«Speaking about animals»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Открытый урок в 3 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English»
«Speaking about animals»
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Открытый урок в 3 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English»
«Speaking about animals»
Цели урока: систематизация знаний учащихся по пройденному материалу, формирование позитивной личности, развитие речевых способностей.
Задачи урока:
-развивать умение и навыки монологической устной и письменной речи;
-развивать внимание, мышление, память
-поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка
Оборудования: учебник «Enjoy English», Биболетова М.З. рабочая тетрадь, тематические картинки животных, картинки солнца и тучи, таблица с правилами, магнитофонная запись песни, магнитофонная запись со звуками животных, карточки с индивидуальными заданиями.
Ход урока:
- Начало урока.
- Организационный момент:
Teacher: Good afternoon children! I am glad to see you! How are you today? I think you are fine.
Children: We are fine. We are glad to see you, dear teacher.
- Постановка темы урока.
T: Dear children, now I’d like to ask you riddles and you are to answer it. Are you ready?
C: Yes, we are.
T: -Мишка косолапый ходит еле-еле.
Мишка, медвежонок по-английски …(Bear)
- Имеет пышный рыжий хвост
Проказница – лисица …. (Fox)
-Шар колючий, не простой
Вижу я в траве густой
У моих свернулся ног
Ежик маленький … (Hedgehog)
- Прыгнула из грядки, прямо на порог,
Зеленая красавица, по-английски … (Frog)
- Думал и запоминал: животное … (An animal)
T: Well done! I know you love animals. You take care of them. I am sure you will be glad to see different animals. «Speaking about animals» - is the theme of our lesson, today. I think it will be interesting.
II. Основной этап урока.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Т: Ребята, давайте поиграем и вспомним английские звуки и слова
-Как наша обезьянка согревает лапки? ([h],[h],[h])
-Как жужжат комарики? ( [z],[z],[z] )
-Как обезьянка звонит в колокольчик? ( [n], [n], [n] )
-Как обезьянка мычала, когда ее покусали комарики? ([m], [m], [m])
- Как наша обезьянка улыбается? ( [ei], [ei],[ei] )
- А как она рычит, когда сердиться? ( [br],[br],[br] )
2. Закрепление лексического материала.
T: Look at the blackboard, please. Name all animals we can see here, all together, please. (a dog, a cat, a lion, a mouse, a fish, a cock, an owl, a crocodile, a camel, a tiger, a fox,a bear, a pig, an elephant, a hen, a monkey, a wolf, a cow, a horse, a rabbit)
C: It is a dog, it is a fish, etc.
3.Речевая разминка
T: Excellent job! I see you know that all domestic and wild animals. Name only domestic animals and only wild animals. Then ask Yes/ No questions
Children: Is a dog a domestic animal?-Yes, it is. Is a fox a wild animal?-Yes, it is.
a dog a lion a fox
a cat a mouse a wolf
a cockerel a bear a monkey
a pig an own an elephant
a hen a crocodile a fish
a cow a camel a hare
a horse a tiger a rabbit
4. T: I have some riddles for you. Children, listen and guess! Take a picture and show it.
1) Gena is not a boy. He is big, long, green and funny.Gena is very clever.He has a friend Cheburashka. (A crocodile)
2) Lariska, is not a girl. She is red and sly. Lariska likes hens, cocks and ducks. (A fox)
3) Micky is grey and funny. Micky has small eyes and a long tail.Micky is very clever. (A mouse)
4) I am grey. I am very big. I live in the jungle. You can see me at the zoo, too! You can see me at the circus. I like bananas. I like fruit! (An elephant)
5). I am grey. I can jump, run, and walk. I like milk.I live in the house. I catch a grey mouse.
Who am I? (A cat)
6) This animals like grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk (A cow)
7) This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend (A dog)
8) This animal is small. It lives in the woods. It runs very fast.
It is afraid of everything. What animals is it? ( A hare)
5.Совершенствование лексических навыков
5.1. T: The next task for you. (Расшифруй названия животных – a crocodile, a fox, a mouse, an elephant, a cat, a cow, a dog, a hare). Take your sheets of paper and do it.
god(dog) woc (cow) dorocicel (crocodile)
omuse (mouse) rahe (hare) haplehet (elephant)
tac (cat) xof (fox)
5.2. T: How clever of you! My dear friends, tell me, please what animals can do.
Make up sentences:
Animal What it does well.
Parrot runs
Frog flies
Dog work
Elephant eats
Horse jumps
Pig swims
6. Физкультминутка.
T:Stand Up!
Hands up! Clap, clap.
Hands on the hips!
Step, step!
Bend your left. Bend your right.
Turn yourself around.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands at sides and sit down.
7.Активизация навыков монологической речи
T: Children, you know that many people have pets. Please, tell us stories about your own pets.
Ps:-«I have a cow. It lives in the cow –shed. It is black and white. It gives us milk. We like cow very much».-«I have a hen. It lives in the nest. It is while. It gives us eggs. I like to care of it»
8. Т: What sounds do animals give? Choose the words. Listen to the tape.
a dog neigh
a pig cluck
a cat bark
a hen mew
a duck grunt
a horse quack
9. Совершенствование грамматических навыков
Т: What do animals give us? Please use the words and complete sentences. For example: The goose gives us a fur.
Sheep milk
Cow eggs
Rabbit meat
Pig wool
Hen meat
Ps: Sheep gives us wool. Cow gives us milk.
10. Т: Let’s remember colours and sing a song.
Brown and green and blue and white,
Blue and white, blue and white,
Brown and green and blue and white,
Red and black and yellow.
T: What color are our animals?
Ps :The cow is black. The fox is orange. The pig is pink. The wolf is grey, etc.
11. Развитие внимания и мышления.
T: Children, guess the meaning of the words. (я называю слово, учащиеся хором дают его русский эквивалент)
Kangaroo, zebra, giraffe, antelope, gorilla, leopard, koala, pony,dragon, dinosaur, echidna.
T: Well done. You are very clever.
12. T: Children thank you very much for your answers. You know a lot about animals. Many of you have pets. So, my dear friends, you must take care of them and not only of your pets but of all animals. Don’t hurt animals.
It is necessary for you to remember some rules about your pets. (Вывешиваю таблицу)
- Give him food every day.
- Give him water every day.
- Give him a clean place to sleep.
- Give him a dry mat to sleep on.
- Give him a warm place to sleep in winter.
- Give him a cool place to sleep in summer.
III.Заключительный этап урока.
1.Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.
T: Dear children, you had a very good time at our lesson. I liked your answers. Every pupil has been given a postcard with a picture of an animal. On the reverse side there is a mark for your knowledge in English.
2. Домашнее задание.
T: Your homework is exercise 1, page 23, in your text books.
3. T: Now, children, it’s time to go home. Thank you for your work.
А теперь ребята скажите, понравился ли вам наш урок. Если да – прикрепите на доску солнышко, а если нет – тучу.(На учительском столе картинки солнца и тучи. Уходя с урока ребята прикрепляют магнитом соответствующую картинку).
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