Урок формирования грамматических навыков в 9 классе.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Zero Conditional. First Conditional
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Урок формирования грамматических навыков в 9 классе.
Цели урока:
- Познавательная - Формирование грамматического навыка использования условных предложений 0 и 1 типов в речи.
- Развивающая - развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, классификации и систематизации, к догадке, способность осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия, способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие воображения;
- Воспитательная - Воспитание культуры общения. Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании иностранного языка в сфере учебной деятельности;
- сопутствующие задачи - развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
- Warm-up.
Good morning children. How are you? Nice to meet you.
The theme of our lesson is “Communication”. Look at the screen and read through the six ways of communicating. (Slide 3). (у.1 с.73: a-f)
Listen to six situations and say how are the people communicating? (запись 1)
- How do you prefer to communicate with other people?
- How do you get information?
- Do you think mobile phones are useful?
Now, read the magazine article (p. 74) and make a list of the good and bad things about mobiles.
Presentation 1
Now, read the sentences from the article. Which of the statements (a-d) are true about all of them?
How can we translate the expression “laws of nature”?
What tenses do we use in both parts of the sentence?
Task 2: Now suggest endings for these sentences:
- If I’m late home, my mother … (gets worried / phones me on my mobile).
- He usually does well in exams if he … (doesn’t panic / works hard).
- Our cat runs away if he … (sees a dog / people shout at him).
- If you press the red button, … (the bell rings / the light comes on).
Now let’s learn the rule:
We use Zero Conditional to talk about actions or situations (conditions) that always lead to the same results / consequences:
e.g. If I’m hungry, I drink some tomato juice.
Condition | Consequence |
If + Present Simple | Present Tense |
Remember about the use of the comma after the “if” clause.
Task 3: Let’s do some exercises. Open your books at p. 75, ex. 6, 7.
Look at ex. 7 once more. Work in pairs, and tell your partner what you usually do in these situations. And then tell the class something your partner does (that surprise you, or you think a good idea).
Presentation 2
Task 1: in pairs discuss the two sentences from the article and complete the table.
Condition | Consequence |
If + Present Simple | Will + infinitive |
Task 2: look back at the article find and read more examples of First Conditional sentences.
Task 3: complete the sentences with your own ideas:
- My phone is ringing. If it’s my mother/friend, …
- If we go on using mobile phones, …
- If I have the money next month, …
Now let’s learn the rule:
We use First Conditional to talk about possible future events (consequences) which depend on other future events (conditions):
e.g. If she doesn’t stop soon, I’ll scream.
If you’re late, I’ll go alone.
Condition | Consequence |
If + Present Simple | Will + infinitive |
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you will do this weekend if:
- it rains all the time
- there’s nothing interesting on TV
- your family want you to help clean the flat
- you have an essay to write for Monday
- someone invites you to a party on Sunday
Start all your prompts with the same question (What will you do if …?)
Home task.
Your home task will be AB Ex.1 p.75.
I thank you for your excellent work and give only good marks. The lesson is over, good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Warm -up face to face by email on a mobile phone on a telephone on the radio on TV
Zero Conditional If people ring us up or text messages, we feel wanted. If you have one of the new multimedia mobiles, you can log on to the Net. You can spend a fortune if you use your mobile a lot. They predict the future. They talk about things that are always true, e.g. laws of nature. They describe a rule. We can replace “ if” with “when”.
Suggest endings for these sentences If I’m late home, my mother …. He usually does well in exams if he … Our cat runs away if he … If you press the red button, …
We use Zero Conditional to talk about actions or situations (conditions) that always lead to the same results / consequences: e.g. If I’m hungry, I drink some tomato juice. Condition Consequence If + Present Simple Present Tense
First Conditional complete the sentences with your own ideas: My phone is ringing. If it’s my mother/friend, … If we go on using mobile phones, … If I have the money next month, …
We use First Conditional to talk about possible future events (consequences) which depend on other future events (conditions): If she doesn’t stop soon, I’ll scream. If you’re late, I’ll go alone. Condition Consequence If + Present Simple Will + infinitive
If you don’t leave early, you’ll miss the bus. Unless you leave early, you’ll miss the bus. Is there any difference in meaning between these two sentences? What do you notice about the verb form that follows ‘unless’? We can use unless + affirmative verb instead of if… not in the if-clause.
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