Контрольно-измерительные материалы для 5 класса
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Разноуровневые задания для 5 класса (гимназический профиль)
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ПРИМЕРЫ ТЕКСТОВ (гимназический уровень)
- Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. British people celebrate it on the 25th of December. Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home.
- Before Christmas everybody buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. People try to give children the presents they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.
- On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for celebration. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.
- The parties that British children like to celebrate most of all are Christmas and birthday parties.
Level 1
Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).
Level 2
Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).
- There is no big celebration on Christmas holiday.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Children always wait for Christmas and Christmas presents.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- On Christmas Eve, families decorate the Christmas tree.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Children can find their Christmas present in their rooms.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Children like Christmas party most of all.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.
Level 3
Make up your own story about the celebration of your favourite holiday.
- Do you know what fast food is? Of course you do and of course you have visited fast food restaurant. MacDonald’s is one of the most famous fast food restaurants in the world.
- Fast food restaurants and cafes are very popular all over the world and in our country. It’s easy. It’s cheap and it’s fast. When people are hungry but they have little time they go there to have a snack. But people prefer their traditional food for breakfast or dinner.
- There are no waiters in the fast food restaurants. If you come you order your food at the counter, pay for it at the same time and take it to a table by yourself. You often eat with your fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. If you want you can take your food home in a bag.
Level 1
Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).
Level 2
Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).
- Fast food restaurants are popular only in America.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Fast food differs from ordinary and traditional food.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Nobody brings you food at the fast food restaurant.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- It is not polite to eat with your fingers at fast food cafe.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- People go to fast food café because people want to have big dinner.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.
Level 3
Do you go to fast food café? Make up your own story.
- London is the capital of Great Britain, which stands on the river Thames. The West End is the center of the London. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, galleries and museums there.
- The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are many banks, offices and firms in this part of London. It’s the financial center of the UK.
- Tourists from all the countries of the world go shopping to Oxford Street. They can buy all the things they want in its famous shops.
- You can find many places of interest in the political centre of London in Westminster. A long grey building with towers is the House of Parliament. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the bell of the clock tower. People can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour.
Level 1
Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).
Level 2
Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).
- London is the cultural, political and business centre.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- You can see Big Ben in Oxford Street.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- The House of Parliament is the longest building in London.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Big Ben strikes only afternoon.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- It is easy to change money in the City of London.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.
Level 3
Make up your own story about your city.
Text 4 MEALS
- For breakfast English people often have porridge with milk and sugar but never with meat. They don’t eat much bread. They usually have toasts. They usually drink strong tea. They prefer to have it with milk. They drink little coffee and much tea.
- At one o’clock English people have lunch. On a warm sunny day you can see people under the trees on the grass eating their sandwiches. English people don’t eat much soup. There is usually one kind of soup on the menu: onion, tomato or mushroom. For the main course one can have fish or beef with vegetables: cabbage, beans and potatoes.
- Five o’clock tea is a national habit. English people can have cheese and biscuits, apple pie, fruit or fruit salad, sandwiches and a lot of tea.
- At about seven or eight o’clock they have dinner or supper. It can be soup, sometimes meat and vegetables, macaroni and cheese, eggs.
Level 1
Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).
Level 2
Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).
- For breakfast English people like to eat meat.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- English people don’t like to drink coffee.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- Five o’clock tea is a favourite time.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- English prefer vegetables, fish or meat for the main course.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- People from other countries don’t like English food.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.
Level 3
Make up your own story about your family meals.
- The black London taxi cab is a traditional symbol of London. It looks old-fashioned but in act it’s comfortable and speedy.
- Besides, London taxi drivers know the city very well. They study and learn the names of 25.000 streets. They also must know where hospitals, hotels, theatres, clubs and museums are. So when you get into the famous black cab you can be sure it’ll take you wherever you want and by the quickest possible way.
- Englishmen like gardening. They are so proud about it! They talk about it in offices and at home. In the evening they have much work in their gardens, large and small, and they do it in any weather. They grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. If an Englishman has no garden, he grows something in a window box outside his kitchen.
- If you want to please an Englishman, be very polite about his garden. He will show you his garden and tell you about the best plants in it. So you will listen to it and say, “How nice!” or “How interesting!”
Level 1
Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).
Level 2
Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).
- Gardening is the national hobby.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- The London taxi is yellow.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- You must have much money to go by London taxi.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- London taxi drivers know all streets and buildings of the city.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
- English people care of their gardens in any weather.
a – True b – False с – Not stated
Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.
Level 3
Make up your own story about gardening in your family.
ПРИМЕРЫ ПОНЯТИЙ (гимназический уровень)
- Времена группы Continuous
Level 1
Правила образования и употребления Present и Past Continuous.
Level 2
Разбери предложения и объясни правила, переведи.
- Now babies are sleeping and my mother is reading the book.
- Yesterday they were writing a composition at that time.
- Listen! My little sister is playing the piano.
- I can't talk to you at the moment. I am doing my homework.
- My aunt was calling us at 12 o’clock two days ago.
Level 3
Complete the sentences. Put the words in the brackets in the correct form. Translate the sentences.
- My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden.
- Look! Kate (to dance).
- I (walk) along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me.
- Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds.
- What were you doing here yesterday? — We (to listen) to tape-recordings.
- Времена группы Simple
Level 1
Правила образования и употребления Present, Past и Future Simple
Level 2
Разбери предложения и объясни правила, переведи.
- Margaret didn’t go to work yesterday.
- Next year he will be 25.
- William Shakespeare died in 1616.
- The City Museum closes at 5 o'clock every evening.
- They don’t go to the theatre often.
Level 3
Complete the sentences. Put the words in the brackets in the correct form. Translate the sentences.
- Phone me tomorrow. I (to be) at home.
- She is a teacher, she (to teach) Math to young people.
- The concert last night (to start) at 7.30 and (to finish) at 10 p.m.
- When I was a child I (to want) to be a doctor.
- I think Diana (to pass) the exam next week.
- Местоимения
Level 1
Назови группы местоимений и местоимения в английском языке
Level 2
Найди в предложениях местоимения, к каким группам они принадлежат, переведи предложения.
- Now I walk with him every day.
- He is their true friend and they love him very much too.
- Paul and his family like this holiday very much.
- The master gave them a candle because there was no lamp in that room.
- Our pupils read the texts by themselves.
Level 3
Make up your own sentences with these words.
- I –myself
- He – his
- We – us
- You – your
- My – mine.
- Придаточные предложения условия
Level 1
Правила образования и употребления придаточных предложений условия.
Level 2
Разбери предложения и объясни правила, переведи.
- If you like playing tricks, you will go to the party.
- Father Christmas will not bring them any presents if children don’t go to sleep.
- If it is cold my brother will stay at home and watch TV.
- We’ll go to the Black Sea if my father repairs the car.
- People will be friendly if there is no war.
Level 3
Complete and translate the sentences.
- I’ll help you if ….
- If the weather is bad they ….
- We’ll pass the exams if ….
- If they want to see Big Ben ….
- My parents will buy me a bike if ….
- Степени сравнения имен прилагательных
Level 1
Правила образования и употребления степеней сравнения прилагательных, исключения.
Level 2
Найди в предложениях прилагательные, объясни правила, переведи предложения.
- She is the best mother in the world.
- She likes to travel to wonderful lands.
- Tom is cleverer than his brother.
- Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world.
- Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.
Level 3
Complete the sentences. Put the word in the brackets in the correct form. Translate the sentences.
- His (famous) plays are “Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet”.
- His (good) book was “Alice in Wonderland”.
- The crocodile said “You are (funny) than all the monkeys in our forest.”
- The giraffe is the (tall) animal.
- The tree was so (big) that the elephant could not get fruit.
ПРИМЕРЫ ТЕКСТОВ (общеобразовательный уровень)
Text 1
Walt Disney was born on December 5th, 1901. He went to Europe during World War I and when he got back to America, he met an artist and they started making films with Walt’s brother, Roy. The first talking picture came out 1927. Millions of people bought tickets and saw the film; it was “Snow White”. The cartoon film producer was his profession. People all over the world know him as the greatest producer.
We know Walt Disney’s park. There are many Walt Disney’s cartoon films. Children all over the world watch them. Mickey Mouse is the most popular cartoon character. We can see Mickey Mouse everywhere in our life.
Level 1. Выберите заголовок к тексту:
- Уолт Дисней и его профессия
- Уолт Дисней и его семья
- Уолт Дисней и его животные
Какие подчеркнутые в тексте слова относятся к теме текста.
Level 2 1. Найдите в тексте глаголы в Настоящем Простом времени (Present Simple Tense) и глаголы в Прошедшем Простом времени (Past Simple Tense)
- Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
- Walt Disney was born on December 15th, 1901.
- There are many Walt Disney’s cartoon films.
- Walt Disney started making films with an artist and his brother.
Level 3 Составьте рассказ, используя текст – о профессии твоих родителей
(мамы или папы);
- о профессии, которая тебе
Text 2
My name is Olga. I have got friends from Africa, Great Britain and America. But I love my friend from Russia. Her name is Masha. She has a mother, a father, a sister and two brothers.
Her mother is a doctor and her father is an engineer. Her mother is Lisa and her farther is Oleg. They love their family.
Masha and I are pupils. We are 8. We are from Russia. We are friends. We like to play with our pets. We want to be a doctor.
Last summer we went to Masha’s grandmother. We swam, ran, and played badminton. When the weather was bad, we stayed at home, played computer games, watched TV and read books.
How I love my friend Masha!
Level 1. 1. Выберите заголовок к тексту:
- Моя подруга Маша
- Моя подруга Маша и ее хобби
- Моя семья и Маша
2. Какие подчеркнутые в тексте слова относятся к теме текста.
Level 2. Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
- Masha’s mother is an engineer and her father is a doctor.
- Last summer we went to Masha’s brother.
- We stayed at home, played computer games, watched TV and read books, when the weather was bad.
Level 3. Составьте рассказ, используя текст – о своем друге;
- о своей семье.
Text 3
My friend Julia and I are schoolgirls. We are in the 5th. We have 5 or 6 lessons every day. We like our school.
Our favourite subject at school is English. Our teacher is very good. Her name is Tamara Nikolaevna. We read texts, do a lot of exercises and speak English at our lessons. But I like to translate texts from English into Russian. Julia likes to read easy books in English. Yesterday our teacher gave her an English book. I answered the questions at the lesson yesterday. Tamara Nikolievna says that we are good at English.
We like English but it is difficult.
Level 1 1. Выберите заголовок к тексту:
- Моя школа
- Мой друг
- Мой любимый школьный предмет
2. Какие подчеркнутые в тексте слова относятся к теме текста.
Level 2. Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
- We like English it is easy.
- Our favourite subject at school is Russian.
- I like to read English books very much.
Level 3. Составьте рассказ, используя текст – о своем любимом школьном
- о любом школьном предмете
Text 4
There are more than two hundred and fifty different types of shark in the sea. The smallest sharks are about one meter long. The largest shark is about eighteen meters from nose to tail. Sharks live in the seas and oceans. We can’t find sharks in the rivers.
Sharks have very good noses. They smell their food under the water. Sharks have very strong sharp teeth too. They usually catch and eat smaller fish.
There are many stories about the sharks. There were many films about these dangerous sea animals. In these films sharks attacked people swimming in warmer water. Near the beach sharks were the most dangerous animal in the sea.
Level 1 1. Выберите заголовок к тексту:
- Акулы – опасные животные
- Животные мира
- Животные морей и океанов
2. Какие подчеркнутые в тексте слова относятся к теме текста.
Level 2. 1. Найдите в тексте глаголы в Настоящем Простом времени (Present Simple Tense) и глаголы в Прошедшем простом времени (Past Simple Tense)
- Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
- There are more than 250 different types of shark in the sea.
- You can see sharks in the different rivers.
- The largest shark is about 80 meters from nose to tail.
Level 3 Составьте рассказ, используя текст – о своем домашнем питомце
- о любом животном
Text 5
Summer is the most favorite season. How happy the kids are! They have their summer holidays. Schoolchildren have time for their hobby. Some of them like to stay at home. They read books, watch TV and play computer games. But most of the children like to be outdoors and spend their time in the street.
Last summer my friends and I went for a walk and played many games. We played football, volleyball, badminton and others. But swimming is our favourite. We went to the river and swam all the days round. Sometimes we went fishing with my farther. We caught fish and cooked it on the fire. I liked my summer holidays.
Level 1. 1. Выберите заголовок к тексту:
- Школьники и школа
- Времена года
- Летние каникулы – любимое время
2. Какие подчеркнутые в тексте слова относятся к теме текста.
Level 2. 1. Найдите в тексте глаголы в Настоящем Простом времени (Present Simple Tense) и глаголы в Прошедшем простом времени (Past Simple Tense)
- Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
- Children like to spend their time in the street in summer.
- Children went to the river and swam last summer.
- Children have bad time in summer.
Level 3. Составьте рассказ, используя текст – о своих летних каникулах
- о каникулах.
ПРИМЕРЫ ПОНЯТИЙ (общеобразовательный уровень)
- Глагол-связка to be
Level 1. Дайте определение (что это такое, как используется в предложении).
Level 2. Как изменяется по временам и лицам.
Level 3. Приведите собственные примеры предложений с глаголом-связкой.
- Структуры I want… и I would like…
Level 1. Переведите данные структуры. Объясните разницу употребления данных структур в речи.
Level 2. Объясните правила использования глаголов и существительных в данных структурах.
Level 3. Приведите собственные примеры предложений с данными структурами.
- Степени сравнения имен прилагательных
Level 1. Дайте определение степеням сравнения прилагательных.
Level 2. Правила образования, исключения.
Level 3. Приведите собственные примеры степеней сравнения односложных и многосложных прилагательных.
- Множественное число существительных
Level 1. Как образуется, особенности.
Level 2. Исключения.
Level 3. Приведите собственные примеры предложений с существительными во множественном числе.
- Прошедшее Простое время (Past Simple Tense)
Level 1. Объясните, как изменяются глаголы в Прошедшем Простом времени.
Level 2. Образование всех типов предложений (повествовательное, вопросительное, отрицательное)
Level 3. Приведите собственные примеры в Простом Прошедшем времени
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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