Тема урока: "My Hobbies "
методическая разработка (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме

Хуснутдинова Нажия Абдулрашитовна


Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку в 5 классе по учебнику Биболетова М.З,Тема урока: "My Hobbies"


Подписи к слайдам:

МБОУ«Староказеевская средняя общеобразовательная школа»Камско-Устьинского муниципального района РТ РФ
Открытый урок по английскому языку5 классУчитель I кв. категории: Хуснутдинова Нажия Абдулрашитовна 2011/12 уч.г.
The topic of the lesson:
Let’s play a game
It’s time to remember members of a family. We need a leader of the game. He or she will throw a ball to his classmates and ask them to translate the words from Russian into English. One, two, three let me see.Who likes coffee and who likes tea. One, two, three now I seeI like coffee you like tea.
Words to describe people:
polite brave shy loving intelligent friendly naughty kind clever athletic sociable lazy
polite brave shy beautiful friendly naughty kind clever athletic intelligent
– polite, kind, shy
[ ai ]
[ v ]
[ f ]
[ i ]
– brave, clever
– friendly, beautiful
- friendly, beautiful, naughty, athletic, intelligent
What is a Hobby?
Long ago children liked playing with a hobbyhorse. It was a stick with a horse’s head. Children had it for games. “Hobby” is a short name for “hobbyhorse”. So hobby is a favourite thing or occupation.
Playing computer games
Playing musical instruments
Keeping pets
Listening to music
Playing sports
Please, close your eyes. Imagine you are at the Black Sea now. It is summer. The weather is wonderful. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The water in the sea is warm and pleasant. You are lying on the beach and enjoying all these wonderful things. You are quiet. You have no problems. You like your family, your friends, your school, your teachers and they love you too. You are happy. Please, breathe in. Breathe out. Open your eyes now.
Let’s Relax
What is your hobby?
I like …I am interested in … I am fond of … My favourite hobby is …
What kind of sport do you like?
My favourite sport is…I enjoy…I adore…
SwimmingRunningJumping Playing footballPlaying …
I like sports because…
it helps me to have a rest. it helps to express myself. I like moving. it helps me to keep fit. it helps me to spend free time. it helps me to find a good job in future.
Fill in the missing words.
Hobby is a ______ __ or ______. Different people have _____ hobbies. But I am interested in _____. It is for _____ people. I like _____ because it helps me to _________.
Home task:
Write and tell about your hobbies

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