план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок английского языка, 5 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
(Урок английского языка, 5 класс)
Тема урока: Speaking about the Past
Тип урока: урок-тренировка
Цель урока:
практическая – применение учащихся грамматического материала по теме “The Past Simple” в монологической речи;
воспитательная – формирование навыков взаимодействия учащихся в группе ;
образовательная – тренировка временных форм The Past Simple;
развивающая – развитие грамматического навыка, формирование умений в говорении и письме.
Форма работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.
Используемый материал: Student’s book , Workbook («Enjoy English 2/2»), аудиокассета («Enjoy English 2/2»), наглядный материал, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
- Greeting. Good morning, children. Sit down, please.
- Introduction. (Pupils on duty)
The topic of our lesson today is the same – Speaking about the Past. Today we will revise grammar tense “ The Past Simple”, do some interesting exercises and speak about your past: what you did yesterday, last week or some other date.
- Phonetic warming-up.
Poem ex. 10 p. 44 (Student’s book)
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I cought a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so!
What finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right!
- Checking the home task.
Now let’s revise our new tense The Past Simple and regular and irregular verbs.
- What does it mean – Regular verbs? Give some examples.
- What does it mean – Irregular verbs? Give some examples.
Open your textbooks:
Ex. 12 p. 45 (Sb). Reading & translation.
- Game (Practicing)
After this task we will play a game!
First of all you should divide into 3 groups – that is 3 teams.
Every team makes up its name.
There will be 4 tasks for you:
- Crossword “ The Irregular verbs”
- WAS or WERE?
- The weather …… fine yesterday.
- Liza and her friends …… in the mountains last summer.
- Ted …… in the country two weeks ago.
- …… you at school three hours ago?
- There …… no postcards in the shop.
- There …… lots of chairs in the living-room.
- Harry and Lucy …… on holidays in Egypt three months ago.
- Dan …… good at mathematics at school.
- …… she happy to see you?
- Make the sentences negative:
- Little Roo helped his mother yesterday.
- I played tennis with my friend two days ago.
- We drew a wonderful picture last week.
- John visited a lot friends in Moscow last summer.
- Mary took this interesting book in the library yesterday morning.
- Last Saturday the children went to the local museum.
- Put the words (cards) in the right order.
- Did Hobbit see a beautiful animal in the zoo last week?
- Did Karlson go to the magic forest yesterday?
- Did Miss Chatter send the letter a week ago?
As the result of the game the winner is…..
Thank you for this interesting game!!!
- Writing.
Now open your exercise-book and put down the date. You will write about your past. For that you should answer 2 questions :
- How did you spend your weekend?
- What did you do yesterday?
Ask some pupils who are ready for answering.
- Summing-up. Explaining the homework.
H|W 1. Finish the work in the exercise-book 2. WB ex.2 p. 34
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