Рождение меня
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
План-конспект с мультимедийной презентацией
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока в 5 классе.
УМК Кауфман К. Кауфман М. « Счастливый Английский. ру»
Тема: “Let’s have a birthday party”
Цели 1) Обучающие – дидактические:
-активизировать употребление слов по теме;
-уметь называть дату рождения;
- называть предлоги с датами;
-развивать умение диалогической речи
-развивать память и усидчивость
-пользоваться общеучебными умениями и навыками (при чтении и письме);
способами деятельности (анализировать, обобщать)
3) Воспитательныe:
-учить работать в группе, парах.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок (повторительно-обобщающий, отработки умений и навыков)
Вид урока: урок – праздник
Формы организации : фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, коллективная (парное обучение по рядам )
Технология: классно – урочная, коллективная мыслительная деятельность, самостоятельная работа развивающее и активизирующее обучение.
Наглядность: АРМ, магнитофон, фишки, карточки с заданиями, учебно-дидактические схемы.
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
Good morning children!
Sit down, please. We have an unusual lesson .Today we celebrate a birthday party. You know Paul ‘ll have a birthday in some days. There are some guests in our classroom .We are so glad to see them. Now we begin.
1) беседа с дежурным :
Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? Thanks.
2) ознакомление с задачами урока:
We repeat the poem” A birthday child” and some words; read some dialogues. We speak about how people celebrate their birthdays and sing a song “Happy Birthday” to Paul, play and of course we have tea with a real cake.
II .Фонетическая зарядка
- Open your dictionaries and let’s repeat the poem
“A birthday child”
Everything ‘s been different
All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn’t it delicious
to be a birthday child?
- P1-P2
III. Повторение слов
- Look at the screen, please.
Read, listen and repeat.
- to celebrate-праздновать
- party-вечеринка
- to invite-пригласить
- candle-свеча
- to light-зажечь
- to grant-дарить
- wish-желание
- to get-получить
- present-подарок
- yummy-вкусный
- to get ready- готовиться
- to decorate-украшать
- card-открытка
- guest-гость
- sing songs-петь песни
- lucky-удачный, счастливый
- sad-печальный
III. Физкультпауза
Let ‘s have a rest. Stand up, please!
“ Hands up “
Stand up , Stand up ,
Hands up , Hands to the sides ,
Hands down Bend left
Hands on hips , Bend right .
Sit down .
Hands on hips ,
One ,two ,three ,hop .
One , two three ,stop .
Stand still .
IV.Развитие речевых навыков.
Работа в сменных парах. Слабые ученики проговаривают речевые образцы за сильными учениками.
Say/ ask your friends.
- When is your birthday?
- It’s on the seventh of May.
2) What would you like to get as a birthday present?
-I’d like to get a___________ as a birthday present.
3) What would you like to give to your friend on his (her) birthday?
-I’d like to give a________ to my friend on his (her ) birthday.
V. Обучение диалогической речи.
- Let’s act some dialogues, open your dictionaries, please. Work in pairs.
English on the Phone
N.: Hello. Could I speak to S., please?
S.: This is S. Hello.
N.: It’s N. here .I’m having a birthday party on Friday.
Can you come?
S.: I’d love to.
N.: Great! See you there. About seven o’clock.
At the birthday party
- Hello!
- Hello, Ann.
-Happy birthday! Here’s your present.
-White roses! Thank you very much.( a book, a mobile phone, a walkman, a toy)
-You are welcome.
-Come in. Put your coat here.
At the Shop
-Can I help you?
-Yes, I ‘d like to buy a present for my friend.
- Do you know what kind of gift you want?
-Well, no. I don’t know what I want to get for him (her)
-Does he (she) have any hobbies?
-Perhaps he (she) likes music.
-Great! I’ll buy a CD for him (her).
-Could you show me that CD?
VI. Read some rules.( работа в группах )
Mind your manners
1.It is not polite to take the biggest piece .
2. Don’t put your elbows on the table.
3. Don’t talk with your mouth full.
4. Leave the biggest piece for someone else, because others like the dish too.
VII. Well, let’s have our party! Paul has a birthday today.
1) Let’s sing a song to him
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday to you!
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear Paul,
Happy Birthday to you!
- Let’s watch a dance.( 2 мальчика танцуют)
VIII. Before we have our tea party let’s have a small competition. There are two teams, you must do some tasks :
-translate some sentences, please.
1) Could I have a cup of tea, please?
2) Would you like another cup of tea?
3) No, thanks.
4) Thanks a lot.
5) Would you like some more milk?
6) Help yourself to a cake, please.
- find the odd words
-name the things:
IX. Let’s play
1) Put on the right place
2) Underline the wrong word
3) Guess the riddles.
X. Let’s have tea!
Итог урока.
- It’s time to stop .What have you done at the lesson? (P1-P3)
I am so pleased to deal with you. Everybody gets “Fives “ and “Fours”
- It is not polite to take the biggest piece .
2. Don’t put your elbows on the table.
3. Don’t talk with your mouth full.
4. Leave the biggest piece for someone else, because others like the dish too.
- Could I have a cup of tea, please?
- Would you like another cup of tea?
- No, thanks.
- Thanks a lot.
- Would you like some more milk?
6) Help yourself to a cake, please.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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