму глагола в соответствии с текстом.
Waking Up
Jerry hated the way his wife woke him up in the morning. It showed that she was angry with
him and it ____(1)________like that every day
But it was really dangerous ________(2)________an artist like that! It made him feel bad for hours - simply hours.
She came into the room in her working clothes , with a handkerchief over her head , just to
show him that she _______(3)__________up much earlier and now ________(4)__________ about the house.
She called in her low warning voice: « Jerry! What! What s the matter?» « It is time to get up. It is half past eight.» And then she left the room, _______(5)_______the door quietly behind her.
1.Do 2.Wake 3.Get 4.Work 5.Close
3. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary), gap filling (10минут).
Прочитайте текст, с пропусками обозначенными номерами А1-А4 эти номера соответствуют заданиям А1-А4, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите выбранный вариант ответа.
An Unusual Hunt.
A polecat was hidden in a women`s hand luggage when she boarded an aircraft bound for England. She was dozing when the polecat escaped from her bag. The wild animal running among 400 passengers A1_________________a great confusion.
The crew radioed the alert, and police and animal experts were standing by when the aircraft landed. Each of the passengers was searched. Finally, the woman A2___________________
responsibility taking the polecat on board.
Later she A3_____________before a special magistrates court at Crawley, Sussex. She was found A4_____________and was sentenced to a month`s imprisonment or a 700 dollars .
A1 1)led 2)provided 3)caused 4)resulted
A2 1)admitted 2)agreed 3)confessed 4)obtained
A3 1)arouse 2)attended 3)arrived 4)appeared
A4 1)wicked 2)guilty 3)faulty 4)sin
Задание 1.
- E
- D
- B
- C
- F
Задание 2.
1.had done
2.to wake
3.had got
4.was working
Задание 3.
A1.3 A2.1 A3.4 A4.2
Пояснительная записка
При составлении работы учитывались уровень обученности уч-ся 9 класса, тематика и объем изученного лексического и грамматического материала.
Цель работы: определить уровень владения учащимися умениями в чтении и грамматике.
Проверочная работа содержит различные по содержанию и типу задания, а именно:
- Reading comprehension - 20минут
Вид задания –matching (установление соответствия).
Цель: контроль умения читать с пониманием основного содержания.
За каждый правильный ответ - 1 балл. Максимальное количество балов-5.
- Use of English (grammаr/vocabulary)-13 минут
Вид задания - transformation, gap filling(трансформирование, дополнение).
Цель: контроль грамматических и лексических навыков. За каждый правильный ответ-2 балла. Максимальное количество балов-10.
3. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary) - 10 минут.
Вид задания –multiple choice (множественный выбор).
Цель: контроль лексических навыков. За каждый правильный ответ-1балл.
Максимальное количество балов - 4.
За пропуск задания с выбором ответа уч-ся получает 0 баллов.
Максимальное количество баллов -19.
«5»-17-19 б
«4»-13-16 б
«3»- 10-12 б
«2»-9 и ниже
Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная работа по английскому языку для уч-ся 10класса
(45 минут)
Работа составлена в соответствии с УМК «English 10-11» под редакцией В. П. Кузовлева, Н.М Лапа и др.
Учитель: Ярош Т.А.
1.Reading comprehension (20 минут)
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А - G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
- Preparing for a job interview
- Successful career
- Challenging job
- Personality
- Sharing impressions with a friend
- Job offer
- Enjoyable job
- Applying for a job
A. A bright sixteen-or-seventeen-year-old is needed to work on Saturdays from nine till six
on our market stall selling clothes. Our stock consists of a wide range of trousers, jeans
and shirts of modern design. No previous experience is necessary as we provide full
training on the job. The main qualities required are an ability to deal with the customers
in a positive and friendly manner.
B. You are a natural optimist. You are happy most of the time and always expect the best.
However, you are often careless and you don't always work hard enough, because you
think everything will be fine. Remember, nobody is lucky all the time.
C. I was twenty-three when I went to Cosmopolitan as a secretary. I had to do all the usual
secretarial jobs like answering the phone and typing letters. And at eleven o'clock
I made the coffee, and I had to clean the fridge once a month. After a year I began
to train as a sub-editor and then got my National Certificate - a qualification for
British journalists. After a time I became features editor on Cosmopolitan. My secretarial
training has been incredibly useful.
D. Find out as much as you can about your prospective employers and the business they are
in. Think about the questions you are most likely to be asked, and at least three
questions you would like to ask them. Don't only talk about what you hope to get from
the firm. Say what you can do for them and all the things in your previous experience
and training that you think will be useful in the new job.
E. I feel I would be suitable for this position because I have good organizational skills, and
I greatly enjoy going out and meeting new people. I have experience of this kind of
work. Last summer I was employed by Imperial Hotels as a tour organizer, and arranged
excursions to places of interest. I also worked for London Life last Christmas, which
involved taking groups of tourists around the capital. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you.
F. At the moment I'm staying at a hotel in Athens and I'm doing quite a lot of sightseeing.
You would not believe it but the job doesn't seem to be too demanding. Most of the
time I deal with bookings and answer inquiries. But I suppose it'll be different when the
tourist season starts next month. Even now restaurants are beginning to get busier. Next,
I'm moving to the island of Crete, Which is where most of the people in the company
live. See you soon.
G. There are Search and Rescue Services all around the coast of Britain. They must be
ready to go out at any time of the day or night and in any weather. Sometimes they must
rescue people in the mountains in a storm at night. It isn't easy to navigate a helicopter
in the dark just a few metres from a mountain. The crews work on 24-hour shifts, so if a
ship sinks or if someone falls down a cliff, Search and Rescue will be there to help.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
2. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary) – 10 минут
Поменяйте форму глагола в соответствии с текстом.
Change the form of the words (1-6) which you think fits best according to the text.
А Strange Will
After dinner that evening the lawyer went into his office and ____(1)_____a cupboard. He took out an envelope. It contained the doctor`s will and was written in his own handwriting.
“If I die, or if I_______(2)_______for more than three months”, the will began, “I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Jackson”
To the lawyer it was an _____(3)_______and dangerous kind of will. It was bad enough when Edward Jackson was only an _______(4)______name, but now that the lawyer knew something about
Jackson, the will worried him more than ever. It had seemed like _____(5)______before, now it began to seem _______(6)_______.With a heavy heart he replaced the envelope in the cupboard.
3. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary), gap filling.
Прочитайте текст, с пропусками обозначенными номерами А1-А6 эти номера соответствуют заданиям A1-A6 , в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите выбранный вариант ответа .
A Female Student
Maria Montessori came from a well-educated wealthy family. Her mother believed that women had the right to be educated like men. Clearly, Maria took A1_______________her mother. She applied to the medical school at the University of Rome and in 1893 became the first female medical student in Italy.
It was a very exciting but difficult time. The students in Maria`s class tormented her with their mean remarks. Everyone tried to make Maria miserable so she would drop out of school. But she had a lot of willpower and wouldn`t give A2_____________
Maria graduated in July 1896 and made history as the first female doctor in Italy. She practiced medicine in Rom for the next 10 years. However, she didn`t A3_______________a lot of money, because she often treated poor patients without A4____________them any money. She A5__________herself by lecturing at the University of Rome.
In 1897, when she was working in a psychiatric clinic she became interested in the treatment of mentally retarded children. She was disturbed by their living conditions. They were locked in rooms and A6_____________like animals.
A1 1) away 2)around 3)after 4)apart
A2 1) off 2)up 3)back 4)away
A3 1) raise 2)do 3)make 4)create
A4 1) charging 2)requiring 3)demanding 4)collecting
A5 1) assisted 2)encouraged 3)aided 4)supported
A6 1) dealt 2)treated 3)taken 4)regarded
Задание 1.
Задание 2.
Задание 3.
A1 3
A2 2
A3 3
A4 1
A5 4
A6 2
Пояснительная записка
При составлении работы учитывались уровень обученности уч-ся 10 класса, тематика и объем изученного лексического и грамматического материала.
Цель работы: определить уровень владения учащимися умениями в чтении и грамматике.
Проверочная работа содержит различные по содержанию и типу задания, а именно:
- Reading comprehension - 20минут
Вид задания –matching (установление соответствия).
Цель: контроль умения читать с пониманием основного содержания.
За каждый правильный ответ - 1 балл. Максимальное количество балов-7.
2.Use of English (grammаr/vocabulary)-10 минут
Вид задания-transformation, gap filling(трансформирование, дополнение).
Цель: контроль грамматических и лексических навыков. За каждый правильный ответ-1балл. Максимальное количество балов-6.
3. Use of English (grammar/vocabulary) -13минут.
Вид задания –multiple choice (множественный выбор).
Цель: контроль лексических навыков. За каждый правильный ответ-1балл.
Максимальное количество балов -6.
За пропуск задания с выбором ответа уч-ся получает 0 баллов.
Максимальное количество баллов -19.
«5»-17-19 б
«4»-13-16 б
«3»- 10-12 б
«2»-9 и ниже
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