Открытый урок и презентация по теме "Необычные хобби" для 10класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Данная разработка включает в себя целеполагание, ход урока, а так же презентацию.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Повышение и развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся, умение вести монологическую речь.
- Развитие творческих способностей учеников, формирование навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в группе.
- Развитие положительной мотивации и познавательного интереса к изучаемому материалу и процессу учебной деятельности.
Познавательный аспект: знакомство учащихся с современными видами хобби в стране
Воспитательный аспект:
- формирование коммуникативных умений, умений саморегуляции и саморегулирования своей учебной деятельности;
- формирование социальной (готовность к взаимодействию, освоению новых способов деятельности, умение работать в команде) и коммуникативной (готовность и способность осуществлять устную коммуникацию) компетентности.
Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие умения работать в парах.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, авторская презентация к уроку на 18 слайдов.
1. Организационный момент
T: Hello girls and our guests. Everybody here, yes?
2. Ассимилитивно-Проблемная Установка:
T: Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about one of the newest and modern hobby in our country and try to create our own Artist Trading Card.
3. Речевая зарядка:
T: First of all look at the screen. You see the word. (SCRAPBOOKING) How do you think what does it mean? (Слайд 2 )
P.1 – The word book means книга
P.2 – May be, the word scrap means резать, рвать
T: With the word ‘book’, you are right, but the word “scrap” means a small piece of paper “клочок”. Today in our lesson we’ll know what scrapbooking is and the history of it with the help of the texts and I’ll show some photos of it. And the whole word “scrapbooking” means an album into which clippings or notes or pictures can be pasted, is a kind of album (or book) of blank pages with pockets or envelopes, for organizing photographs or stamp collections. (Слайд 3 )
4. Обучение поисковому и ознакомительному чтению
T: Now we must be divided into 3 groups. I’m giving you scaps with the words. Your task is to find the people who have the continuation of the proverbs. And these people will be your team.
(Раздаются клочки бумаги с отрывками из пословиц, ученики ищут продолжение пословицы и распределяются по группам) (Приложение 1)
T: Now read your proverb and translate them.
(Дети читают и переводят пословицы)
T: Now each group has their own task. I’m giving you envelopes with parts of texts and you must put these parts to the logical order. Read these texts and present it to everyone. Please start to work.
(Ученикам раздается задание, они составляют текст, читают и определяют главные факты текста) (Приложение 2)
T: Group number one tell us what you text is about.
Group №1 (What is scrapbooking?)
P.1: The title of our text is What is scrapbooking? And we are going to tell you about it. Scrapbooking is a fantastic method of taking your personal or family history and reserving it in various forms, such as albums.
P.2: As I understand, there are different styles of scrapbooking. For example, Heritage: in this style you can use old photos, decorate them with old lace, keys, papers. You may use old letters, envelopes. This kind of album your grand-grandmother could do. (Слайд 4 )
P.3: Shabby-shik – is a romantic style, such pages suits for decorating kitchens and bedrooms.
Shik is achieved by shabby edges of papers and photos. You may use creased (мятая) paper and ripped (рванные) edge in this style. (Слайд 5)
T: Good of you, thanks. What about group number two?
Group №2 (The history of scrapbooking)
P.1: As we understand from the text “The history of scrapbooking”, that scrapbooking is an old hobby. In 15th century, in England there were boos known as commonplace books, where people held newspaper articles, recipes and illustrations. (Слайд 6)
P.2: Young women in Victorian period often created memory books or visitor’s albums filled with signatures, scrap, cards, hair and photographs of their family and friends. (Слайд 7)
P.3: In this text the author tells us about Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain, because they were among the first most famous American scrapbookers. Thomas Jefferson created a series of albums filled with newspaper clippings, drawings, dried leaves an other memorabilia. (Слайд 8)
P.4: Mark Twain devoted entire Sundays to this hobby and then sold his books through Montgomery Ward. (Слайд 9)
T: It’s interesting information. Group number three.
Group №3 (Modern Scrapbooking)
P.1: In 1970s people were interested in genealogy and they tried to make genealogy tree. And American people remembered about scrapbooking. It was Marielen Christensen who actually helped to revive this interest in the United States. She displayed 50 scrapbooks at the World Conference on Records and then later she opened a scrapbooking store. (Слайд 10 )
P.2: Modern scrapbooking has another style such as American Style. It is classic style. Of course the page in this style is nicely decorated (нарядная) and the colours are bright.
European Style, which let you arrange (разместить) many photos on one page and you may use less decorations. (слайд 11)
P.3: One of the newest style in modern scrapbooking is Mix Style. As I understand it is very complex style, sometimes it is not just scrapbooking, but work of art. The composition of this page can resemble (напоминать) the architecture. (Слайд 12)
T: Great, I think you’ve known what scrapbooking is it. But I want to add some information about modern scrapbooking. (Слайд 13)
It is not only creating albums, but creating cards, boxes for presents and many other beautiful things. Usually these things are created by professional designers or lovers of this hobby. The designers have their own sites, blogs where you can see their works and even buy them. Their names are …(see presentation). (Слайд 14)
And now I’m going to tell you about Artist Trading Cards. It’s the business cards, with the help of these cards you can meet with the designer and his(or her) works. (Слайд 15)
ATC has a special size. It is 2,5 and 3,5 inches. (Слайд 16)
At the back of ATC there is the information of the designer: the designer’s name, the name o her(his) site, the name of ATC’s series, the number of the card and the date of creating this series of cards. (Слайд 17)
ATC can be only in one copy that is why it is very valuable. Usually ATC series consists of 5 or 6 cards. (Слайд 18)
Usually designers exchange them or give the card as a present. Nowadays you can buy one of the ATC of the famous designer.
T: Now I have a surprise for you. I made some preparations of cards. And imagine that you are designers and now you create your own Artist Trading Card. You must stick these parts of the card and create your own.
(Ученикам раздаются конверты с заготовками и они самостоятельно создают свою открытку)
T: And look at your Artist Trading Card which you made yourself. Do you like it?
5. Заключительный этап
T: Let’s sum up our lesson. I give you some diagrams which you must fill.
(Группам раздаются три диаграммы, которые они должны заполнить и один представитель с каждой группы зачитывает диаграмму.) (Приложение 3)
T: Today we know some information about scrapbooking, you home task is to find some information about decoupage-hobby. It is a French word. Good-bye.
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