краеведческий журнал "Моё село"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Основным мотивом для создания краеведческого журнала на английском языке стало современное состояние села, которое несмотря на ;трудное финансовое положение строится и облагораживается. За последние несколько лет здесь появились парки, сквер, уникальный музей сельскохозяйственной техники под открытым небом, детская площадка, началось строительство физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса(ФОК). ;У учащихся одного из классов( участников КИДа) возникла идея поделиться информацией с зарубежными друзьями. Мы создали рабочую группу , разработали план работы и приступили к сбору сведений. Затем разбили материал на подтемы, отобрали фотографии, перевели на английский язык. Когда всё было готово, мы задумались над тем в какой форме это всё представить. И сошлись на том, что это будет краеведческий журнал. В журнале отражены следующие страницы:Общая страница, национальности, исторические корни, достопримечательности, сооружения для занятия спортом, природа, тест по теме. Работа над проектом продолжается.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Welcome to Tr. Sungur
- General Information
- Nationalities
- Historical roots of the village
- Sightseeing
- Sport facilities
- Beneficial wilderness
- Other
- Test «Do you know Sungur well?»
General Information
Striking fafcts:
- Location: Ulyanovsk, Middle Volga Region
- Language used: Russian
- Currency: Russian rouble
- Interesting place to see: the Church Of Holy Trinity, the Park in Honour of the 60th Anniversaty Of The Victory In The Great Patriotic War, The Museum Of The Agricultural Mashinery Under the Sky, The Black Birch
- History was founded in 1615
- The administrative centre - village Troitski Sungur is located in 20 km from Novospasskoe, in 18 km from the Railway, in 154 km from the regional centre Ul'yanovsk
- The population of the village is multicultural
- Number of residents 1500
Today, manufactures of the village include:
1 | ZAO «Neptun» |
2. | ООО «Agro - Neptun» |
3. | ООО «Sosnovy Bor» |
4. | ZАО «Transportservis» |
5. | 000 «Svetly N» |
6. | ООО «NovMolDom» |
7. | Sungurskoe Lesnichestvo, |
8. | Oil-station |
• | Other Subjects: |
1. | Administrative centre |
2. | Hospital |
3. | Secondary School |
4. | Kindergarden |
5. | Village Club and Library |
.6/ | Post Office 7 5 |
7 | 5 Shops |
Tr. Sungur is a multicultural village
The main part of population is Russians. But in the 80s many Chuvashian families came to Tr. Sungur. The population of this nationality grew up and now Chuvashian language take the second place in the village. It is spoken for about 8,5 % (per cent) of the residents. The third language group is a Tatar group. It is about 5 %.
Historical roots of the village
Tr. Sungur is an old village in the northern part of Novospasski region. It is more than 300 years old. It is an ordinary village like many villages in Russia. Our village is called the northern gateway of the region. The village was firstly mentioned in Russian chronicles at the beginning of the 17th century. The first settler was in 1615 here. His name was Sungur Sokovkin. He has been sent from Kazan that year. He noticed rich forests and different valuable animals. Such a combination of natural components attracted him and his people who settled here too. The village starts from the fortress named after Sungur Sokovkin. And as the ancient legend goes the village was named after him. But according to another version the name «Sungur» seems to mean «pit» or «hole».
In 1700 Daniil Vislov and Andrei Rogov went to village. They were brave soldiers and Tsar Pyotr the First presented them this territory. They invited their friends’ families and stayed here. After that the village was named Soldier Sungur. From Kuznezk to Ural’sk through Tr. Sungur there was a big soil (road) way. The Sungur people were happy to have that kind of way from one side and were not from another. For most of them it was the only way to earn their living. The merchats sailed leather and furs and bought fish in Kuznezk. But on the way back near Tr. Sungur they could meet robbers, who took away the goods, money and even killed them. Therefore as the other legend says at the 80s of 18th century the village began to be called Robber Sungur. Since that time our village has changed very much.
Places which will attract tourists
Church wedding
One of the most outstanding architectural and cultural monument of our village the Church of the Holy Trinity is located in the centre of Tr. Sungur. In 1771 instead of the old small church was built the very big one, which was made in honor of Holy Trinity. The Old Church building was surrounded by wooden fence. Not far from the fence there was a wooden burial chamber. The Church is thought to be a typical example of Russian architectural style of the XVIII century. The Church was a great importance for our village and villages Komarovka and Mon. Sungur. The central square was formed round this church and the main streets went out from it.
The present church building was built in 2003. It was built very skifully in the best traditions of Russian architecture .It was the idea of the creators that the church should look different depending from which side you observe it the domes are put asymmetrically. As for me nowdays the territory of the Church looks like a museum of history of the village. The Church includes icons dated to the 17-18th centuries, which all belong to the provincial painters of that period of time.
The Memorial To The Soldiers In Honor Of The 60th Anniversary Of The Victory In The
Great Patriotic War and Local Wars
A few years ago there was located a boarding school here. Then it was ruined. The territory was dirty and unpleasant. Everyone, who passed through our village observed the picture. In the year 2003 a group of important local residents headed by G. N. Myasnikov tried to find a way of using this place for people of the village and tourists. The working group was formed to develop different aspects of the plan and to assess its financial viability. It was decided to build a park in honor of the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our school children of the elder grades helped the workers to built this Memorial. The Memorial was opened in 2005. It was the most memorable event in the life and in the history of the village. Our governor S. I. Morosov took part in this festival. It was on the 9th of May of 2005. And now the residents and tourists who simply pass through Tr. Sungur on their way visit the park to pay a respectful tribute to our veterans-living and dead. Many of the visitors take some pictures. Every year on May 9, a memorial celebration is held here.
The Museum Of The Agricultural Machinery Under The Open Sky
Not far from the Memorial there is a Museum” In the Open Air” There are the exibits of the last century machinery in our country at the beginning of 50s. This is a very interesting museum, because you can touch everything, f.e. drive a car or a tracor. You can experiment with the equipment in the museum to learn more about the hard work of our fathers and grandfathers. The Museum has 4 exhibits for you to look at. Children like to play here. Students and teachers of our school take care of this museum. In spring we plant trees and flowers, in winter we put the show away.
This combination of the exhibits create a special atmosphere that will be highly appreciated by all those who comes to Tr. Sungur.
“The Black Birch.”
Another pace which I like most of all is” the Black Birch”
It is the most protected place of the local meaning. It was formed in 1983. The area is about 100m2. It is located in the northern forest part of our village. The trunk of the Birch is really black colored. And in general it looks like a typical one Scientists don’t know anything about such anomaly. They have got several points of views. The firsts think that the black color of the trunk is associated with her ancestors. The seconds believe that it is a mutation. The thirds are sure that it is a new species of a Birch. The fourths think that it is a sort of illness.
It is a lovely place not only for local people but simply who pass through our village. There is a long- standing tradition associated with village festival of Trinity. This festival dates back to ancient times and The Birch is a symbol of this festival. According this tradition girls should come to the Black Birch on Thursday before Trinity to tie colorful ribbons to get marry soon.
The newlyweds come to the Black Birch after their church wedding to tie a ribbon and to make a desire.
It is a fact that you can’t find any information in the Red Book.
Beneficial wilderness
The students of Tr. Sungur Secondary School are worried about the present state of our village (bad roads, low salaries, lack of jobs, etc) so they decided to work out a project to make the village a tourist destination. The natural resources around the village are very rich and provide outstanding opportunities for hunting, gathering berries, picking mushrooms and herbs, fishing which can be used to draw a lot of visitors into area and make the village prosper.
Ski track
You can ski here. Fresh air and mild ski exercise is necessary to maintain general health and wellbeing. After that you can have herb-tea.
Do the Troitsky Sungur Quiz
.How many people live in Tr. Sungur?
- about 1000
- about 1500
- about 1800
- Which of this is not a fortress?
- The Church
- Village Tr. Sungur
- Village Soldiers Sungur
- Who was the first settler here?
- Pyotr The First
- Daniil Vislov
- Sungur Sokovkin
- When was the Church opened?
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- "Mirage" is actually the name of...
- a cafe
- a sguare
- a street
- When was about Tr. Sungur the first mention founded?
- 1600
- 1615
- 1700
- What name of the village was the first?
- Soldier Sungur
- Troitsky Sungur
с) Robber Sungur
- What road was there through Sungur?
- a big soil road from Kuznetsk to Ulyanovsk
- a small soil road from Kuznetsk to Ural'sk
- a railway road
- How many industries are there?
- a)6
10. What happened in Sungur in 2005?
- the Church was opened
- the Market was built
- the small public garden was opened
This project would have never been possible without the unfailing enthusiasm of I.Kadysheva, N. Eremeeva, A. Guryanova, A. Zhogoleva, E. Merzlyakova, K. Kuzmichyova, V. Talalov, D. Kozin, A. Migurina, E. Gavrilina, Y. Eryomina, O.Koroteeva
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