"Travelling around the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Урок-смотр знаний по английскому языку в 5 классе
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Урок – смотр знаний по английскому языку в 5 классе.
«Travelling around the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
Цели урока:
Развивающий аспект: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности логически излагать усвоенный материал, развитие воображения.
Познавательный аспект: закрепление знаний о стране изучаемого языка, расширение кругозора учащихся.
Воспитательный аспект: развивать и поддерживать уважение к культуре стран изучаемого языка, формировать потребность в изучении английского языка.
Учебный аспект: закрепить лексико-грамматический, страноведческий материал за 5 класс, практиковать учащихся во всех видах деятельности.
Карта – план путешествия, визитные карточки, карточки с заданиями, флаги и символы стран, учебник “English-5” Кузовлева В.П., компьютер.
- Nice to meet you.
- The song “What is your name?”
- “Do you know the UK?”
- The song “Do you speak English?”
- England
- Wales
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland
- Poems
- Grammarland
- London
- The song “If you are happy…”
Teacher: Good morning, children. Today we’ll travel around Britain. There are twelve stations on our way. Are you ready? Let us begin.
Station I: “Nice to meet you”
Teacher: Let’s get to know each other.
(Класс разделён на 4 команды. Каждая команда представляет одну из стран Британского Королевства: Англию, Шотландию, Уэльс, Северную Ирландию. На столах у каждой команды рисунки, на которых изображены флаги, символы стран. У каждого ученика есть визитная карточка, которая закреплена на груди. На экране размещен план путешествия. На карте отмечены все остановки.)
Знакомятся представители разных стран.
Mark Peterson: Hello!
Ann Clark: Hello!
Mark: My name is Mark. What is your name?
Ann: My name is Ann Clark. What is you surname, Mark?
Mark: My surname is Peterson. I am from Northern Irerland. Where are you from, Ann?
Ann: I am from Scotland. How old are you, Mark?
Mark: I am 10. And you?
Ann: I am 11.
Mark: What is your address?
Ann: My address is 8, Oxford Street. What is your telephone number, Mark?
Mark: My telephone number is 2-17-15. What are your hobbies, Ann?
Ann: My hobbies are music, drawing. What are your favourite kind of sports?
Mark: My favourite sports are football and volleyball.
Ann: Nice to meet you, Mark!
Mark: Nice to meet you, Ann!
Такой же диалог происходит между представителями Англии и Уэльса. Один ученик рассказывает о себе (монолог).
Station II: the song “What is your name?”
Teacher: Thank you, children.
The next station is a song.
-What is your name?
What is your name?
Now tell me, please, what is your name?
-My name is Jenny, my name is Jenny.
My name is Jenny, that’s my name.
-How old are you? How old are you?
Now tell me, please, how old are you?
-I am ten, I am ten.
I am ten, that’s my age.
-Where are you from, where are you from?
Now tell me, please, where are you from?
-I’m from London, I’m from London.
I’m from London, that’s where I’m from.
Station III: “Do you know the UK?”
Вопросы для этой викторины берем из учебника “English-5”, Lesson 87 “Around Britain” p. 273-275.
Команды читают по очереди вопросы и выбирают правильный ответ из нескольких предложенных. Например, представитель команды Англии читает первый вопрос: The UK consists of…
- England
- England, Scotland and Wales
- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
И говорит правильный ответ:
The UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Station IV: the song “Do you speak English?”
-Do you speak English?
Do you speak English?
-Yes, but just a little bit.
Yes, but just a little bit.
-Are you from Chile?
Are you from Chile?
-No, I am not, I’m from Brazil.
No, I am not, I’m from Brazil.
-My name is Victor, my name is Victor.
What is your name and where are you from?
-My name is Alice, my name is Alice.
I’m from Washington D.C.
I’m from Washington D.C.
-I’m glad to meet you.
I’m glad to meet you!
-I’m so glad to meet you, too!
I’m so glad to meet you, too!
Station V: “England”
Участники команд “Wales”, “Northern Ireland” и “Scotland” задают вопросы представителям команды “England”
P₁: What is the name of your country?
“England”: The name of my country is England. England is magic. England has beautiful landscapes.
P₂: What is the symbol of England?
“England”: The symbol of England is a red rose. (показывает)
P₃: Show, please, your flag.
“England”: It is the flag of England. (показывает)
Station VI: “Wales”
P₄: What is the name of your country?
“Wales”: My country is Wales. The Wales Valleys are wonderful.
P₅: What is the symbol of your country?
“Wales”: The symbol of Wales is a daffodil. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. You can come to the Wales Valleys and enjoy them. (показывает символ)
P₆: What is your flag?
“Wales”: It is our flag. (показывает)
Station VII: “Northern Ireland”
P₇: What is the name of your country?
“Northern Ireland”: Northern Ireland. Ulster is the old name of Northern Ireland. Ulster has it’s own symbol and flag.
P₈: What is your symbol?
“Northern Ireland”: The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock. (показывает)
P₉: Show your flag, please.
“Northern Ireland”: It is the Irish flag. (показывает другим командам)
Station VIII: “Scotland”
P₁₀: What is the name of your country?
“Scotland”: My country is Scotland. There are many old castles in Scotland. My country is famous for bagpipers. In Scotland some men wear kilts.
P₁₁: What is the symbol of your country?
“Scotland”: A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. (показывает)
P₁₂: What does your flag look like?
“Scotland”: It is the Scottish flag. (показывает)
Teacher: Thank you, children. Our next station is poems. You have learnt a lot of them. Let’s remember the poems.
Station IΧ: “Poems”
Представитель каждой команды выразительно рассказывает наизусть одно из стихотворений, которое учили в 5 классе.
“England”: “Pease pudding hot”
Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.
Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.
“Scotland”: “Spring is green…”
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
“Wales”: “Help your mother”
Help your mother set the table,
With a knife and fork and spoon;
Help your mother set the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother clear the table,
Take the knife and fork and spoon;
Help your mother clear the table
Morning, night and noon.
“Northern Ireland”: “On the 8-th of March”
My dear, dear Mummy,
I love you very much.
I want you to be happy.
On the 8-th of March.
Be happy, be happy
On the 8-th of March!
Be happy, be happy
On the 8-th of March!
Station Χ: “The Grammarland”
Каждая команда получает задание на карточке. Каждая группа совещается при выполнении этого задания. Через 2-3 минуты все по очереди записывают правильный ответ.
Образец карточки:
Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.
+V(s) Children (to play) football every morning.
(Children play football every morning)
am They (to play) football in the street now.
is +Ving
are (They are playing football in the street now).
+V₂ (или ed) Children (to play) football yesterday.
(Children played football yesterday)
has They (to play) for 5 hours.
+V₃ (или ed)
have (They have played for 5 hours).
will + V Children (to play) volleyball tomorrow.
(Children will play volleyball tomorrow).
am They (to play) with the friends.
is going to + V
are (They are going to play with the friends).
Station ΧI: “London”
На этой станции контролируются знания учащихся о Лондоне. На экране виды Лондона: The Tower of London, The Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Natural history Museum, Hyde Park и другие. Учитель, показывая на один из слайдов, задает вопрос What is this? Ученики называют это место по-английски, по возможности коротко его описывая. Например,
-It is the Tower of London. For a long time the Tower of London was a fortress, a prison and a palace. Many kings and queens lived there. In the Tower you can see the famous Beefeaters and the ravens.
Station ΧII: the song “If you are happy…”
Teacher: Very well, boys and girls. Our travel is over! It’s high time to sing a nice song. (дети поют стоя, выполняя все движения).
-If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, and you really want to show it, clap your hands. Clap, clap!
If you are happy and you know it, snap your fingers!
If you are happy and you know it, snap your fingers!
If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, snap your fingers, snap, snap!
-If you are happy and you know it, slap your lap!
If you are happy and you know it, slap your lap!
If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, and you really want to show it, slap your lap!
Slap, slap!
-If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it and you really want to show it, stamp your feet!
Stamp, stamp!
-If you are happy and you know it, say O.K.!
If you are happy and you know it, say O.K.!
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it, and you really want to show it, say O.K.! O.K.!
Teacher: Our journey is over. Did you enjoy our lesson? (дети отвечают)
What part of the lesson did you like most of all? Why? Thank you for the lesson.
Good bye, children. See you tomorrow.
(Учитель благодарит детей за участие в уроке-смотре знаний, объявляет оценки учащимся за работу на данном уроке. Если остается время, то можно остановиться на Stations “Riddles” или “Patters”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Урок-конкурс по теме The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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