сказка Cinderella
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Пижмаринская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Балтасинского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Инсценировка сказки
по английскому языку
4 класс
Participants: Cinderella, Stepmother, the 1st sister, the 2nd sister, Fairy lady, Prince, King (or Queen), two heralds, ladies
and gentlemen at the ball.
Scene 1
Cinderella is sewing. Her stepsisters are sitting in the armchairs. Her stepmother came in. She is excited.
Stepmother: Girls! Girls! Come here! I've got nice news for you! There will be a ball in the King's palace! The young
prince will be there!
1st sister: Great! A ball! A ball in the palace!
2nd sister: Very nice! I will dance with Prince
1st sister: No, I will dance with Prince. Cinderella, give me my mirror!
Cinderella (giving the mirror): Here you are.
2nd sister: Cinderella, give me my new hat and a red rose.
Cinderella (giving the hat and the rose): Here you are.
Stepmother: And my new green fan! Where is it?
Cinderella (giving the fan): Here you are.
1st sister: Cinderella! Would you like to go to the ball? Would you like to see the palace?
2nd sister: Cinderella! Would you like to dance at the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, dear sisters! Don't laugh at me. I can't go there.
1st sister: Of course not. Have you got a nice dress?
2nd sister: Have you got new shoes?
Cinderella: No, I haven't. My dress is old and dirty. My shoes are old, too. I can't go to the palace.
Stepmother: Cinderella! You must stay at home and clean the house, do the washing up, water the flowers and cook the
dinner. Don't forget to feed ducks, chickens and hens. Girls, are you ready?
Sisters: Yes, Mum.
Stepmother: Let's go, then.
Scene 2
Cinderella is sweeping the floor and reciting the poem. She is sad.
Cinderella: One busy housewife to sweep up the floor.
Two busy housewives to polish the door.
Three busy housewives to wash all the socks.
Four busy housewives to wind up the clock.
Five busy housewives to cook the dinner too.
Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.
Suddenly Fairy lady is coming in.
Fairy lady: Good evening, Cinderella! Why are you sad, my dear?
Cinderella (crying): Dear Fairy lady! I can't go to the palace. My dress is old and dirty. My shoes are...
Fairy lady: Don't cry, my dear. I'll help you and you will go to the ball. You will be the most beautiful lady there.
Cinderella: But I haven't got a nice dress and new shoes.
Fairy lady: Here you are. Here is a white dress and here are glass shoes for you.
Cinderella: They are wonderful! Thank you very much!
Fairy lady: Remember, dear Cinderella! You must go away at 12 o'clock. At midnight!
Cinderella (running away): Thank you very much! I am so happy! Good bye!
Fairy lady: Don't forget, at 12 o'clock. At midnight!
Scene 3
At the ball There are many ladies and gentlemen and funny clowns, brave supermen, kind monsters and small hobbits.
Prince is dancing with two sisters. The king is talking to a herald. Cinderella is coming in. She is beautiful She is smiling.
King: Who is that nice girl? How beautiful she is!
Prince: Can you dance? May I dance with you? Cinderella (smiling): Yes, I can. With great pleasure!
Prince and Cinderella are dancing and all guests are singing a song "What is your name?"
All guests:
What is your name, what is your name?
Can you tell me, what is your name?
My name is Alex, my name is Alex.
You won't forget it, my dear friend.
How old are you, how old are you?
Can you tell me? How old are you?
I am just seven, I am just seven.
And are you older, my dear friend?
Where do you live, where do you live?
Can you tell me, where do you live?
I live in London, sometimes in Oxford,
sometimes in Cambridge, my dear friend.
1st herald: Now, dear guests! Let's recite poems, sing songs and dance new dances!
2nd herald: Kind funny clown's poem "In winter and in summer"!
1st funny clown (sadly): In winter it's cold and snowy,
2nd funny clown (happily): In summer it's sunny and fine,
1st funny clown (sadly): In autumn it's cloudy and rainy,
2nd funny clown (happily): In spring I can jump up to the sky.
1st herald: Kind monster's poem "The Whale"!
1st kind monster: One, two, three, four, five
2nd kind monster: Last month I caught a whale alive.
1st kind monster: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
2nd kind monster: Then I let it go again!
1st kind monster: Why did you let it go?
2nd kind monster: Because it bit my finger so!
1st kind monster: What finger did it bite?
2nd kind monster: The little finger on the right!
2nd herald: Brave supermen's poem "The country and the city".
1st brave superman: Some people live in the city where the houses are very tall.
2nd brave superman: Some people live in the country where the houses are very small.
1st brave superman: But in the country where the houses are small the gardens are very big.
2nd brave superman: And in the cities where the houses are tall there are no gardens at all.
Ladies and gentlemen are singing and dancing. Suddenly the clock strikes 12.
Cinderella: Oh, sorry dear Prince! I must run away! I'm sorry but I have to go. Goodbye!
She is running away and leaving her shoe.
Scene 4
Cindrella is laying the table in the living room. Two sisters and the stepmother are sitting at the table and talking.
1st sister: Cindrella, there was a young beautiful lady at the ball.
2nd sister: She had a wonderful white dress. Prince fell in love with her.
Stepmother: But at 12 o'clock she ran away and lost her glass shoe. Prince was very sad.
Two heralds are coming in. They are serious.
1st herald: Prince wants to see a nice girl who was at the ball yesterday. We must find this beautiful girl.
2nd herald: All girls in the country must try on this shoe. He will marry the lady who can put on this glass shoe.
1st sister (trying it on): Oh, it's too small for me.
2nd sister: Let me try it on!... Oh, it's too tiny!
2nd herald (to Cinderella): Will you try the shoe on?
Stepmother: Cinderella wasn't at the ball yesterday. She stayed at home.
2nd herald: But let her try it on.
She puts it on easily and takes another shoe from her pocket and puts it on too.
Stepmother: Oh, what's this? Cinderella! I can't believe it.
1st herald: Dear Princess! Let's go to the palace. Prince is waiting for you.
1st and 2nd heralds: Goodbye, ladies! Good luck!
The heralds and Cinderella are leaving the room.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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