Разработка урока"What is Friendship?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
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Урок английского языка учителя Казбековой М.К.
The Theme: “What is Friendship?”
Objects:1)by the end of the lesson students will be
able to use in their speech week’s vocabu-
2) to develop and improve their abilities in
reading and oral speech.
3)to read the text about friendship and to make
a plan for retelling.
4)to give their personal opinions on the topic.
5)to write the composition.
Facilities: computer ,smartboard, presentation Power
Point ”Friendship”, CD disc.
According to the dictionary friendship is a feeling and behavior that exists between friends, but what these feelings are and what this behavior is, one should decide for himself.
Good morning , dear friends .Today’s lesson is devoted to
a very important topic ”What is Friendship?”We all have friends and don’t imagine our lives without them. We are sorry for those who has no friends. But we understand the meaning of the word ”friendship” differently.Your task for today was to make presentations on this theme, so you are welcome!
Every person needs a friend. Friends are very important in our life. I think you cannot live without friends. A friend is a person who is always by your side. Your close friend or best friend is a person whom you can trust with everything no matter what happens. Your true friend is always ready to help you, to support you if you do something wrong and to solve problems together with you. They say that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. I think it is really so. A friend is someone who will always be glad to hear your voice in a telephone receiver. A friend respects your decisions and is sympathetic to you.
According to the dictionary friendship is a feeling and behavior that exists between friends, but what these feelings are and what this behavior is, one should decide for himself.
I think that friendship is a gift from the God. A friend should be faithful and sincere. Everybody has friends, because every person needs communication and contacts. But people are unique creatures of nature, all of them have their own habits, opinions, judgements which differ from others. That's why it is hard to find common interests. But we have a wonderful notion "friendship" and one more "friends". You are interested in your friend with all his bad and good traits of personality. It is so, because he is you real friend and something helps you to communicate with each other; something more important than incompatibility of your tempers. Your friend can understand everything and forgive you. If your friend believes you he will always listen to your advice and follow it thinking it is right. You shouldn't tell a lie to your friend, there mustn't be hypocrisy in your speech and even in thoughts. Before telling something to your friend, before doing any work, you should think a lot and guess what kind of influence it will render on him and on his life. "No man is useless while he has a friend" - that statement describes our life most truthfully, which is full of hardships and difficulties, and where only your real friends can help you to be or to become someone, who is nothing, but a strong personality. People can't live without communication. And that is why all people must have friends - people, who are willing to help them, who can help to overcome hardships. To my mind, generosity is the essence of friendship. And true friends are quiet free from selfishness, envy, meanness, indifference to your friends sufferings, etc., To my mind, a real friend is a person, who never leaves you alone in you troubles, whom we can fully rely on, whom we can trust as ourselves, and who never say unpleasant things, which can hurt friend's feelings. The famous poet said: "Change your pleasure, but not your friends". A person can meet a real true friend once or twice in his life. That's why friendship is the most valuable thing in the world .
If you feel bad or if you want to tell somebody about your thoughts, you may come to your friend, who understands you, your problems, your thoughts, who will help as he can.
I have a lot of friends. I am sure that I can rely on them and I can trust them as myself. They are willing to help in my troubles as if they helped themselves.
While man has at least one real friend he will be more useful, than the person, who hasn't friends. And the strength of friendship is in giving people opportunities to become better then they are now. If you don't have friends, you should better make friends. And remember if you have the real friends you have a powerful support from them.
Two more students show their presentations.
Now I want you to listen to the text ,the speaker will read you the text and after that you’ll answer the questions. "What is a friend? A single soul, dwelling in two bodies" - Aristotle
True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.
Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. It is when you can sleep fighting and get another morning with a better understanding. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal.
Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won't hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since time immemorial. There are famous stories about friends in mythologies of different religions all over the world. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.
1) What describes the true meaning of friendship? 2)What are general traits of friendship? 3)Name different definitions of friendship.
The next task is to read the text and retell it.
People often do say, a friend in need is a friend indeed and I do agree with that. We have many relations at home, but friendship is a precious thing which we all preserve and try to make friends in every walk of life.
We share our deepest sorrow also with a friend, which we find it to share with our family members, as we are scared that the sorrow may hurt them. But, a friendship is different, he advises us in our dilemma times, when we find difficult to differentiate between what is right and wrong.
Everyone in this world longs for a friend, whether he is a man or woman. Even in this modern world we search for chat sites and make chat friends. The reason is simple, we need a friend with whom we can share our feelings. Though we cannot see the chat friends we do share our feelings with them and feel ourselves relieved of our sorrow and our heart becomes light.
Everybody has friends whether it is a toddler, teenager, adult or aged, all want friends. We see some us after growing up or leaving our colleges also keep in touch with friends and have a get together and share each others feelings and happiness and see how successful they are in there life and feel happy for them. So, never hurt a friend and protect them in your heart.
Friends are the treasure of our life, we should protect it and never loose them.
Have you got a friend? What qualities in friend do you like the most? You are to rank five qualities in the order of importance. So, please open your copy-books and begin to write. The last task is to express your own opinion on the topic “What is friendship?”
Today we have read ,listened, written and spoken about friendship. We have made the conclusion that it is very important to have a friend who can support you. A person without a friend is a poor person. So I wish you to have good friends and I hope you’ll be good friends too.
Your home task is to write the composition ”My best friend”.
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