Конспект урока по теме: Англия. Королевский Лондон.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Тема урока: Англия. Королевский Лондон.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цель урока: дальнейшее развитие иноязычной компетенции, создание учебного продукта в условие продуктивной учебной деятельности.
Задачи урока: I – учебные: повторить лексический минимум темы, совершенствовать навыки чтения, составление монологических и диалогических высказываний, аудирование, представление нового грамматического материала;
II - развивающие: развитие личностной активности учащихся, познавательного интереса, речи, памяти, внимания, воображения, способности анализировать, обобщать, навыков работы с интернет - ресурсами;
III- воспитательные: воспитывать умение слушать собеседника, выражать свои мысли и чувства корректно, работать в группе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Начало урока:
Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you.
How are you? Sit down, please.
I’m Larisa Alexeevna and l’ll be your teacher today.
Let’s start. (слайд 1)Look at the screen. The theme of our lesson “ England. Royal London”. Today at the lesson....(слайд 2)
- We’ll recite a poem.
- We’ll repeat the words and phrases.
- We’ll do some exercises.
- We’ll get acquanted new with grammar material.
- We’ll listen to the dialogue.
- We’ll watch video.
You see, we’ve got lots of work to do. Good luck!
Phonetic drill.(слайд 3)
I prepare a rhyme for you. Repeat after me, please. (the first group and then the second)
Hector Protector
Hector Protector was dressed all in green;
Hector Protector was sent to the Queen
The Queen did not like him,
No more did the King;
So Hector Protector was sent back again.
Lexical exercises. (слайд 4)
Do you know these words? I think so. Read and translate them, please.
To own, a crown, to crown, to reign, reign, to defeat, to remind, to touch, touching, a reason, a throne.
Try to guess what I’m speaking about.(выделение слайд 4)
- The period of time when a king or queen rules a country.
- Used for showing that something belongs to a person.
- A special chair that a king or queen sits on.
- A circular decoration that a king or queen wears on their head as a symbol of power.
Good of you!
Open your tests books on page 35 exercise 9. ( слайд 5) Let’s do it in turn and check it.
Reading.(слайд 6)
This time we are going to read the text. Open your books on page 128 exercise 19. The text “Royal London”. Read the first two paragraphs, please.
Is everything clear to you? Let me see. Here is the map of London. What are the names of these objects?(слайд 6 выделение)
Well done!
At home you will read this text till the end and then do exercise 24.
(слайд 7) Look at the screen, please. This family tree will help you. Whose family is it?
Imagine that you are….( слайд 8 )
And now I want you to make up a story, unusual story. Imagine that you are not people but things.
The first group will be a crown, and the second group will be a throne. My questions will help you to do this task.
What are you?
How do you look like?
Who often uses you?
What are your feelings, likes or dislikes?
One of you will read your story. Do, please!
Listening (слайд 9)
And now listen to the dialogue, please.
What Queen’s presents can you mention?
a big box of hot dogs
a mink coat
a large statue of a horse
a pair of snow shoes
a motor boat
a piece of iron
a silver jug
a large painting of a power station.
Good of you.
What holiday is coming?
What present would you like to get?
Ask each other questions what presents you would like to get and why.
Group 1, begin, please.
Very nice!
Introduction to the grammar rule. (слайд 10)
Let’s try to say such sentences in another way.
I want Santa Claus to bring me a new computer. Who can translate this sentence? Right you are.
Let’s change Santa Claus on the pronoun.
I want my mum to give me a puppy. Who can change the words my mum?
I want my mum and dad to give me a puppy. Your variant, please.
This grammar phenomena is called Complex object. You’ll learn about it more some time later.
But nevertheless I want you to do exercise 10 at home. It's almost the same as this one.
Watching video. (слайд 11)
Do you know that the Queen congratulates the citizens of Britain with Christmas every year?
Let’s see the episode from her Christmas speech and complete the table I’ve prepared for you.
The first column is fulfilled, in the second column you can see the questions, the third column is for completing . You’ll do it in groups. Be attentive, please.
We know | We want to know | Now I know |
The Queen congratulates all citizens of Britain with Christmas. | When did the Queen make her speech? How was it broadcast ? Broadcast – транслировать, передавать What did the Queen wish her citizens? |
(слайд 12)
Are you ready? Group 1 , your answers, please. Group 2 , your variants, please. Let's check your variants. (слайд 13) Well done.
This time we are going to return to the very beginning. (слайд 14) What kind of work do you like most of all? You see, I'm a teacher and I have to put marks. I think, your marks are “fives”( слайд 14 выделение)
To finish with I'd like to thank you and give Christmas presents.
Your homework for the next lesson: you are to do exercise 24 p. 134 it’s based on the knowing of the royal family and grammar exercise 10 on page 142.
This time we are going to return to the very beginning and I want you to put marks to yourselves.
Goodbye! It was much better to be desired.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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