First and Second Conditionals_упражнения для 7 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Балдина Екатерина Анатольевна

Упражнения на тренировку употребления  First and Second Conditionals для 7 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

 First Conditional

  1. If Mary __________ (come) to my house, we______________  (play) football.
  2. If Ann__________ (not  come) to my house, I _______________ (read) a book.
  3. If they __________ (have) their holidays in summer, they ______________ (go) to the seaside.  
  4. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold ______________ (put up) the tent for the night.
  5. When Nick _______ (finish) his work, he_____________ (go) to the theatre.
  6. I_______ (buy) this game as soon as our father_____________ (give) me money.
  7. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______________ (show) us your present.
  8. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he________________ (come) from the shop.

Second conditional

  1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.
  2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.
  3. If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.
  4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.
  5. If she ______________ (not / be) always so late, she ______________(be) promoted.
  6. She _________________ (be) happier if she _________________ (have) more friends.
  7. We _________________ (buy) a house if we _________________ (decide) to stay here.
  8. They _______________ (have) more money if they ______________ (not / buy) so many clothes.
  9. We ________________ (come) to dinner if we _______________ (have) time.
  10. She _________________ (call) him if she _________________ (know) his number.

First Conditional

  1. If Mary __________ (come) to my house, we______________  (play) football.
  2. If Ann__________ (not  come) to my house, I _______________ (read) a book.
  3. If they __________ (have) their holidays in summer, they ______________ (go) to the seaside.  
  4. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold ______________ (put up) the tent for the night.
  5. When Nick _______ (finish) his work, he_____________ (go) to the theatre.
  6. I_______ (buy) this game as soon as our father_____________ (give) me money.
  7. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______________ (show) us your present.
  8. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he________________ (come) from the shop.

Second conditional

  1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.
  2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.
  3. If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.
  4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.
  5. If she ______________ (not / be) always so late, she ______________(be) promoted.
  6. She _________________ (be) happier if she _________________ (have) more friends.
  7. We _________________ (buy) a house if we _________________ (decide) to stay here.
  8. They _______________ (have) more money if they ______________ (not / buy) so many clothes.
  9. We ________________ (come) to dinner if we _______________ (have) time.
  10. She _________________ (call) him if she _________________ (know) his number.

Объедините предложения по образцу.  

 I’ll pass this exam. I’ll go to the university. =    If I pass this exam, I’ll go to the university.

  1. He can find cheap flat. He’ll stay here for two more weeks.


  1. They don’t speak English, so his English doesn’t improve.


  1. The baby is a girl. They’ll call her Ann.


  1. He doesn’t work overtime. He doesn’t earn much.


  1. He didn’t help me. I didn’t do my work on time.


  1. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.


  1. You will come late. You need to take a taxi.


  1. The shop is closed. I can’t buy milk for supper.


Закончите предложения.

  1. If I had enough money __________________________________________________________
  2. If it doesn’t rain soon ___________________________________________________________
  3. I’ll stay at home if  _____________________________________________________________
  4. If I left home for work earlier  ________________________________________________________
  5. If I won a prize __________________________________________________________________
  6. If I were a king  __________________________________________________________________
  7. If I told my parents the truth  ________________________________________________________
  8. If I were you  ____________________________________________________________________
  9. If I were rich _____________________________________________________________________

Объедините предложения по образцу.  

 I’ll pass this exam. I’ll go to the university. =    If I pass this exam, I’ll go to the university.

  1. He can find cheap flat. He’ll stay here for two more weeks.


  1. They don’t speak English, so his English doesn’t improve.


  1. The baby is a girl. They’ll call her Ann.


  1. He doesn’t work overtime. He doesn’t earn much.


  1. He didn’t help me. I didn’t do my work on time.


  1. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.


  1. You will come late. You need to take a taxi.


  1. The shop is closed. I can’t buy milk for supper.


Закончите предложения.

  1. If I had enough money __________________________________________________________
  2. If it doesn’t rain soon ___________________________________________________________
  3. I’ll stay at home if  _____________________________________________________________
  4. If I left home for work earlier  ________________________________________________________
  5. If I won a prize __________________________________________________________________
  6. If I were a king  __________________________________________________________________
  7. If I told my parents the truth  ________________________________________________________
  8. If I were you  ____________________________________________________________________
  9. If I were rich _____________________________________________________________________

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