Разработка урока "Have You Ever Been To London?"Конкурс методических разработок по методике В.Ф.Шаталова
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данную разработку можно применить в 7 классе при работе по УМК И.Кауфман или в 6 классе при работе по УМК М.Биболетовой.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Theme: Have You Ever Been to London?
Topic: Town Life. London – the Capital of the UK.
Grammar Aims: Students review the Present Perfect Tense structures. The Present Perfect Tense with never & ever.
Communication Aims: Students speak on London, its history and attractions. Students answer Teacher’s questions, express their opinion and suggest ideas.
Vocabulary Aims: Students enrich their vocabulary
Skill Aims: Students speak, read & write
Pronunciation Aims: Students improve their phonetic skills
Reviewing Aims: Students revise the materials on the topic London – the Capital of the UK.
Cultural Aims: Students learn new facts about London. Development of social-cultural competence
XII | 2 min. | Home Task Saying good-bye | Your home task. Open your copy-books. Write down the date. Composition .”If I Go to London One Day… ” Thank you for good work. See you later. Take care of yourself. |
A lesson by O. Tasenyuk
Grade 7
Предварительный просмотр:
The political centre of London is Westminster. It is the part of London where there are a lot of offices. If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square on the right you will see a small street – Downing street. Here at number 10 the British Prime Minister lives. Whitehall is a wide street leading to Parliament Square. This square is very large.
On the left there is a long grey building with towers which are the Houses of Parliament. This building is Westminster Palace. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben – the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big Ben.
The Thames is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it is Westminster Bridge.
On the other side of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey. It is very beautiful and very famous. It is also very old. It is more than 900 years old. It is built in gothic style. There are a lot of monuments and statues there. Many English kings and queens are buried here. Westminster Abbey is famous for the Poet’s Corner where great English poets and writers are buried.
The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful large building with a golden monument in front of it. It is the Queen Victoria Memorial.
All these interesting places are quite near one another. It takes only 20 minutes to get from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square.
Answer the Questions
- What is the political centre of London?
- Where does the British Prime Minister live?
- What is White Hall?
- What bridge is near the Houses of Parliament?
- Where is Westminster Abbey? How old is it? What is it famous for?
- Where does the Queen live?
- What monument is in front of Buckingham Palace?
Предварительный просмотр:
The Places to Visit
London is the capital of England. It is its political, business and cultural centre. The heart of London is the City. It is the oldest part of London. Many people work in the City but very few live here. There are many banks and offices here. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it.
One of them is the Tower of London. In different times of the history of London the Tower was a fortress, a palace, a prison and even the King’s Zoo.
Now it is the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and very tall.
William the Conqueror built it in the 11-th century. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. They appeared there when the Tower was the King’s prison – those who were its prisoners never got freedom: they were executed or died themselves, and their bodies were thrown down the walls of the Tower. They became food for ravens. Still then ravens have lived there.
One of the old English legends says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until 12 black ravens live in the Tower. Each has its name and some special people, the keepers of ravens, carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and every time they come to the Tower they count the ravens and never forget to bring food for them. The keepers cut the birds’ wings as they are afraid that they may fly away.
TRUE OR FALSE? If FALSE – CORRECT. (Give full answers)
- London is the capital of Scotland.
- The heart of London is the City.
- Many people work in the City.
- Many people live in the City.
- The Tower of London is a palace now.
- The Tower was built in the 11-th century.
- The old English says that 14 black ravens must live in the Tower.
- The Tower of London is far from the City.
Предварительный просмотр:
Some Interesting Facts
Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London. It is more than 300 years old. It is the literary part of the city. A lot of writers and critics live there.
The British Museum is not far from Bloomsbury Square and the square is famous for the Museum. The British Museum is very old. It was founded in 1753. It is in Great Russell street. The British Museum has a large Reading Hall. A lot of famous people worked there. The Library of the Museum has one of the best collections of books and manuscripts in the world.
One of the best and famous London cinemas is the “Odeon”.
One of the oldest churches in London is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
One of the most famous London theatres, the Royal Opera House or Covent Garden, is … in the centre of the vegetable market.
Piccadilly Circus is the centre of night life in the West End. This is one of the most popular meeting places of London.
London buses are of 2 kinds: the double-decker and the single-decker. But London buses are always red. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only 5 people are allowed to stand when the seats are full.
There are 27 bridges over the Thames in London and 8 tunnels under the river.
London is 46 kilometres from north to south and 58 kilometres from east to west.
London has got more than 8 million people and that’s 13% of Britain’s population.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Give full answers
- What is the name of one of the oldest in squares in London?
- Where is The British Museum? (In what street?)
- What is the most famous cinema in London?
- What is Piccadilly Circus for people of London?
- How many people can have seats in Double-deckers?
- How many bridges are there over the Thames in London?
- What is the population of London?
Предварительный просмотр:
(Work in PAIRS)
- Was London started (a) as a fortress by the Romans or (b) as the northern capital of the Romans?
- Is Westminster Abbey (a) a beautiful church or (b) part of the Houses of Parliament?
- Are British monarchs crowned (a) in Westminster Abbey or (b) at St. Paul’s Cathedral?
- Is Buckingham Palace (a) a museum or (b) the place where the Royal family lives?
- Was the Tower of London founded (a) by William the Conqueror or (b) by the Romans?
- Is the Tower of London an important (a) fortress or (b) a museum now?
- Was the Statue of Liberty given to the USA (a) by France or (b) by Britain?
- Is the Metropolitan Museum a famous museum (a) in London or (b) in New York City?
Предварительный просмотр:
Caroline Graham
The Beaches of Mexico
Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?
Have you ever walked the streets of Paris?
Have you ever been to England?
Have you ever been to Spain?
Have you ever walked barefoot (босиком) in a heavy rain?
Have you ever been in trouble?
Have you ever been in pain?
Have you ever been in love?
Would you like to do it all again?
Well, I have never seen the beaches of Mexico.
I have never beaches of Mexico.
I have never been to England.
I have never been to Spain.
I have never walked barefoot (босиком) in a heavy rain.
But I have sure been in trouble.
I have sure been in pain.
I have sure been in love.
I would do it all again.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
AIMS Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense (with ever, never ) Communication: speaking about London Vocabulary: enriching Skill: writing, speaking and reading, doing Quiz Pronunciation: improving phonetics Reviewing: revising the material on the topic London Cultural: learning new facts about the capital of the UK
Development of the Lesson LEAD-IN Organizing the group Greeting Immersion Information about the aims
AIMS Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense (with ever, never ) Communication: speaking about London Vocabulary: enriching Skill: writing, speaking and reading, doing Quiz Pronunciation: improving phonetics Reviewing: revising the material on the topic London Cultural: learning new facts about the capital of the UK
LEAD-IN Warm-up 1 Every country has its customs and traditions. Every country has its capital.
What is the capital of… German? France? Poland? The USA? The Check Republic? Egypt? Japan? Berlin Paris Warsaw Washington Prague Cairo Tokyo
Warm-up 2 Phonetic Drilling square theatre church road Bloomsberry building bridge Londinium Trafalgar Buckingham architect Memorial Westminster abbey [skweə] [‘ θi ətə] [c ∫ə:c∫] [roud] [‘blumzberi] [‘bildin*] [bridg*] [l Λn’dinium] [trə’fəelgə] [‘bΛkinəm] [‘a:kitekt] [mə’moriəl] [‘westminstə] [əebi]
Grammar Revision Speak about London attractions using Present Perfect Tense. Begin your sentence with: My friend has gone to see ( or to visit) …
New Aspect : Present Perfect with ever & never Use ever in questions before V 3 ( ever – когда-нибудь ) e.g.: Have you ever been to London? Has she ever seen Paris? Use never in negative sentences before V 3 e.g.: I have never been to London. He has never seen Paris.
Recite the poem by Caroline Graham “ The Beaches of Mexico”
Game on Broadening Feedback Speaking What places of interest in London have you heard about? I have heard about St. Paul’s Cathedral. I have heard about St. Paul’s Cathedral and…
MAIN ACTIVITY Reading 1. Read the texts (app. 1, 2, 3) and answer the questions. Give full answers. Speaking - Back-reports Ss. Works in 3 groups
Feed-Back Practice 1 Make up sentences (matching) 1.The Tower of London is the… 2.Trafalgar Square is the… 3.The National Gallery is the… 4.Hyde Park is the … 5.Cinema “The Odeon” is the place to see in London. place to walk. place to visit. place to see a film. place to have demonstrations.
Check 1.The Tower of London is the… 2.Trafalgar Square is the… 3.The National Gallery is the… 4.Hyde Park is the … 5.Cinema “The Odeon” is the place to see in London. place to walk. place to visit. place to see a film. place to have demonstrations.
Feed-Back Practice 2 Culture Quiz Multiple Choice ( app. 4) Ss work in pairs
FOLLOW UP Summing up Reflection Home Task Conclusions. Putting marks. Do you like this lesson? Why? What new have you learned? Open your copy-books. Write the date and the word ‘Composition’. The Title: “If I Go to London One Day.”
Thank you for your work GOOD BYE
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