Сценарий сказки "Cinderella"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку на тему
Данный сценарий сказки "Золушка" на английском языке был использован для постановки спектакля детским творческим объединением "Английский театр" .
This is the story of Cinderella. She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. Her father has got a second wife now, and she is Cinderella’s stepmother. She is a horrible woman. She has got two daughters, Pat and Liz. They are Cinderella’s stepsisters.
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Сказка « Cinderella »
Compare: And now we’ll show you our favourite fairy - tale “”.
Characters: Cinderella, her stepmother, her father, Pat, Liz (Cinderella’s stepsisters), Fairy, postmen, Queen, Prince, noble ladies.
Scene I
Story-teller: This is the story of Cinderella. She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. Her father has got a second wife now, and she is Cinderella’s stepmother. She is a horrible woman. She has got two daughters, Pat and Liz. They are Cinderella’s stepsisters.
Золушка входит в комнату. Ее отец сидит в кресле.
Cinderella: Good morning, Daddy, dear!
Father: Good morning, my child. How are you today?
Cinderella: Fine, Daddy. And how are you?
Father: Oh, I’m OK, but, my child…
Cinderella: Yes, Daddy?
(Входит мачеха)
Stepmother: Cinderella. What are you doing? You’re not working.
Father: But…
Stepmother: Work, girl, work. Make the breakfast. I’m hungry. I want my toast, jam, cheese and a cup of tea.
Cinderella: Yes, stepmother.
Stepmother: And you, Basil, what are you doing? Helping the girl?
Father: Er – no…
Stepmother: My daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast, too.
Входит Пэт.
Cinderella: Good morning, sister.
Pat: Good morning, Mammy, dear.
Stepmother: And how are you today, Pat, dear?
Pat: Terrible, terrible.
Stepmother: Oh, dear.
Входит Лиз.
Cinderella: Good morning, sister.
Stepmother: Ah, good morning, my child!
Liz: Morning.
Stepmother: And how are you today?
Liz: Terrible.
Stepmother: Oh, dear, you too?
Liz: Oh, my head…, my teeth…, oooh…
Pat: Hmmmmp! Cinderella! Where is my breakfast? I’m hungry and thirsty. I want two eggs, pudding, cookies, and two cups of tea today – milk, sugar and six pieces of toast
Liz: I want a cup of coffee… Oh, my head…
Pat: - with cheese
Liz: Black coffee. No sugar. I want my breakfast now, Cinderella. Oh, my teeth… oooh…
Pat: - and an apple.
Cinderella: Yes, sister. Yes, sister. I am going.
Звучит музыка «Добрый жук». Пэт и Лиз исполняют шуточный танец.
Сначала они, держа в руке зеркальце, показывают, какие они красивые,
затем выясняют, кто и них красивее. Это не обходится без небольшой драки.
Входит их мать, мирит дочерей и уводит их.
Scene II
Мачеха и ее дочери сидят в креслах. Золушка подметает пол.
Stepmother: We’ll go to the ball today. What shall we wear, I wonder? We haven’t got any new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the ball. I want a party dress.
Pat: And me, too. I want a beautiful white evening dress. And I want a blue hat and white shoes.
Liz: And me, too. I want a beautiful blue evening dress, blue shoes and a white hat.
Cinderella: And me, too. I can’t wear these old clothes. I won’t some new clothes.
Pat: You?
Cinderella: Yes, me.
Stepmother: You can’t go to the ball.
Pat: No, you can’t go to the ball.
Liz: No, you can’t go to the ball.
Входят два почтальона.
Postmen: Oh, yes, she can. Look here. The invitation card says: “To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters”. So she can go to the ball.
Stepmother: Oh no, she can’t.
Postmen: Oh, yes, she can.
Pat and Liz: Oh no, she can’t.
Stepmother: Oh yes, she can.
Pat and Liz: What?
Stepmother: Yes, she can go to the ball. Of course she can. Thank you, postmen. You have a very busy day today. Goodbye, postmen. Cinderella, you can go to the ball. But first there’s some work for you to do. Make the beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make the tea, wash my clothes.
Liz: Wash my clothes.
Pat: And my clothes!
Liz: Wash my dress!
Pat: And my dress!
Liz: My stockings!
Pat: My socks!
Stepmother: And only then can you make your dress for the ball. And then you can go to the ball.
Cinderella: Oh no! I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the ball now?!
Scene III
Золушка одна в комнате. Подметает.
Cinderella: What can I do now? I haven’t got any new clothes. I can’t go to the ball now. It’s nine o’clock. The ball is starting. Who can help me?
Fairy: I can help you, Cinderella.
Cinderella: But who are you?
Fairy: I’m your Fairy Godmother, Cinderella. I can do things for you. Now tell me, what’s your problem?
Cinderella: Oh, Fairy Godmother, I can’t go to the ball. And I want to go!
Fairy: And where are your sisters? At the ball? M-m-m-m. Well, let me see. Aha! That’s a good idea! Cinderella, give me that pumpkin, please.
Cinderella: Here you are!
Fairy: Now, stand there, near the pumpkin. One, two, three! Look, Cinderella, here is your carriage. Now you can go to the ball.
Cinderella: Oh! But my clothes! I can’t wear these at the ball!
Fairy: M-m-m-m, no, you can’t. Close your eyes, Cinderella.
Fairy: One two, three! Now open your eyes!
Cinderella (глядя на свое новое платье): But these clothes are beautiful!
Fairy: And so you are, Cinderella. Now you can go to the ball and have a good time.
Cinderella: Oh, thank you, Fairy Godmother!
Fairy: But, Cinderella, there’s just one thing.
Cinderella: Yes?
Fairy: You can have these things only until 12 o’clock. Come home before that time. Do you understand?
Cinderella: Oh yes, yes. Thank you, thank you. Thank you very much, Fairy Godmother!
Fairy: Bye, Cinderella. Have a good time. And remember – you must come back home before 12 o’clock.
Scene IV
На балу у принца. В зале все танцуют.
Королева беседует с благородными дамами.
Появляется Золушка. Она в красивом белом платье.
Queen: Who is that young girl? How beautiful she is! What ’s her name?
Noble ladies: - How beautiful she is!
-We don’t know her!
-Her dress is very expensive!
Prince (подходит к Золушке): May I dance with you?
Cinderella: With great pleasure.
Prince: How beautiful you are!
Звучит медленная музыка.
Они танцуют, вдруг часы бьют 12.
Cinderella: Oh, it’s twelve o’clock! I am sorry, but I must go. Goodbye!
Prince: Please, don’t go!
Золушка убегает, теряя один из своих хрустальных башмачков.
Scene V
Золушка дома. Она готовит ужин.
Мачеха и сестры вернулись с бала.
Pat: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful lady at the King’s ball.
Stepmother: She ran home and lost her glass slipper.
Liz: The Prince wants to marry her. He is looking for her.
Входят два почтальона.
1st Postman (to Pat): Try on this glass slipper, please!
Pat (пытаясь надеть его): It’s too small for me.
Liz: Let me try it on! Oh, it is so small!
1st Postman (to Cinderella): Try on this glass slipper, please!
Stepmother: Oh, it is our Cinderella. She hasn’t been to the ball.
Cinderella: But I want to try it on!
Легко надевает башмачок на ногу, достает из кармана другой и тоже надевает его.
Pat and Liz: Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon!
Cinderella: I pardon you. Goodbye.
Золушка уходит в сопровождении почтальонов.
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