Опорные конспекты по теме "Страноведение англоговорящих стран" для учащихся 6 классов.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Казьмина Лариса Викторовна

В опорных конспектах учащимся необходимо  вставить вместо - - - слова указанные в скобках для проверки страноведческих знаний и развития навыков монологической речи  учащихся 6го класса, изучающих английский язык по УМК О.В Афанасьева и И.В Михеева для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий.


Файл australia.odt22.84 КБ
Файл discover_britain.odt16.15 КБ
Файл country_and_people.odt14.95 КБ
Файл who_rules_the_country.odt15.51 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Australia is divided into  --- (six) states and ---(two) territories.

New South Wales is Australia’s leading ---( industrial) state.

----( Sydney) is the largest city in Australia.

In Victoria most people live in the ---(south).

----(Melbourne) is the capital of the state and the largest city.

The main products here are ----(sheep)and ---(wheat).

Queensland is Australia’s ---(second) largest state.

Its capital is ---(Brisbane).

Queensland has long beautiful sandy ---(beaches).

Its coast is a popular place for ---(holidaymakers).

The climate along the east coast is ---(hot) and ---(humid).

It is the ---(tropical) corner of Australia.

The state of Western Australia is ---(dry) and---(Inhospitable).

Nearly all of  the state’s farms, ---(sheep stations) , ----(fruit gardens) are situated here.

South Australia is the ---(third) largest state.

The capital is ---(Adelaide).

----(Wheat)and ----(fruit) are grown here.

Tasmania is called the ---(apple) isle because it produces most of Australia’s ---(apples).

Tasmania is Australia’s leading producer of ---(pears) and ---(berries) of different kinds.

North Territory is the ---(least) populated and ---(least)   developed part of Australia.   ----( Darwin) is  the only town in the south.

The capital of Australia is ---(Canberra).

Scotland the Beautiful

Scotland is a country in the ---(United Kingdom) to the North of England.

Its ---(symbol) is a thistle.

Its patron saint is ---(St. Andrew).

The country is divided into ---(Highlands) and ---(Lowlands).

---(Glasgow) is its largest and busiest town, ---(Edinburgh) is its capital.

Glasgow is the heart of ---(industry).

---(Edinburgh) is known as the Athens of the North.

The most interesting parts of the city are the ---(Old) Town and the ---(New) Town.

The ---(Old) Town lies between the Castle and Holyrood Palace.

A line of streets which runs from the Castle to Holyrood House is called the ---(Royal Mile). Holyrood House is a big royal palace which is the residence of the ---(Queen) when she is in Edinburgh.

Princes street is the most beautiful street of the ---(New) Town.

Princes street is connected with the name of the  famous writer ---(Sir Walter Scott).

Предварительный просмотр:

Discover Britain: England.

England has got ---(five) regions.

The Southeast is famous for its ---(resorts).

London is ---(the capital) of England.

The County of Kent is known as ---(the garden of England).

The Southwest is the region where the main activity is---(farming).

The two principal cities of the region are ---(Bristol and Bath).

The famous ---(Stonehenge) is one of the remarkable historic places.

East Anglia is another ---(farming) region.

It has beautiful cities such as ---(Cambridge).

The Midlands is the largest ---(industrial) part in the country.

The most  important industrial cities are ---(Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool)

The two famous Midlands cities ---(Stratford – upon – Avon and Oxford) are connected  with English culture.

Stratford is the birthplace of ---(the great William Shakespeare).

Oxford is famous for its ---(university).

In the North of England you can find ---(deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls, hills and mountains).

The main attractions of the North of England are ---(the Lake District, the cities of York and Newcastle – upon – Tyne) .


Предварительный просмотр:

Country and people

There are ---(fifty) states in the USA.

The US is washed by the ---(Pacific) Ocean in the west, by the ---( Atlantic) Ocean in the east, by the ---(Caribbean) sea and the Gulf of ---(Mexico) in the south.

The US is a large country with many ---(natural wonders).

It has many kinds of land ---(rocky coasts),---(dry empty deserts,---(big rivers),---(wide plains and grasslands).

More than --- (250) million people live in the US.

Many rivers cross the USA. They are: ---(the mighty Mississippi), ---(the Missouri),---(the Colorado).

The big mountain chains are ---(the Rocky), ---( the Appalachians).

The people of the USA are a mixture of many different ---(nationalities).

These different people brought to their new land different ---(customs) and ---(traditions).

The Germans brought ---( Christmas trees).

The Irish brought ---(St. Patrick's Day celebrations).

The Scouts brought ---(Halloween).

Предварительный просмотр:

Who  rules the country ?

The Constitution is the ---(highest) law in the USA.

The US government has---(three) branches of power.

The first branch on the tree of government is---(the Congress).

The Congress is divided into two parts, ---(the Senate) and ---(the House of Representatives).

Every state sends ---(two) people to the Senate.

These people are called ---(senators) .

There are  ---(one hundred) senators.

A senator’ s term is ---(six) years.

Each state also sends ---(people) to the House of Representatives.

They are called ---(congressmen or congresswomen).

All in all there are ---(435) congressmen in the House of Representatives.

A representatives term is ---(two) years.

One important power of the Congress is the power ---(to declare war).

The second branch of government is ---(the President and his helpers).

The President’s  term is ---(four) years.

Americans vote for the President in November of every ---(leap) year.

The third branch of government is ---(the Supreme Court).

It is made up of ---(nine) judges.

Changes in the Constitution are called ---(amendments).

There are ---(twenty - six) amendments to the Constitution.

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