Zero, First and Second Conditionals
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Сергеенкова Юлия Михайловна

Тест (2 варианта) для 8 класса, позволяющий проверить знания учащихся по теме " Условные предложения"


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Variant A                                                                                    Variant B

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

  1. If you (not/eat ) now, you will be hungry later.
  2. She will be sad if  he (leave).
  3. If  you leave ice in the sun, it (melt).
  4. If we go to the show, we (have) a lot of fun.
  5. If she  wasn’t so busy, she (come) to the party.
  6. He (not/be) very good football player if he didn’t train hard.
  7. If you (mix) black and white, you get grey.

  1. Use the words below to write sentences with if.

  1. it/rain tomorrow/we not/go to the park
  2. I/be/you/I/send him a text message
  3. I/have wings/I/fly all over the world
  4. You/heat water/it/boil.
  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

  1. If you listened to me, you (not/be) so sad now.
  2. If she (not/pay) this bill today, she will run out of water tomorrow.
  3. If I were as rich as Bill Gates, I (not/work).
  4. If she talks about him one more time, I (have) to make her stop.
  5. If someone (have) an electronic shock, what would you do?
  6. If you exercise, you (get) fit.
  7. If you (add) sugar to coffee, it becomes sweet.

  1. Use the words below to write sentences with if.

  1. water/ freeze/it/turn to ice
  2. I/need your help/I/phone you
  3. I/pay for dinner/you pay for lunch
  4. I/be the president/ I/reduce taxes.


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