Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме "Scotland"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данный урок проводится в 6 классе как обобщающий по теме Шотландия и проходит в форме путешествия по стране. В качестве организационного выступает принцип совместной деятельности, в основе которого лежит групповой метод обучения с элементами дискуссии и обсуждения. Урок способствует развитию интерактивных коммуникативных и творческих способностей, логического мышления учащихся, расширению кругозора и воспитанию толерантности при знакомстве с реалиями англоязычных стран, формированию навыков самоконтроля и умения объективно оценивать свои возможности.
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Урок английского языка в 6 классе
УМК «Учебник для VIкласса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей» О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.
Тема урока: «Scotland»
Цель: Комплексное обучение аспектам речевой деятельности с использованием современных методик и тенденций в обучении английскому языку, направленных на активизацию основных видов языковой деятельности.
Задачи урока:
1. Образовательные: активизация навыков чтения, говорения (монологической и диалогической речи), письма с использованием тематической лексики, аудирования, ознакомление с новой лингвострановедческой информацией о Шотландии
2. Развивающие: развитие интерактивных коммуникативных и творческих способностей, логического мышления учащихся
3. Воспитательные: расширение кругозора и воспитание толерантности при знакомстве с реалиями англоязычных стран, формирование навыков самоконтроля и умения объективно оценивать свои возможности
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент (приветствие ,постановка целей и задач урока)
1)Report of a person on duty.
2)I want to draw you attention to the blackboard with the words of John Clarke (a person who based one of the colonies in the USA)
How do you understand these words?
These words will be the motto of our lesson.
Can you guess why?
3)What country we are going to travel to? (учитель крепит на магнитную доску листок с надписью Scotland и стрелочками, расходящимися в разные стороны)
4)What things make a country?(по мере ответов учеников на магнитную доску под стрелочками крепятся надписи: nature, sights, people, symbols, customs)
5) каждая группа обучающихся получает задание записывать на листок в течение урока слова по темам: nature, sights, people, symbols, customs.У каждой группы своя тема.
During the lesson try to write down all the information concerning nature, sights, people, symbols, customs. At the end of the lesson we will see what we have.
- Фонетическая зарядка
Let’s begin our lesson with the famous poem written by one of the greatest poets R. Burns.
Read the poem after the announcer:
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth ;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green vallies below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
You have learned it by heart. One person from each group will recite it.(один ученик от каждой группы декламирует стихотворение )
Look at the translation of the poem and find the underlined words in the poem of Robert Burns.
В горах мое сердце ... Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.
Прощай, моя родина! Север, прощай.
Отечество славы и доблести край.
По белому свету судьбою гоним,
Навеки останусь я сыном твоим!
Прощайте, вершины под кровлей снегов.
Прощайте, долины и скаты лугов,
Прощайте, поникшие в бездну леса.
Прощайте, потоков лесных голоса.
В горах мое сердце ... Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу!
(Перевод С. Я. Маршака)
Sign the pictures with the words from the poem. (на экране картины с видами Шотландии)
What information can we add to our cluster. (ученики зачитывают слова которые они могут добавить к кластеру)
- Речевая зарядка
Look at the map of Scotland and ask one another questions about this country. (ученики по очереди задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них)
- Основной этап урока
- Each group has prepared some information about Scotland. Listen to them and then we shall add new things to our cluster
Project №1
Scotland is a beautiful country. It has hills with forests and fields. These are the lowlands. There are mountains and lakes in the highlands. The lakes are called lochs. There are many islands off the west coast of Scotland.
Most people speak English, but many have their own accent. The ancient language of Scotland is Gaelic. Some people still speak it and they also use Gaelic words when they speak English. For example “loch” means lake, “ben” means mountain, “clan” means family.
The capital of Scotland is called Edinburgh. It is known as the Athens of the north. It is an ancient city. Edinburgh has many castles. One of them is older than the city. It hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon but it is real.
In the cities there are many apartments. These are tall building where many people can live. People in the lowlands live in small villages. Their homes are called crofts.
There are lots of fish in Scotland’s rivers. People eat salmon and trout. Haggis is Scotland’s most famous food. It is made of oatmeal and sheep meat.
There is a lot of oil under the sea near Scotland. People may work on an oil rig, which pumps out the oil.
There are many farmers in the highlands. Farmers raise sheep and use their wool for sweaters.
Children start school when they are four or five years old. They must go to school until they are sixteen years old. Many children wear uniforms at school.
Free Time:
In their free time the Scottish like to play golf.
Golf was first played in Scotland. Children may learn golf at a young age. People may also ski in the mountains.
We ’d like to tell you about some symbols of Scotland. First of all it’s a special kind of material called “tartan” They make traditional tartan skirt called kilts. Many men and women wear them on special occasions or national holidays. Each clan or family has its own tartan. There are many tartan shops in Edinburgh but they are very expensive.
I’d like to add some words about their names. Many Scottish names begin with “Mac” or “Mc” which means “son of”. So “McDonald’s” is son of Donald.
I know one more symbol of Scotland. It’s a thistle. A thistle is a plant .It’s very beautiful but it’s very sharp too. An ancient story says that enemies from across the sea wanted to take the Scots by surprise in their sleep. They took off their shoes not to make noise but one of them stepped on a thistle and cried of a sharp pain. The Scots awoke and won the battle.
One more symbol is a national flag. It’s a white cross on the blue.( It’s Saint Andrew’s cross, who was crucified on the X-shaped cross. St. Andrew is the patron saint of both Scotland and Russia).
It’s a very unusual instrument .It’s a bagpipe. It is very difficult to learn to play it. This instrument came to Britain from Rome. Bagpipes are popular in many countries even in India and China. They play bagpipes at festivals, in streets for tourists. There is a special military show in Edinburgh in August. It is called “tattoo”.
Loch Ness.
It’s a very deep lake and many people believe that a monster lives at the bottom. These photos were taken 60 years ago. This monster is called “Nessie”.
A famous scientist A.G. Bell was born in Edinburgh. His invention of the telephone made a revolution in the life of people all over the world. His invention helps us to communicate with each other.
Arthur Conan Doyle was a great writer. He was born in Scotland in the family of the Irish. He was a doctor. His medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories. Conan Doyle was the first who started the fashion of detective story. He created his famous character Sherlock Holmes in 1885. Six years later the name of Sherlock Holmes became very famous. This book made Conan Doyle famous all over the world.
William Captain Kidd is one of the famous pirates. We can see films and read books about him. Captain Kidd was born in Scotland in 1645. At that time piracy was a business, not a way of life. The Scottish sailor William Kidd was executed for piracy when he returned from a voyage to the Indian Ocean.
Sean Connery a famous actor was born in Edinburgh in 1930. He became a movie star at the age of 32 when he played a secret agent James Bond. Sean Connery starred in more than sixty movies.
Robert Burns a well known and popular Scottish poet was born in 1759. He was born in a poor family of a farmer. There were 7 children in it. At the age of six Robert went to school. He was fond of reading. At the age of 15 he began to write poems. He published his first book of poems when he was 27 years old. R.Burns died in povety at the age of 37. Nowadays his poems are known and loved by people all over the world.
Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh in 1850. He spent much time studying French literature and Scottish history. His first novel Treasure Island made him popular all over the world. Stevenson left a lot of wonderful novels and short stories. Many works were unfinished. He died at the age of forty-four in 1887.
- Let’s have a rest and sing the song MY BONNIE LIES OVER THE OCEAN
Read the information about this song in your textbooks. P178
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I lay on my pillow
I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me
Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean
And blow ye the winds o'er the sea
Oh blow ye the winds o'er the ocean
And bring back my Bonnie to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me
The winds have blown over the ocean
The winds have blown over the sea
The winds have blown over the ocean
And brought back my Bonnie to me.
- Watch the film about Edinburg. (каждая группа учеников получает листочки с заданиями)
Tick the sights that you will come across in the text
The Cannongate
The Scott Monument
Greyfriars Bobby
Princes Street
Royal Mile
Castle Rock
Calton Hill
The Castle
Say True or False:
- The capital of Scotland Edinburgh is not the country’s largest city.
- One of the region’s oldest castles was built in the twelfth century.
- During the wars of independence the Castle became a protective fortress and eventually the royal residence.
- The royal mile is not one but three streets that stretch from the Castle Rock to the gates of the royal palace.
- Three monuments mark Calton Hill: Portico, the Tower and Nelson Column.
- On Princes Street you’ll discover fashionable hotels.
- The Scott Monument has 267 steps.
Ask questions and answer them:
1)if Edinburg is a young or ancient city;
2) what the two most interesting parts of the city are;
3)where exactly the castle is situated;
4)whose monument tourists can see in Princes Street;
5)what palace is the residence of the Queen.
- Grammar
Read the story of Robert Bruce. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous. How do we form Past Simple/Past Continuous (ученики повторяют правила образования и употребления времён)
Form Past Simple and past Continuous of the following verbs:
Hide, fall, stay, build, win, fight.
England and Scotland____(to be) not always friends. In the old days, they____(have) different kings and queens and the Scots_______(to hate) the English and the English_____(to hate) the Scots. Well, Robert Bruce was the king of the Scotland, about 800 years ago, and he ___________(to fight) the English. The English soldiers ____________( to win), and Robert Bruce _______(to hide) from them in a cave. He________(to stay) there for three months. He was sad and frightened and he _________(to want) to run away from Scotland. Then he noticed a spider in the cave. It _____________( to build) a huge web. The spider________(to fall)down many, many times, but it tried again and again. After a long time it finished the web. Robert Bruce said, “I will try again too!” He ______(to go) back to his men and said, “Be strong! WE CAN WIN!” After that, they won an important battle against the English.
After reading the text let’s fill the table
Who? | What? | When? | Where? | Why? |
- Finally , let’s make a cinquain. Let’s remember how to make cinquains.
- What we are talking about (1 word)
- Adjectives characterizing the thing(2 words)
- Verbs (3 words)
- A sentence describing the thing (4 words)
- A synonym which will complete a cinquain (1 word)
I want to give you my cinquains. Read them and try to guess what things they are about (учитель раздаёт группам карточки с синквейнами без первой строки)
Interesting, ancient
Sing, celebrate, perform
It is an ancient tradition
Beautiful, sharp
Take off, step, cry
You saved the Scots
Unusual, popular
Play, dance, listen
It came from Rome
Traditional, expensive
Sew, wear, buy
Many men wear it
Let’ to make cinquains about Highland Games.
a)Take sheets of paper with information about Highland Games.
Scotland is known for its so-called Highland Games. During these games different competitions are held. At the beginning of the games, people march to the game place and the pipers play the bagpipes. This tradition started in the 11th century. Now the Highland Games do not take part in Scottish villages and towns, but also in many other countries where Scottish people have settled. And today’s games also attract many visitors.One of the most impressive events at the games is the tossing of caber. A caber is a long log, it is 5 metres long and weighs about 45 kg. The athlete holds the caber by one end and tries to throw it so that it lands on the other end and then falls away from the thrower. Other events of the Highland Games include hammer throw, stone put (метание камня), tug of war (rope pulling), as well as running and lumping. There are also competitions in bag piping and Scottish dancing. The atmosphere at the Highland Games is great. You can meet Scottish people, learn a little about Scottish history, listen to Scottish music and enjoy great Scottish food .
b) Find adjectives, verbs, sentences describing Highland Games
c) Read your cinquains about Highland Games
d) Make up your own cinquains. Use your textbooks.(The Castle, Bobby, Military Tattoo) (ученики работают по группам и составляют собственные синквейны по тексту учебника)
V. Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия
1) Let’s review some things that we were speaking about during the lesson. Name these things. (работа с картинками, изображающими символы Шотландии)
2) Finish the sentence. I'd like to visit Scotland because there I can…
3) Let’s add information to the cluster. Read what you have (ученики заполняют кластер и крепят листочки со словами на магнитную доску)
4) What new things did you learn during the lesson?
5) Thank you for this lesson. You were very active today. I think, you have learned a lot of new facts about Scotland. May be, one day you will travel to this nice country and there you can enjoy its beauty.
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