Игра соревнование по английскому языку по теме: «Пусть звучит музыка»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Воспитательные: укрепление интереса к предмету, воспитание уважительного отношения к зарубежной культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.
Развивающие: развитие творческой деятельности, догадки, воображения, способности работать в группах и самостоятельно,
Образовательные: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала
Оборудование: презентации с записью песни “Yesterday”, отрывки из произведений Шопена, Бетховена. Раздаточный материал для выполнения заданий.
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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слухаМузыкальная академия
Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей
Современно, удобно, эффективно
Предварительный просмотр:
Ведущий : Dear guests! Now you will see a competition between two teams
of the 11 th. and 12 th. platoons on the theme “ Music.”
We welcome you and wish every success. Let me introduce you
our competent jury with following members. They are …..
(Команды идут на сцену. Капитаны представляют свои команды.)
Ведущий: Our competition is devoted to music. People can’t live without
music. We can hear music everywhere in the streets, in the
shops , in the cars, on TV, over the radio. So music helps us to
Разминка : Questions to both teams:
What is music?
Ведущий : Different composers from different countries have conquered
the hearts of people all over the world.
Game 1 . ”Let’s have an auction of the composers. Name the composers
and the countries.”
Henry Purcell Britain
Benjamin Britten Germany
Ludwig van Beethoven Russia
Sergei Rachmaninoff Austria
Johann Sebastian Bach Poland
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Italy
Frederic Chopin
Antonio Vivaldi
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Giuseppe Verdi
Ведущий: Music have a different influence on people. Music leave us
indifferent or can provoke powerful and complex
Game2. ‘’Write down as more adjectives as you can that come to your
mind to describe music.’’
Ведущий: The world of music is rich and varied. People choose music
according to their tastes.
Game3. ”Captains” competition. Who is the quick witted
1) Someone who writes music and plays musical instrument is…….
2) Someone who makes up songs and music is…….
3) Someone who sings is……
4) The national Scottish instrument is a……
5) The author of the Russian national anthem is…..
6) A musical style where the singer speaks o shouts the words is……
7) A type of music where most songs are about loneliness, sadness or
lost love is….
8) A type of music that was created in the USA is…..
9) Who was the king of Rock and Roll from 30s to the70s?
10) Which city in England did the Beatles come from?
Ведущий: Thanks a lot to the captains. The English group ‘’The Beatles have
changed pop music forever. People recognized something different
in their music. Their songs seemed to be more tuneful. The singers
were more attractive than many other performers.
(Песня ‘’Yesterday’’в исполнении ребят).
Game 4. ’’Put these names and surnames together to make the names of the
four Beatles.
1) John a) Star
2) Ringo b) Harrison
3) George c) McCartney
4) Paul d) Lennon
Ведущий: Nowadays it is not difficult to listen to music. If you want , please
switch on your tape recorder or musical center and begin listening to it. But many many years ago people listened to music too. They
invented musical instruments .
Game5. ”How well do you know the names of the musical instruments?”
Write them down.
Ведущий: Many different people are involved in music industry. They are the product managers, the engineers, the agents, the DJs and others.
Game 6. Match the description of their responsibilities with the name of the
a) decide which records we hear on the radio, 1)The product manager
in disco places etc.
b) control the equipment 2)The lawer
c)avoid singing bad contracts with recording 3) The engineer
and publishing companies
d)make all the important business and 4)The agent
financial decisions
e) choose clothes and stage image 5)The promotional person
f) visit radio stations and programme 6) The manager
producers and offer them new records
g) to be in charge of the progress of a record 7)The stylist
from the demo tape to the final product h) organize interviews, advertising campaign 8)The DJ
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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