урок на тему "Prepositions"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 4 класса по УМК М.З. Биболетовой.
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Алханайская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Конспект урока в 4 классе на тему
учитель английского языка
Дугарова Лариса Доржиевна
2013 г.
Открытый урок в 4 классе по УМК М.З.Биболетовой «Enjoy English»
Тема: “Prepositions.”
Цель: изучить предлоги и формировать коммуникативные компетенции по теме «Мебель в моей комнате».
Образовательная задача: используя изученные на уроке предлоги и изученные ранее обороты there is/there are составить предложения и описать свой дом и свою комнату.
Воспитательная задача: способствовать формированию бережного отношения к своему дому; формировать положительное отношение и интерес к изучению английского языка.
Развивающая задача: развивать логическое мышление, внимательность, речевую память, языковое восприятие и умение работать в группах.
Тип урока: урок решения учебной задачи.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, карточки с изображениями комнат и мебели, мяч и коробка.
Ход урока
I.Вводно-мотивационный этап
1.Организационный момент
T: Good morning, dear children!
P: Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you.
T: How are you boys? How are you girls?
P: We are fine, thank you.
T: What is the weather like today?
P: It is warm/cold.
T: What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
Phonetic exercise:
T: Let’s do phonetic exercise. You should write words to these sounds.
Sounds are written on the board. Children go to the board and write correct words to these sounds.
[a:] [æ] [ Ɔ:] [aiƏ] [ u:]
bath lamp floor fire room
bathroom pantry door fireplace bathroom
carpet black hall bedroom
armchair flat wall
T: Ok. Well done. Now answer my questions, please. (игра с мячом)
- Do you have a house?
P1: Yes, I have.
- Is it big or small?
P2: It is big.
- Is there a kitchen in your house?
P3: Yes, there is.
- Is there a bathroom in your house?
P4: Yes, there is a bathroom in my house.
-Is there a sofa in your room?
P5: Yes, there is a sofa in my room.
T: Excellent. Look at the screen. Try to translate these sentences (Ситуация разрыва).
- There is a ball in the box.
- There is a ball next to the box.
- There is a ball between a computer and a book.
- There is a ball under the box.
- There is a ball behind the box.
- There is a ball on the desk.
Ch: We can’t translate some words.
T: What words you can not translate?
Ch: next to, between, under, behind, on.
T: Let’s translate. What are they? Of course, prepositions.
What do you think what will be the theme of our lesson?
Ch: The theme of our lesson is preposition.
II. Операционно-содержательный этап
Ok. Now we shall read a text and find out some prepositions and also we should answer my question: Who is Simon’s new friend?
The big secret
What’s this? Who is saying “Mew!”?.
Simon is in the living room. The living room is nice. There is a round table in the middle of the room. There is a big armchair next to the fireplace. When it’s cold, Simon likes to read interesting books in the armchair.
Now he is looking for the sound: under the table, behind the armchair, between the sofa and the armchair. “Nothing!”
Simon is in his room. He is still looking for the sound: on the floor, under the bed, above the shelf. Under the carpet. “Nothing!”
Simon is in his kitchen. In the middle of the room there is a box. Simon is surprised.
“Mew!” comes from the box.
“What are you?” Simon says. “What is in the box?”
It’s a secret. Then he sees two black ears… two big green eyes…and a small pink nose!
“Oh! It’s a kitten!” says Simon.
He is so happy! He has got a new friend. They will play hide-and-seek together.
Ch: Simon’s new friend is a kitten. We find some prepositions. They are in the middle of,……
T: Marvellous. And now look at the screen. There are two pictures of rooms. One of them is Jill’s room and another room is Jim’s. You should listen to the dialogue and find their rooms. And then try to describe their rooms using prepositions.
Физкультурная минута
T: Are you tired?
Ch: Yes. We are tired.
T: Ok. Repeat after me.
Stand up! Stand straight! Hands up! Hands down!
Hands to the sides! Hands forward! Hands backward!
Hands on your hips!
Turn to the left! Turn to the right!
Bend left! Bend right!
Bend down, your hands touching your toes.
Hands up! Grow as tall as a tall tree! Nod your head!
Turn your head to the left, to the right!
Stretch yourselves! Move your fingers!
T: Ok. Sit down. Let’s do exercise. Your task is to choose right preposition to each sentence. I give you 4 minutes.
- There are two desks next to/in/at the room.
- There is no pantry on/in/to at his flat.
- There is a nice carpet at/on/in the floor.
- I share a large room of/from/ with my brother.
- There are many interesting books at/on/in the shelf.
T: Time is up. Let’s check.
- There are two desks next to the room.
- There is no pantry in his flat.
- There is a nice carpet on the floor.
- I share a large room with my brother.
- There are many interesting books on the shelf.
T: Ok. You have done it very good. And the last task for you is: 1.You will be divided into two groups. The first group should make a house of their dream. The second group will make their real house. And then you will describe your house, rooms, furniture in your room using the prepositions. I give you 6-7 minutes.
(Children begin to make posters of their houses.)
T: It’s time to check your works. Please the first group begin…
III.Рефлексивно-оценочный этап
T: What was new for you? Was it interesting at the lesson or no?
Your marks….
Your homework is:
- Ex.6,page 28 (to compare your room with Jill’s and Jim’s room).
- To write a composition about your favourite room.
- To learn by heart new words and prepositions.
T: Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye!
Список использованной литературы
- УМК М.З.Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко «Enjoy English-2»
- Мультимедиаприложение к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой, О.А.Денисенко «Enjoy English»
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