Урок в 11 классе. Эрмитаж
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему



Урок  английского   языка  в   11-го  классе

Тема: "Экскурсия по Эрмитажу.  Леонардо  да  Винчи"

Гудник  Рита   Александровна,  учитель  английского  языка


Задачи урока:

  • Познавательный аспект – знакомство с Эрмитажем, одним из крупнейших художественных музеев;  с  творчеством  Леонардо  да  Винчи.
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие познавательного интереса учащихся,   развитие  умения  выразить  свое  восприятие  и   мнение  о  художественном  произведении;
  • Воспитательный  аспект – воспитание чувства  прекрасного,  уважение  к  своей  и  другой  культуре  ;  любовь  к  родному  городу.
  • Учебный аспект – формирование грамматических  навыков  чтения   и говорения;  развитие  навыков говорения.

Речевой материал:

  • лексический – the Hermitage, repository of  art,  masterpiece, landscape, The  Mother   and  Child,  Renaissance, Flemish   painting .
  • грамматический – оборот there is/are.

Ход урока

  1. Introduction. Вступительное слово учителя. (. Презентация.).

The teacher: Hello,  my  dear   friends!  Our  theme  today  is  “  The  State  Hermitage . Could  you  answer  some  questions -  look   at  the  presentation,  please!
Учащиеся   отвечают  на  вопросыпредставленные  в  начале  презентации.

II . Аудирование  текста “The Hermitage”.

Before  listening   tell  me  ,  please,  what  do  you  know  about  the  history of  this  museum?

Now  we’ll  listen  to  some  information  about  the Hermitage. While  listening  try  to find the English equivalents  of  the  following  words  and  word combinations.:

  • коллекция западно-европейского искусства;
  • знаменитая коллекция;
  • все ведущие школы представлены;
  • шедевр;
  • Фламандская  живопись

The Hermitage (  текст    из  пособия  A.P.Vaks, E.P.Afonina  “The  Spirit  of  St. Petersburg)

  1. Высказывание с использованием ключевых слов в качестве опор.

The teacher: We  know  very  much  about  the Hermitage  now. What  would  you  tell  your friends  about  this  famous  museum  of  art?  (Рассказ  о  залах  музея  с  использованием  конструкции  there  is / there  are.) ,

T:  What  halls  would  you  like  to  visit?  (учащиеся  называют  свои  любимые  залы).

T: As  for  me, I  would  like to visit  the  Italian  art,  especially  Leonardo  da  Vinchi.  And  so , I  want  you  to  read  the  text  about  this  famous  painter.

(читаем  текст  о  Л.да  Винчи,  отвечаем  на  вопросы  после  текста)

  1. Высказывания – обмен мнениями о картинах  Л.да  Винчи, выставленных  в   Эрмитаже (Слайд).

T: We can see the works  of  this  great  painter  . Let ‘s  share  our  opinions  about  the pictures . Use  these  words  and  phrases

  • wonderful
  • marvelous
  • impressive
  •   splendid

Презентация (проверяем  знания  об  Эрмитаже,  отвечая  на  вопросы  в  конце  презентации)

Thank  you  very  much.  Your  marks  are… The  lesson  is  over.  Good  bye.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The State Hermitage museum

Слайд 2

The State Hermitage is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums of the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been opened to the public since 1852. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise nearly 3 million items , including the largest collection of paintings in the world. The collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings along Palace Embankment, including theWinter Palace, a former residence of Russian emperors. Apart from them, the Menshikov Palace, Museum of Porcelain, Storage Facility at Staraya Derevnya and the eastern wing of the General Staff Building are also part of the museum. The museum has several exhibition centers abroad

Слайд 3

The Hermitage paintings

Слайд 4

Madonna and Child with Flowers , otherwise known as the Benois Madonna , could be one of two Madonnas Leonardo da Vinci had commented on having started in October 1478. The other one could be Madonna with the Carnation from Munich. It is likely that the Benois Madonna was the first work painted by Leonardo independently from his master Verrocchio. There are two of Leonardo's preliminary sketches for this piece in the British Museum. The composition of Madonna and Child with Flowers proved to be one of Leonardo's most popular. It was extensively copied by young painters, including Raphael, whose own version of Leonardo's design ( the Madonna of the Pinks ) was acquired in 2004 by the National Gallery, London. For centuries, Madonna and Child with Flowers was considered lost. In 1909, the architect Leon Benois sensationally exhibited it in St Petersburg as part of his father-in-law's collection. The painting had been apparently brought from Italy to Russia by the notable connoisseur Alexander Korsakov in the 1790s. Upon Korsakov's death, it was sold by his son to the Astrakhan merchant Sapozhnikov for 1400 roubles and so passed by inheritance to the Benois family in 1880. After many a squabble regarding attribution, Leon Benois sold the painting to the Imperial Hermitage Museum in 1914. Since then, it has been exhibited in St Petersburg.

Слайд 5

The Dessert: Harmony in Red is a painting by French artist Henri Matisse, from 1908. It is considered by some critics to be Matisse's masterpiece. This Fauvist painting follows the example set by Impressionism with the overall lack of a central focal point. The painting was ordered as "Harmony in Blue," but Matisse was dissatisfied with the result, and so he painted it over with his preferred red. It is in the permanent collection of the Hermitage Museum.

Слайд 6

White House at Night is an oil painting created on 16 June 1890 at around 8:00 PM by Vincent van Gogh, in the small town of Auvers - sur -Oise, six weeks before his death. The exact time is known due to the position of planet Venus in the painting. Astronomers Donald Olson and Russell Does her from the Texas State University-San Marcos calculated that the star in the painting must be Venus, which was bright in the evening sky in June 1890. The painting has a turbulent history. It was considered lost after World War II, but appeared in the Hermitage Museum in 1995 in an exhibition displaying artworks looted by the Soviets at the end of the war.

Слайд 7

Danaë is Rembrandt's painting from the collection of Pierre Crozat which from the 18th century resides in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. It is a life-sized depiction of the character Danaë fromGreek mythology, the mother of Perseus . She is presumably depicted as welcoming Zeus, who impregnated her in the form of a shower of gold. Given that this is one of Rembrandt's most magnificent paintings, it is not out of the question that he cherished it, but it also may have been difficult to sell because of its eight-by-ten-foot size. Although the artist's wife Saskia was the original model for Danaë , Rembrandt later changed the figure's face to that of his mistress Geertje Dircx .

Слайд 9

The Madonna Litta is a late 15th-century painting of the Madonna nursing the infant Jesus which is generally attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and is displayed in the Hermitage Museum, in Saint Petersburg. There are numerous replicas of the work by other Renaissance painters, and Leonardo's own preliminary sketch of Madonna's head in the Louvre. The Child's awkward posture, however, led some scholars to attribute parts of the painting to Leonardo's pupil Boltraffio . Other clues that contribute to the fact that Leonardo had this painting completed by one of his pupils include the harsh outlines of the Madonna and Child, as well as the plain landscape. This work was painted sometime in the 1480s for the Visconti rulers of Milan and soon passed to the Litta family, in whose possession it would remain for centuries. In 1865, Alexander II of Russia acquired it from Count Litta , quondam minister to St Petersburg, and deposited the painting in the Hermitage Museum, where it has been exhibited to this day.

Слайд 10

The Conestabile Madonna is a small (and probably unfinished) painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael . It was likely the last work painted by Raphael in Umbria before moving to Florence. Its name comes from the Conestabile family of Perugia, from whom it was acquired by Alexander II of Russia in 1871. The Tsar presented it to his consort, Maria Alexandrovna . Since then, the painting has been on exhibit in the Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg. The painting portrays the Madonna holding the Child while reading a book. In 1881, when the picture was moved to canvas, it was discovered that in the original version the Madonna contemplated a pomegranate(symbol of the Passion) instead of the book.

Слайд 11

Leonardo da Vinci

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