Презентация Travelling around Britain
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
Презентация поможет повторить и обобщить материал по теме "Великобритания". Представлен материал по частям страны: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс, Северная Ирландия.
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Travelling Around BritainСоставительФокина Т.В.Учитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ №9Г. Новоалтайск
What do you picture in your mind when you think of Britain?
Ancient castles Green fields Busy streets Lovely houses
What do you picture in your mind when you think of Britain?
What are the parts of the UK?
Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England.The symbol of Scotland is … .The capital of Scotland is … .Scotland is divided into Highlands and Lowlands .
Highlands is a land of deep valleys, clean rivers and cold “lochs”It is home to many rare animals and birds, like the golden eagle and the wildcat.It is a lonely, wild and empty land.
Most of the industry is in Lowlands. The main cities are also situated in Lowlands. Two largest cities are Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Edinburgh – the capital of Scotland
Wales is a country in the United Kingdom to the west of England.The symbol of Wales is … .The capital of Wales is … .
Wales is a land of green fields, forests and farms.
But Wales is also a land of mountains, valleys and waterfalls.
Mount Snowdon is the second highest mountain in GB. It looks very peaceful and beautiful.
Cardiff is the capital and the main port of Wales.
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom. It occupies the northern part of Ireland.The symbol of Northern Ireland is … .The capital of Northern Ireland is … .
Northern Ireland
The largest industry is agriculture. Sheep-farming is very popular in the country. Horse fairs in Northern Ireland are famous all over the world.
Small Irish villages are very interesting.
Belfast – the capital of Northern Ireland.
England is the largest part of the United Kingdom.The symbol of England is … .The capital of England is … .
The scenery is different in England. Highlands turn into lowlands. Forests and hills turn into meadows and plains.
London – the capital of England.
Britain is not a large country, but it is very beautiful. There are many interesting places in this charming country.
Millions of tourists visit Britain every year and admire its beauty. Come to Britain!
Используемые ресурсы
1. Афанасьева О.В. English VI.-М.:Просвещение,2002.-324с.2. Баканова И.Ю. Великобритания.- М.:Дрофа,1997.-159с. 6. 3. Библиотека фотоизображений. Art Today. Europe.[электронный ресурс].-Электрон.дан.-М.:ООО:Программа2000,2003.-1 электрон.опт.диск (CD-ROM):зв.,цв.4. Иностранные языки во время каникул:EF.-М.:2005.-35с.5. Кузовлев В.П.English-8.-М.:Просвещение,2002.-253с.6. Ошуркова И.М. Школьный англо-русский страноведческий словарь: Великобритания, США, Австралия.-М.:Дрофа,2000.-192с.
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