Урок – праздник «Halloween» (внеклассное мероприятие)
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме
Учитель: Вдовина О.В .МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбова. Внеклассное мероприятие.
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Урок – праздник «Halloween» (внеклассное мероприятие)
Учитель: Вдовина О.В.
МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбова
Задачи: активизировать лексику по теме «Праздники»;
развивать внимание и языковую догадку;
развивать навыки письма;
расширять знания учащихся по теме.
Оборудование: магнитофон, кроссворды, газеты, коллажи. Обучающиеся все были в костюмах.
Teacher. What date is it today?
Today is the 31st of October.
What holiday is on the 31st of October?
Halloween .
Today we have a Halloween party.
(2 students)
The Party.
Mother, where’s my party dress?
And have you found my shoe?
Gosh, my hair’s in such a mess!
I need a good shampoo.
Can you give my belt a press :
Does crimson go with blue ?
Stockings holed again, I guess,
But they will have to do !
Mother, do I have to go ?
I think I’ll stage a strike.
All this fuss and dressing up –
I’d rather clean my bike !
Tommy Morris won’t be there:
He’s on the Youth Club hike ;
But his sister Mary’s sure to go –
The girl I most dislike!
It’s O and C and T and O and B and E and R:
Come daddy dear it’s time to go,
The kids are in the car;
The jack-o’- lantern twinkles,
And the cats are out of tune;
We’ll watch the witches streaming past the sickle of the moon.
And do you know about the roots of Halloween?
Teacher. In the fall the nights get longer. The weather turns colder. Leaves fall from trees and plants die.
Student. Long ago, many people believed that on certain fall nights dead spirits came back to earth. This idea was held by the Celts, Wales, Ireland and France. Over 2,000 years ago, the Celts held a festival that was probably the start of our Halloween.
The Celt’s festival was held on October 31. It was called Samhain, after the Celt’s lord of the dead. Samhain was thought to send ghosts to earth on the night of October 31. The Celts built fires on hilltops to scare off the ghosts. They also scared the ghosts away by wearing costumes made of animal heads and skins.
Ghosts still roam about on October 31. Only today they are children under sheets. People still wear costumes on Halloween.
Fortune-telling is still done, but just for fun. Even Halloween’s colours – orange and black – may have come from the Samhain festival. It was a time when orange flames lit up the black night.
T. We’ve spoken about the roots of Halloween. And what do the children do nowadays?
Student. Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Children wear masks and colourful costumes. The most popular costumes are ghosts, witches and skeletons. The children walk door to door in the neighborhood and shout ‘trick or treat!’ Most people give them a treat-candy or fruit. They also decorate their houses and schools in the traditional Halloween colours: orange and black. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jacko-lanterns. Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween!
(music) T. Let’s imagine.
S. The sky is dark , the stars are bright,
The moon is shining too,
Inside a cave the witches meet
To mix their favourite brew.
They light a fire, and when it flames
They fetch a big black pot;
They fill it up with lizards’ blood,
Then wait untill it’s hot.
Each one has brought a magic charm.
To put into the stew,
A spider’s web, a fairy’s wing,
A beetle’s leg, or two.
They take a stick and bending low
They stir the mixture round,
Then rub their fingers, old and cramped,
And stamp upon the ground.
T. But what is the witch using to make her spell?
Witches’ Brew
(music) S. Hubble-bubble on the stove,
The witches gather around.
They all declare there’s no compare,
It’s such a lovely sound.
‘What is the formula?’ cries one.
‘I think I have forgot.’
‘A spoon for each of us,’ they shout.
‘Then one more for the pot.’
T. Let’s play a little. Look at the picture and find the words!
A | F | D | S | B | A | T |
B | R | S | N | A | I | L |
T | O | M | A | T | O | E |
C | G | F | K | L | O | G |
D | B | E | E | T | L | E |
L | C | A | R | R | O | T |
T. Do you know when do the witches fly?
S. When the night is as cold as stone,
When lighting severs the sky,
When your blood is chilled to the bone,
That’s the time when the witches fly.
When the nightmare screams in your head,
When you hear a strangled cry,
When you startle awake in your bed,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
When the sweat collects on your brow,
When the minutes tick slowly by,
When you wish it was then not now,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
T. Are you frightened? What is a good way to keep the witches from your door on HALLOWEEN?
S. I think a pumpkin lantern is a good way to keep the witches from your door on Halloween. You’ll need a large pumpkin and a small torch or candle.
T. What do you need to make a lantern?
S. You'll need a large pumpkin and a small torch or candle. The top must be sliced off- then you can scoop out the flesh and seeds. Next, draw a face on the pumpkin with a felt-tip and ask the grown up to help you cut it out. Then pop the light inside and put the lid on. There, a grinning face in the dark - no trouble from the witches tonight!
T. Do you know anything about the custom of carving Halloween jack-o'-lanterns?
S. It began long ago in Ireland and Scotland. But when the custom began , people in those lands did not have pumpkins. The people of Ireland and Scotland carves jack-o'-lanterns out of turnips.
T. But do you know why it is called jack-o'-lantern?
S. An Irish story told how jack-o'-lanterns got their name. Long ago, the story began, a man named Jack met the devil on a road. Jack had been very selfish. He knew the devil would take his soul - unless he could fool him As they passed an apple tree, Jack had an idea He asked for an apple before going to hell.
The devil climbed the tree to get the apple. As he did so, Jack carved a cross on the tree with his knife. The devil was scared to come down past
the cross, which is the symbol of Christianity's good power. Jack helped the devil down - but only after he promised to leave Jack's soul alone.
Jack soon died. He could not enter heaven because he had been so bad. Needing a place to go, Jack tried to enter hell. But the devil kept his promise and would not let him in. The devil said that Jack must return to earth. When Jack cried that he could not find his way in the dark, the devil threw him a hot coal. Jack carved a turnip and placed the glowing coal inside it.
Ever since. Jack has wandered the earth with his turnip lantern.
Turnips with lighted candles inside them became known as 'jack-o'-lanterns' after Jack.
T. Let’s play
Witches a 1antern made of a pumpkin to look like a face
Trick-or-treating someone who claims to know the future
Saint the evil ruler of the Christians' hell
Custom a way of doing things that people teach their children
Devil people who supposedly sold their souls to the devil
Fortune-teller a very holy person
Jack-o'-lantern the custom of going from place to place and
asking for Halloween treats
(a boy and a girl in costumes of skeletons) (music 'Love Story')
Two skeletons once fell in love.
Each night was perfect bliss -
They'd dance beneath the moonlit trees.
They'd cuddle and they'd kiss.
But then, alas, they fell apart,
As though it hadn't mattered.
One left - she hadn't any heart –
The other one was shattered
Collect a Skeleton Game
For two or more players.
You will need some card in different colours to make the skeletons and a dice to play the game. You need to make a whole skeleton for each player. Copy this skeleton on the card. (Make sure you number each piece correctly). You could use a different colour for each skeleton you make. Cut carefully round all the pieces.
How to play.
Lay the bones on the floor, jumbled up, but all facing upwards. Each player in turn has a throw of the dice. A 1 is needed to start and then that player can take a body. The other boners are collected as follows: a 2 for each leg, then 3 for each foot and so until a 6 is thrown for the head. The first person to get a whole skeleton is the winner.
T. The ancient Egyptians had dead people really wrapped up. So they look like a mummy.
There are two rolls of paper. Just wind the paper round and round until the whole body is covered. Let's have a competition to see who can get wrapped up the fastest. While the music is playing you can wrap, when it stops —you time is up.
T. The ghosts, witches and skeletons are sending to earth on the night. But when do they come back?
She rides on her broomstick
At night when it's black.
I don't know where she goes
Because no one sees her come back.
Her teeth are like tusks
And her nails sharp and rough.
Her face is all wrinkled
And her hair dirty and covered in dust.
Her cat black and shabby, vicious and fat. Her broomstick rusty and rotten,
The cat sits on the back her face lights up when she's doing a spell Sometimes she fails. It's just as well.
All you need for this game is a hat, a piece of string, a bottle and a pencil. One end of the string is tied to the hat. The other end is tied round the pencil. Put on the hat. Now try to get the pencil into the bottle without using your hands. See how quickly you can do it.
(music) T. Ghosts are really incredible. They have to be seen, to be believed. And the things they get up to !
There's a creak from the cupboard
There's a scratch on the door
Sometimes the roof groans
Sometimes the floor
Mother says it's just because The house is very old Dad says it's the wind And I'm always being told That I should be more sensible Use less imagination But that's the way
I find out things
A sort of education And only I know
What is it
That's making the house shake Only I can recognize
The noise
A finger makes
When it's scratching
On a window
Or scrambling
To get in
Only I know
What it is
That's creeping round
That's waiting
For an opening
To slither
And to glide
Into the house.
(на фоне кипящего котла даны слова) Here there are 10 hidden words. Find them!
S | A | D | E | V | I | L | w |
G | I | X | H | O | L | Y | A |
H | N | H | E | A | V | E | N |
O | T | B | L | A | C | K | D |
S | K | E | L | E | T | O | N |
T | P | U | M | P | K | I | N |
Holy, hell, heaven, wand, devil, skeleton, black, ghost, pumpkin, saint.
- What are the main colours on Halloween?
- Black and orange.
- How do the people try to look on this day?
- Scare.
- And now, colour the picture! Whose mask will throw a scare?
While they are painting I'll check your spelling. Can you write words belonging to Halloween?
- h...l...ow n Halloween
- ...u. ..p...i... pumpkin
3 t. ..b...r October
4.w. ..i...t. ..e whistle
- ...tr...a...er.. streamers
- ckbla black
- oaerng orange
- hctiw witch
- aveenh heaven
- mbroo broom
T. And now who is the winner?
And the last task.
2. a woman who can do magic.
- blow all of them out and your wish will come true!
- chocolate and vanilla are two different types of this.
9. when your guests leave, give them a party ... to say thank
10. don't forget to send these out before the party.
- a thin stick used by witches and wizards to cast spells.
- a small instrument used by ghosts to fright you.
1. these are wrapped and lots of fun to get.
3. blow them up but handle them carefully.
- they are fun for both old and young to play.
- all the bones in your body.
- They are colourful and hang from the ceiling.
11. wear it and look silly.
Words: balloons, cake, gift, hat, games, witch, wand, candles, whistle, favour, invitations, streamers, skeleton.
Thanks a lot. Our party is over.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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