"Halloween" Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме
В данной разработке обучающимся предлагается информация, знакомящая их с традициями празднования Halloween в англоязычных странах. Предложенный базовый материал обучающие (члены клуба иностранного языка "Cognosce te ipsum") расширяли и дополняли самостоятельно, сами готовили костюмы, подбирали музыку. Для облегчения восприятия был сделан параллельный перевод описания персонажей праздника. А игры и конкурсы в конце мероприятия никого не оставили равнодушными. Практика показывает положительное влияние на воспитательно-образовательный процесс участия в такого рода мероприятиях обучающихся разных возрастных групп. А после мероприятия актив клуба с увлечением пополнил летопись фотографиями наиболее интересных моментов праздника.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие
Цели мероприятия:
- Расширять знания обучающихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
- Развивать познавательный интерес обучающихся к традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
- Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи обучающихся.
- Костюмы приведений, ведьм (для ведущих).
- Тыквы, свечи.
- Рисунок осла (для конкурса).
- Фрукты (яблоки), орехи (для конкурса)
- Музыкальное сопровождение.
Свет в зале выключен. Звучит устрашающая музыка. Преподаватель английского языка (со свечой в руках) читает стихотворение:
When the night is as cold as a stone,
When lightning severs the sky,
When your blood is chilled to the bone,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
When the night-owl swoops for the kill,
When there’s death in the fox’s eye,
When the snake is coiled and still,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
When the nightmare screams in your head,
When you hear a strangled cry,
When you startle awake in your bed,
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
When the sweat collects on your brow,
When the minutes tick slowly by,
When you wish it was then not now
That’s the hour when the witches fly.
-Dance of the witches.
Ведущий 1: Hello. Welcome to our party of horror, scare and witches.
Ведущий 2: Are you ready? We begin. Dear friends? I am sure you are interested in the History of Halloween. Let’s return to the ancient times.
Ведущий 1: Do you know how Halloween got its name? Listen!
Рассказ об истории Halloween
The Romans Add to the Tradition
The Romans were a mighty people of ancient times. At first they lived in Rome, in what is now Italy. Later they conquered many other lands. Near the time of Christ’s birth, the Romans conquered the Celts. They changed the way of life for people in England, France and other Celtic lands.
Each fall the Romans honored the dead with a festival. It was called the Feralia. It came in late October, about the time of Samhain. Little is known about the Feralia. Near that time of the year the Romans also had a harvest festival. It honored Pomona, their goddess of fruit trees. Pomona was sometimes shown wearing a crown of apples. She was nicknamed the Apple Queen.
To thank Pomona for fruits, the Romans had apples and nuts for her. They also ate apples and nuts. And they ran races and played games.
These Roman customs blended with the Celts’ Samhain customs. As result, the October 31 holiday became less concerned with killing. And apples and nuts became early Halloween foods.
All Hallows’ Eve= Halloween
About 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born. He founded a new religion. It was named Christianity, after Jesus Christ.
After Christ’s death, Christianity spread through Europe. By 600 A.D. many Celts had become Christians. Christian priests disliked the old Celtic holidays. They wanted the Celts to honor Christian holidays instead. But the Celts would not give up their old holidays. The Christian priests found a way to solve this problem. They made Christian holidays on the same days as old Celtic holidays. They wanted the Christian holidays to slowly replace the Celtic ones.
In 609 or 610 A.D., the Christian created a new holiday. It was called All Hallows’ Day (today All Saints’ Day). It honored holy people called saints, many of whom had died for their religion.
At first All Hallows’ Day was hold in May. But in the 800s A.D. it was moved to November 1. Christians leaders wanted All Saints Day to replace Samhain.
The night before All Hallows’ Day was called All Hallows’ Eve. After a while, people left off “All” and called it “Hallow Eve”. But they said “Hallow Eve” so fast that it became “Halloween”.
Roman ideas had already changed the October 31 festival. Christian ideas changed it much more. Samhain, the lord of the dead, lost importance. The devil replaced him in people’s mind. Also called Satan, the devil is the evil ruler of the Christians’ hell.
Europe’s Middle Ages lasted, from the 400s A.D. to the 1500s A.D. during the Middle Ages, many Europeans thought that the devil came up to earth on Halloween. The devil was also thought to send evil spirits up from hell on that night. People had o be careful on the night of October 31. Otherwise spirits might harm them. The devil might even take their souls.
People thought there were magic ways to keep the devil and his spirits away. People in Scotland thought that the rowan tree drove off evil spirits. They wore twigs of this tree for protection on Halloween. They also made cakes for Halloween spirits. They hoped the spirits would be grateful for these treats and leave people alone.
In Wales and some other places people were afraid to sneeze on Halloween. They thought a sneeze shot the soul out of the body for a second. The devil could take the soul to hell in that time. Quickly saying “God bless you” protected the loose soul from the devil. That may be why people say “God bless you” to sneezers today.
Ведущий: This holiday is associated not only with witches but also with black cats.
Witches and Black Cats
During the Middle Ages and through the 1700s, most Europeans believed in witches. Supposedly witches sold to devil. In return, the devil gave them wealth and magic powers. Most witches were thought to be cruel. They were believed to make their enemies sick and ruin their crops. Most of the accused witches were women, but some were men.
Black cats also suffered from the witch scare. It was widely thought that black cats were witches’ special pets. Some people even thought that witches could turn into black cats. Many thousands of black cats were killed as a result.
Halloween was considered a special night for witches. It was thought that they flew through the air to a meeting with the devil on Halloween. And witches were supposedly extra dangerous on that night. To this day, witches and black cats are a big part of Halloween. They appear in Halloween stories and artwork. And many little witches and black cats trick-or-treat on Halloween!
Ведущий: And now listen to a horrible story about Jack-o’-Lanterns
Each year, millions of people carve Halloween pumpkins. The carved pumpkins are nicknamed “Jack-o’-Lanterns”. The custom of carving Halloween “Jack-o’-Lanterns” began long ago in Ireland and Scotland. But when the custom began, people in those lands did not have pumpkins. They carved “Jack-o’-Lanterns” out of turnips.
An Irish story told how “Jack-o’-Lanterns” got their name. long ago, the story began, a man named Jack met the devil on a road. Jack had been very selfish. He knew the devil would take his soul- unless he could fool him. As they passed an apple tree he had an idea. He asked for an apple before going to hell.
The devil climbed the tree to get the apple. As he did so, Jack carved a cross on the tree with knife. The devil was scared to corned down past the cross, which is a symbol of Christianity’s good power. Jack helped the devil down- but only after he promised to leave Jack’s soul alone.
Jack died soon. He could not enter heaven because he had been so bad. Needing a place to go, Jack tried to enter hell. But the devil kept his promise and would not let him in. The devil said that Jack must return to earth. When Jack cried that he could not find way in the dark, the devil gave him a hot coal. Jack carved a turnip and placed the glowing coal inside it.
Ever since, Jack has wandered the earth with his turnip lantern.
КОНКУРС 1. Pin the tail to the donkey. (Прилепи хвостик ослику)
Заранее на плотном листе бумаги рисуется контур осла – вид сзади с кружком, где должен быть хвост. Из веревочки делается имитация хвоста. Лист бумаги с рисунком прикрепляется к доске. Главная «страшилка» вызывает 3-4 желающих, они по очереди с завязанными глазами пытаются более точно найти расположение хвоста. Победителю вручается приз – «Этот хвост!»
КОНКУРС 2. The best pumpkin
Выбирается самая лучшая тыква, вырезанная студентами.
КОНКУРС 3. The apple on the string
На веревку вешается несколько яблок и задача участника съесть яблоко без помощи рук.
КОНКУРС 4. Ducking for Apple
Place a large round washtub, filled with water on a table. Float several apples on the water. In rotation each player tries to secure an apple in his mouth. He may not touch the apple with his hands, but it may be pushed against the side of the tub.
Ведущий: Halloween is the best time for fortune telling. Do you want to know the fortune has in store for you? Let me help you to learn something about your future.
КОНКУРС 5. “Fortune balloon”
Нужно найти шарик с желанием и хлопнуть его закрытыми глазами.
Ведущий: Oh, time this so quickly. I see a lot of happy faces and clear eyes in front of me. Let’s leave all the bad things that are in us or in our life.
(Все пишут о чем-то неприятном из своей жизни и кладут на поднос и все сжигается)
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